How much can software that is developed in house cost?
1) 10 times more than purchased software
2) software developed in house can have higher annual maintenance costs
What is the difference between Standard and customized software packages?
1) Generic packages are directed at wide audience
2) to gain a competitve advantage is limited
What is the benefit of acquiring standard software?
best practices of different organizations
What is the rank of system implementation approaches?
1) direct ( most risk, least control) ( cheap)
2) Modular
3) Parallell ( Least risk, most control) ( expensive )
What are the constraints of IT projects?
see slide 13
What are security needs for internal and external hardware?
Intenal- determines control, privacy, and security.
External- level of control can be difficult to predict.
What are needs for management and staff for external and internal hardware ?
internal- management and staff must be in house
External- management and staff are provided
What are the needs for meeting capacity for internal and external hardware?
1) internal- capacity is limited
2) External- additional capacity may be available
What are internal and external requirements for hardware costs?
1) internal- costs are fixed
2 external- cost are variable
What are the tailored needs for internal and external hardware?
1) internal- are allowed to be tailored to our needs
2) external-tailoring varies