ACLS - Autres Flashcards
When is Targeted Temperature Management
TTM (therapeutic hypothermia) done?
is whether or not the patient can follow commands. (lack of meaningful response to verbal commands)
How to do targeted temperature management ?
- perfusion rapide d’un liquide froid (4° C), isotonique, ne contenant pas de glucose, jusqu’à un volume de 30 ml/kg.
- The optimum temperature: 32-36 ° C
- A single target temperature, within this range, should be selected, achieved, and maintained for at least 24 hours.
Name IV infusions for the control of post-arrest hypotension ()
- IV Fluid Bolus: Give 1-2 L of normal saline or LR
- Norepinephrine (Levo) 0.1-0.5 mcg/kg/min
- Epinephrine 2-10 mcg/min
- Dopamine 5-20 mcg/kg/min
Describe normal range Potassium
3.5 to 5.0 mEq/L
Describe tx : Hydrogen Ion Buildup
- Respiratory acidosis is treated by providing proper ventilation and oxygen.
- Metabolic acidosis is treated with the administration of sodium bicarbonate.
Describe tx : Hyper/Hypokalemia
Hypo : infusion of potassium.
Hyper :
* sodium bicarbonate
* chlorure de calcium (500 mg à 1000 mg, soit 5-10 ml d’une solution à 10%).
Describe tx : Tension Pneumothorax
une décompression immédiate à l’aiguille en insérant une aiguille de gros calibre (par exemple, de calibre 14 ou 16) dans le 2e espace intercostal de la ligne médio-claviculaire .
Describe tx : Tamponade
(ex: Parasternal
The needle insertion site is in the fifth left intercostal space close to the sternal margin. Advance the needle perpendicular to the skin (at the level of the cardiac notch of the left lung).
Describe tx : Benzodiazepines overdose
Flamazenil 0.2 mg IV en 15 sec
Describe tx : Opioid overdose
Intranasal dosing is 2 mg IN (1 mg in each nostril), which may be repeated every 5 minutes.
Describe tx : Tricyclic antidepressants
Sodium bicarbonate 1 mmol kgIV
Describe : Betablocker overdose
Glucagon 3-10 mg bolus IV, suivi de 3-5 mg par heure IV