Acknowledging Who You Are Flashcards
Self-examination and acknowledging those areas of your life that are great, good, bad and possibly ugly.
Are you willing to be honest with yourself?
A willingness to acknowledge the pros and cons of oneself is vital to self-improvement.
Are there things you don’t like about yourself?
While there may be things you don’t like about yourself, the goal is not to focus on those things so much that you ignore the things that are great about you.
Do you spend any time working on changing those areas of your life that you don’t like about yourself?
It’s very easy to spend countless hours doing something that we love and makes us feel good and look good. But if we don’t balance our lives to address those areas that need our attention, such as a bad attitude or poor hygiene or time management skills, then it can become more difficult to address these areas as time goes on.
Do you feel like the area you don’t like about yourself can’t be fixed or your too old or you no longer have the ambition to keep trying because you feel like a failure?
Your determination to try and to keep trying is very important because you’re worth it. No matter how many times you have tried to lose weight, be confident, be on time or just decide to have a better attitude toward others and fail, the biggest failure is to stop trying.
So don’t give up!
Your age, the amount of times you have tried to change and may have even failed does not make you a failure. It just proves your determined.
A great example:
As an inventor, Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb. When a reporter asked, “How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?” Edison replied, “I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.”
Are you ready to try again?
Well, take a moment to forget your previous attempts and failures in the area you most want to address. If what you are trying to do for yourself is something good and healthy, then take a moment and do the following:
Close your eyes and see yourself the way you want to be.
Now, hold on to that image!