Acids & Enviroment Flashcards
What does normal rain contain?
Dissolved carbon dioxide
What is normal rain’s PH?
PH 5-6
What gases cause acid rain?
Sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide
What is acid rain’s PH?
What does acid rain harm?
Plants and aquatic life
What causes these harmful gases?
Burning fossil fuels
What do fossil fuels contain?
Small amounts of sulfur
What makes sulfur dioxide?
Sulfur combined with oxygen
What is sulfur dioxide’s word equation?
Sulfur+oxygen->sulfur dioxide
What is sulfur dioxide harmful to?
Human and other animals respiratory system
When are fossil fuels burned?
Car engines, factories and furnaces
What are the effects of acid rain?
Dissolves important plant minerals which gets washed away.
Damages leaves making photosynthesis less efficient.
Lowers PH of lochs/rivers making them too acidic for fish to live in.
What do many types of rock contain?
Calcium carbonate
Why is it useful that CO2 dissolves in ocean water
Reduces amount of CO2 in atmosphere
What is the negative effect of CO2 dissolving in ocean water?
Makes water more acidic
What happens when C02 dissolves in OW?
Difficult for corals/other marine animals to form calcium carbonate skeletons and shells
What other forms can acid take?
Snow & mist
What does acid rain do to forests?
Grow more slowly/die, dissolves nutrients in the soil which helps trees grow, release of harmful substances into soil, changes leaves, weakens trees
How can we prevent acid rain?
Spend more money on pollution control, find alternative energy