Acid Base and NH4 Balance Flashcards
What is the Isohydric Principle?
- the Isohydric Principle is that one buffer system reflects all buffers in the same fluid
- CO2/HCO3- buffer system is the one we analyze.
- CO2 can readily cross cell membranes, and thus, changes in extracellular pH typically (but not always) parallel those in the ICF.
Explain what the Intracellular buffers are
• HCO3- contributes equally to buffering of ECF and ICF.
• Phosphate
o intracellular pH is close to the first pK value of phosphate.
• Muscle also contains (~30mM) creatine phosphate
Explain how Bone buffers work in acute and chronic acid-base imbalances.
• In an acute setting, bone H+ ions are exchanged for either Na+ or K+ ions. The surface of bone contains a readily exchangeable pool of HCO3- and CO3– ions.
• Chronic acidosis leads to breakdown of bone matrix
o alkaline salts (hydroxyapatite and carbonate).
Explain how urinary buffers work.
• HCO3- is not a relevant buffer in urine, since practically all HCO3- is reabsorbed in the tubules.
• phosphate is a key urinary buffer.
o Since urinary pH can be lowered down to 4.5, most of the filtered HPO4– is converted to H2PO4-.
• Other urinary buffers include urate, creatinine and citrate.
• Some weak acids, like ketoacids, that are present in the urine during periods of starvation or diabetic ketoacidosis, can be also partially titrated.
• NH3/NH4+ is sometimes referred to as a urinary buffer, although strictly speaking, with a pK value of 9.2 it doesn’t behave like one in the normal range of urine pH.
o Nevertheless, excretion of NH4+ is an important means of regulating acid-base balance by the kidneys.
Why is basal respiration driven by dietary metabolism?
• CO2 is produced at such a high rate during the metabolism of carbohydrates, fat, and amino acids that even a temporary disruption of its removal can lead to profound acidosis.
Why is CO2 called a “volatile acid”? What is a fixed acid?
• Since CO2 is eliminated via the lungs, it is referred to as volatile acid to distinguish from other forms of acid/base equivalents, which are referred to as non-volatile or “fixed”.
What fixed acids are produced from incomplete metabolism of carbs and fat?
- lactic acid during exercise (tissue hypoxia)
* ketoacids during starvation (often in type 1 diabetes)
Why are vegetarians more alkaline?
- Catabolism of the carboxyl moiety of organic anions generates equivalent amounts of OH-, i.e. base.
- On a typical diet, approximately 30 mEq/day base is generated this way.
- However, on a vegetarian diet this value may increase up to 300-400 mEq/day
Can organic anions be used to treat acidosis?
- Yes
- e.g., with a lactated Ringer’s IV solution. The lactate is metabolized into bicarbonate by the liver, which can help correct metabolic acidosis.
- Similarly, Na-acetate is routinely added to the dialysis fluid during kidney dialysis to correct the acidosis associated with renal failure.
What is the citrus juice paradox?
• citrus juice contains citric acid but larger amounts of citrates.
• The overall effect is alkalinization of body fluids.
o metabolism of citric acid an equal amount of base is formed that neutralizes the added H+ ions
o metabolism of citrate anions ingested as citrate salts generates additional base
Explain the acid-base effects of protein metabolism
• H+ ions from the amino group are neutralized by metabolites of the carboxyl group.
• Initial catabolism of the amino groups yields NH4+, which is then converted into urea and H+ in the liver.
• basic amino acids generate net acid. acidic amino acids result in net base production.
o they tend to cancel each other.
• Sulfur-containing amino acids produces sulfuric acid, which ends with a net acid load of ~ 45mEq/d.
Explain the effects of phosphates and nucleic acids.
• nucleic acids and phospholipids are converted into phosphoric acid
o daily acid load of ~ 25mEq
• nucleic acids
o daily acid load of ~5mEq uric acid
Explain the effect of divalent cations.
• Divalent cations in the food are typically in a soluble form, however, they are converted into insoluble carbonate salts in the gut thereby trapping alkali
o daily acid load of ~ 20mEq.
• A common feature of transepithelial H+ ion transport is that for every H+ ion secreted, a HCO3- exits on the basolateral side and enters the blood.
• A common feature of transepithelial H+ ion transport is that for every H+ ion secreted, a HCO3- exits on the basolateral side and enters the blood.
On a typical North American diet what is the overall daily fixed acid load? How does that affect bicarbonate production in the KD?
- ~ 65mEq (equal to ~one and a half gallons of pH 2 hydrochloric acid!)
- The KDs must produce an equivalent amount of bicarbonate.
What is the lower and upper limit of urinary pH?
• 4.5 to 8.0
What is the main urinary buffer? What are its limitations?
What eliminates the remaining acid load?
• NH4
Describe HCO3 reabsorption in the KD Proximal Tubule (Note 100% of HCO3 is reabsorbed and does not affect acid secretion).
• In the Proximal Tubule
o Na/H exchanger-mediated HCO3- reabsorption accounts for ~60-70% of HCO3- reabsorption
o a luminal H+-ATPase, which pumps H+ ions into the urine.
o These two mechanisms together reabsorb ~80% of the filtered HCO3-.
Describe HCO3 reabsorption in the KD in the LOH.
o Bicarbonate concentration increases in the tubular fluid as it flows down the descending limb
o Reabsorption of 10-15% of the filtered load by the ascending limb mediated by Na/H exchange, but unlike the proximal tubule, this segment lacks a luminal carbonic anhydrase.
Describe HCO3 reabsorption in the KD in the CD.
o The remaining 5-10% of the filtered load is reabsorbed the “α-intercalated cell.”
o This cell secretes H+ ions via H pump (electrogenic) and H/K exchanger (electroneutral)
o Both pumps are driven by ATP hydrolysis and thus can generate a H+ gradient of ~1000:1.
o HCO3- exits this cell via a basolateral Cl-/HCO3- exchanger.
Describe HCO3 reabsorption in the KD (Note 100% of HCO3 is reabsorbed and does not affect acid secretion). All of them
• In the Proximal Tubule
o Na/H exchanger-mediated HCO3- reabsorption accounts for ~60-70% of HCO3- reabsorption
o a luminal H+-ATPase, which pumps H+ ions into the urine.
o These two mechanisms together reabsorb ~80% of the filtered HCO3-.
• In the LOH
o Bicarbonate concentration increases in the tubular fluid as it flows down the descending limb
o Reabsorption of 10-15% of the filtered load by the ascending limb mediated by Na/H exchange, but unlike the proximal tubule, this segment lacks a luminal carbonic anhydrase.
• In the Collecting Duct
o The remaining 5-10% of the filtered load is reabsorbed the “α-intercalated cell.”
o This cell secretes H+ ions via H pump (electrogenic) and H/K exchanger (electroneutral)
o Both pumps are driven by ATP hydrolysis and thus can generate a H+ gradient of ~1000:1.
o HCO3- exits this cell via a basolateral Cl-/HCO3- exchanger.
In conditions of HCO3- excess, the kidney also excrete HCO3-. What are the two mechanisms?
• 1) Reduced fractional reabsorption of HCO3- in the proximal tubule
o when the filtered HCO3- load exceeds proximal tubule Tm
• 2) active HCO3- secretion in the collecting duct
o through β-cell, which is a mirror image of the α-cell, with a luminal Cl-/HCO3- exchanger and a basolateral H+-pump. β-intercalated cells secrete HCO3-.
The pK value of the NH3+H+⇔NH4+ reaction is 9.2. This means that in the physiological pH range (both in the blood and the urine) the reaction is shifted to NH4+
The pK value of the NH3+H+⇔NH4+ reaction is 9.2. This means that in the physiological pH range (both in the blood and the urine) the reaction is shifted to NH4+
Why is excretion of NH4+ the equivalent of excreting H+?
- NH4+ is an acid precursor during urea synthesis.
- If NH4+ remains in the blood, it is converted into urea and H+ in the liver.
- Excreting NH4+ means there is less H+ production in the Liver.
NH4 is toxic. How does the body covertly transport it through the blood to the KD?
- The liver converts NH4+ into glutamine.
- Glutamine is then turned back into two NH4+ ions and α-ketoglutarate in the kidney.
- Metabolism of the two carboxyl groups of α-ketoglutarate in turn generates HCO3- ions, “new bicarbonate”
Explain the excretion of NH4+ (all of it)
• In the proximal tubule,
o the uptake of glutamine via a Na-glutamine cotransporter in both the apical and basolateral membranes.
o NH4+ ions produced intracellularly from glutamine are then secreted
• 1) Na+/NH4+ exchange using the Na+/H+-exchanger residing in the apical membrane, on which NH4+ can substitute for H+ ions.
• 2) NH4+ ions dissociate into NH3 and H+ inside the cell.
• NH3 is a gas and thus is highly diffusible.
• In the tubular fluid NH3 is converted back into NH4+ by secreted H+ ions.
• In the Loop of Henle
o In the descending limb of the Henle’s loop,
• the concentration of HCO3 and the pH of the tubular fluid increases.
• This alkalinization favors the dissociation of NH4+ into NH3 and H+, and some NH3 may diffuse out into the medullary interstitium.
o The ascending limb
• Impermeable to NH3 and actively reabsorbs NH4+.
• Reabsorption by Na/K/2Cl cotransporter, where this time NH4+ is masquerading as a K+ ion.
• NH4+ is reabsorbed paracellularly and through apical K channels
o The result is the accumulation of NH4+ in the medullary interstitium and the development of a corticopapillary gradient.
o All of the NH4+ secreted by the proximal tubule is reabsorbed in the loop.
• The Collecting Duct
o The NH4+ in the medullary interstitium is converted to NH3, depending on HCO3 levels the medulla
o The collecting duct is permeable to NH3, but is impermeable to NH4+.
• As NH3 diffuses into the tubular fluid, it is converted to NH4+ and excreted
o In the inner medullary collecting duct, some NH4 passes through the K part of the Na/K-ATPase
Explain the excretion of NH4+ in the proximal tubule,
• In the proximal tubule,
o the uptake of glutamine via a Na-glutamine cotransporter in both the apical and basolateral membranes.
o NH4+ ions produced intracellularly from glutamine are then secreted
• 1) Na+/NH4+ exchange using the Na+/H+-exchanger residing in the apical membrane, on which NH4+ can substitute for H+ ions.
• 2) NH4+ ions dissociate into NH3 and H+ inside the cell.
• NH3 is a gas and thus is highly diffusible.
• In the tubular fluid NH3 is converted back into NH4+ by secreted H+ ions.
Explain the excretion of NH4+ in the LOH
o In the descending limb of the Henle’s loop,
• the concentration of HCO3 and the pH of the tubular fluid increases.
• This alkalinization favors the dissociation of NH4+ into NH3 and H+, and some NH3 may diffuse out into the medullary interstitium.
o The ascending limb
• Impermeable to NH3 and actively reabsorbs NH4+.
• Reabsorption by Na/K/2Cl cotransporter, where this time NH4+ is masquerading as a K+ ion.
• NH4+ is reabsorbed paracellularly and through apical K channels
o The result is the accumulation of NH4+ in the medullary interstitium and the development of a corticopapillary gradient.
o All of the NH4+ secreted by the proximal tubule is reabsorbed in the loop.
Explain the excretion of NH4+ in the CD
o The NH4+ in the medullary interstitium is converted to NH3, depending on HCO3 levels the medulla
o The collecting duct is permeable to NH3, but is impermeable to NH4+.
• As NH3 diffuses into the tubular fluid, it is converted to NH4+ and excreted
o In the inner medullary collecting duct, some NH4 passes through the K part of the Na/K-ATPase
What are ways to upregulate and down regulate acid secretion in the KDs?
• Tubule cells regulate H+ and related channels due to intracellular pH.
o Covalent modifications to premade channels (fast acting)
o Transcription of new channels (takes days)
• in the collecting duct change the ratio of acid secreting α- vs. HCO3- secreting β-intercalated cells (slow)
Why is up and down regulation of H secretion a slow process?
- Lactic acidosis happens quickly and resolves spontaneously after exercise when lactate anions are metabolized into HCO3-. Quick excretion of acid would result in alkalosis
- ketoacidosis develops slowly during starvation and thus there is ample time for the kidneys to adjust.
- Also Hepatic glutamine synthesis and glutamine uptake are under transcriptional regulation by intracellular pH.
- NH4+ excretion in the tubule is independently regulated by acid-base balance
How does Na affect acid base balance in the PT?
• The most important effect arises from changes in Angiotensin II and catecholamine levels that directly alter the activity of the Na/H exchanger in the proximal tubule.
How does Na affect acid base balance in the CD?
- An increase in Na transport in the collecting duct also simulates H+ secretion, however occurs in separate cell types
- Na transport in principal cells while H+ secretion in α-intercalated cells. See below.
What are the three mechanisms that link Na Principle Cells with H α-intercalated cells in the Collecting Duct?
• 1) Na+ reabsorption renders the lumen negative which enhances H-ATPase activity residing in the neighboring α-cell.
• 2) Na reabsorption increases in K+ secretion by the principal cell, and some of this K is reabsorbed via the H/K-ATPase by α-cells, thereby secreting H.
• 3) Aldosterone stimulatesNa and K transport and also increases H+-ATPase on α-cells.
o Consequently, volume depletion or primary hyperaldosteronism makes patients more susceptible to the development of alkalosis.
How does K affect acid alkaline balance?
- K+ and H+ move in opposite directions across a cell membrane.
- Hypokalemia leads to cellular acidification and extracellular alkalemia, while the opposite occurs with hyperkalemia.
- Thus, hypo- and hyperkalemia are two of the few conditions where changes in extracellular pH may not reflect pH inside cells.
Thought Question: Since the kidney responds primarily to changes in intracellular pH, how does hypokalemia affect the nephron? What about hyperkalemia?
- Hypokalemia decreases K transport into cells, therefore it acidifies cells. The nephorn responds by increasing H+ secretion throughout the nephron and also stimulates NH4+ production in the proximal tubule.
- K and NH4+ compete with one another on the Na/K/2Cl cotransporter and on the Na/K-ATPase, thus hypokalemia enhances NH4+ transport (and H excretion further).
- For the same reasons, hyperkalemia results in diminished acid intracellularly and diminishes H and NH4+ excretion, which perpetuates the extracellular acidosis.
What is Kussmaul Breathing?
• A marked increase in breathing rate and tidal volume due to metabolic acidosis
What is Hyperchloremic acidosis? How does it affect plasma K and the heart?
- Hyperchloremia is abnormally elevated level of the chloride ion in the blood. The normal serum range for chloride is 97 to 107 mEq/L. Hyperchloremia can be symptomatic with signs of Kussmaul’s breathing, weakness, and intense thirst.
- Hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis also results in hyperkalemia, with further deleterious effect on heart function.
How does acute and prolonged metabolic and respiratory acidosis affect bones?
• prolonged metabolic, but not respiratory acidosis leads to bone dissolution.
What causes hyperchloremia?
As HCO3 goes down, Cl goes up. Therefore there is hyperchloremic acidosis
What are the effects of alkalosis on the body?
• The consequences of alkalosis are by and large opposite to those of acidosis except that alkalosis also depresses cardiac contractility. Acute respiratory alkalosis may result in tetany.
Acidosis also has significant effects on metabolism, including decreased glycolysis and lactate production, while the opposite occurs during alkalosis. This response is a form of metabolic buffering that mitigates the severity of the primary disturbance.
Acidosis also has significant effects on metabolism, including decreased glycolysis and lactate production, while the opposite occurs during alkalosis. This response is a form of metabolic buffering that mitigates the severity of the primary disturbance.
Acid-base abnormalities are defined from the perspective of the CO2-bicarbonate system in arterial blood. How do we measure HCO3?
- Arterial blood gas analysis includes pH and PCO2.
* Derive [HCO3-] using the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation.
What are normal ranges pH? PCO2? HCO3?
- pH 7.35-7.45
- PCO2 35-45 mmHg
- [HCO3-] 22-26 mEq/L
- pH values below 7.1 and above 7.6 are life-threatening, and very few people survive values below 6.8 or above 8.0.
How do you determine between the four cardinal disturbances: respiratory acidosis, respiratory alkalosis, metabolic acidosis and metabolic alkalosis?
- respiratory if they are initiated by an abnormal PCO2
* metabolic if they result from an abnormal [HCO3-].
How does the body measure and compensate for acid vs alkalosis?
• Measures pH, the common factor between PCO2 and HCO3
- metabolic abnormalities can be compensated (but not corrected) by adjustments in PCO2
- respiratory disturbances can be compensated (but not corrected) by the kidneys through adjustments in [HCO3-]
- These compensations, however, are always INCOMPLETE. This is because the compensatory response is initiated by the change in pH, and thus full restoration of pH would eliminate the signal that drives the compensation.
What is the timeline for respiratory compensation? Where are the receptors that measure pH?
- Peripheral chemoreceptors: Respiratory compensation begins almost instantly
- Central chemoreceptors: The full response takes a few hours to develop because HCO3- penetrates only slowly through the blood-brain barrier.
What is the timeline comparison for metabolic vs respiratory compensations? How does this help diagnose acute vs chronic pH imbalance?
- Metabolic disturbance develops slower than the respiratory compensation.
- In contrast, respiratory disturbances may develop much more quickly, while at the same time, renal metabolic compensation takes several days.
- Consequently, acute and chronic respiratory disorders can be distinguished based on the degree of renal compensation (i.e. change in [HCO3-]).
• Thus respiratory disturbances can only be buffered by non-bicarbonate buffers, including intracellular proteins.
• Thus respiratory disturbances can only be buffered by non-bicarbonate buffers, including intracellular proteins.
respiratory disorders tend to have more severe functional consequences than metabolic ones that result in comparable arterial pH.
respiratory disorders tend to have more severe functional consequences than metabolic ones that result in comparable arterial pH.
The limit for compensation is a PCO2 = 10mmHg, set by the CO2 production resulting from the respiratory work needed for hyperventilation. Note: this is actual PCO2, not change in PCO2. PCO2 cannot become lower than 10. And PCO2 cannot be higher than 70 because of the resulting hypoxemia and the effort in producing hyperventilation produces CO2.
The limit for compensation is a PCO2 = 10mmHg, set by the CO2 production resulting from the respiratory work needed for hyperventilation. Note: this is actual PCO2, not change in PCO2. PCO2 cannot become lower than 10. And PCO2 cannot be higher than 70 because of the resulting hypoxemia and the effort in producing hyperventilation produces CO2.
In clinical practice, however, metabolic acidosis is categorized?
- Metabolic acidosis can result from loss of bicarbonate or gain of fixed acid
- However, in clinical practice, it is based on its impact on the plasma anion gap.
What is the Plasma Anion Gap (PAG)?
PAG = [Na+] - [Cl-] - [HCO3-]
• PAG is the difference between the concentrations of anions and cations that were not included in the formula.
• Its value increases whenever an acid other than HCl is added to plasma,
o ketoacids in diabetes mellitus
o lactate during hypoxia
o unusual anions from the ingestion of toxins e.g. formic acid from methanol.
What is the normal value of PAG? What is the main utility of PAG?
• 8-10 mEq/L, largely attributable to the anionic charge of albumin.
What is the urine anion gap?
Urinary Na + K – (Cl) = urinary anion gap which actually measures the amount of NH4+ (so it is used to measure a cation)
What is Renal Tubular Acidosis (RTA)?
• acidosis caused by a renal defect in H+ ion secretion
Thought Question: how could IV normal saline cause metabolic acidosis?
Unusual: [HCO3-] declines by dilution and since PCO2 is “fixed” by ventilation the result is a decline in pH.
In clinical practice, how is metabolic alkalosis is categorized?
- increase in arterial pH and [HCO3-] and compensatory hypoventilation, which results in an increase in PCO2.
- The limit of respiratory compensation is ~70 mmHg because of the ensuing hypoxia.
Why does an increase in [HCO3-] typically result in a quick resolution of the alkalosis?
- Tm for bicarbonate reabsorption in the proximal tubule is only slightly above normal filtered load, and thus an increase in plasma [HCO3-] results in PT Tm and stops reabsorbing HCO3
- Furthermore, alkalosis suppresses HCO3- reabsorption in other segments, and also stimulates HCO3- secretion by β-intercalated cells.
What are the most common causes of metabolic alkalosis?
• Repeated vomiting, in addition to the acid loss, leads to secondary effects of losing of Na and K through the urine.
How does metabolic alkalosis cause loss of Na in urine?
- The kidney responds to the initial loss of HCl and the resulting alkalosis by bicarbonaturia (increasing excretion of HCO3)
- The direct (proximal tubule and loop) and indirect (collecting duct) coupling of Na and HCO3- reabsorption (as explained earlier), this leads to the loss of Na. (because HCO3 is not being reabsorbed, neither is Na
How does metabolic alkalosis cause loss of K in urine?
• Increased tubular flow, Na peeing and alkalinization of the tubular fluid both enhance K secretion in the collecting duct.
• Reduced intake of Na and K due to the upset stomach also contributes to the negative Na and K balance.
• Na and K loss results in activation of the sympathetic nervous system and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.
o Both catecholamines and angiotensin II stimulate the apical Na/H exchanger, i.e. HCO3- reabsorption in the proximal tubule. (cortisol does this too)
o Aldosterone stimulates Na reabsorption in the CD increasing H+ secretion.
o Aldosterone causes K secretion and causes hypokalemia.
o hypokalemia leads to intracellular acidosis which increases NH4+ excretion and increases in HCO3- reabsorption.
o This vicious cycle can be broken only by restoring NaCl and K stores.
What is contraction alkalosis?
• The mirror image of dilution acidosis is contraction alkalosis: plasma volume decreases, PCO2 remains constant, [HCO3] increases
What are the causes of Respiratory Acidosis?
• PCO2 increases due to depressed alveolar ventilation or because of excessive CO2 production.
What is the only cause of respiratory alkalosis?
- alveolar hyperventilation.
- As with respiratory acidosis, the change in [HCO3-] is relatively small acutely, but is substantial if hyperventilation persists for several days.
Thought Question: Why does a normal pH not necessarily mean that no acid-base disturbance is present?
- Practically any combination of the above acid-base disturbances may occur, except respiratory acidosis in combination with respiratory alkalosis.
- Such mixed disturbances can either amplify or neutralize each other
What are the steps for analyzing acid-base disorders?
1) arterial pH compared to PCO2 and HCO3, determine which is primary.
2) Assess if compensation is adequate (see notes
3) Calculate the plasma anion gap, compare the change in anion gap to the change in HCO3. If the Δ PAG > Δ [HCO3-], a concurrent metabolic alkalosis may be present. If the Δ PAG < Δ [HCO3-], a concurrent metabolic acidosis may be present.
If the Δ PAG > Δ [HCO3-]?
If the Δ PAG < Δ [HCO3-]?
If the Δ PAG > Δ [HCO3-], a concurrent metabolic alkalosis may be present.
If the Δ PAG < Δ [HCO3-], a concurrent metabolic acidosis may be present.
Therefore, clinically urinary NH4+ excretion is estimated indirectly by calculating the urinary anion gap (UAG).
UAG = [Na+] + [K+] - [Cl-]
Therefore, clinically urinary NH4+ excretion is estimated indirectly by calculating the urinary anion gap (UAG).
UAG = [Na+] + [K+] - [Cl-]
+]. In healthy people the UAG is near zero or is positive. In metabolic acidosis with normal kidney function UAG becomes negative.
+]. In healthy people the UAG is near zero or is positive. In metabolic acidosis with normal kidney function UAG becomes negative.
There is Metabolic HCO3 acidosis and alkalosis (decreased HCO3 is acidic)
There is Anion Gap Acidosis and alkalosis (increased gap is acidic)
There is a Chloremic Acidosis and alkalosis (increased chlorine is acidic)
There is Metabolic HCO3 acidosis and alkalosis (decreased HCO3 is acidic)
There is Anion Gap Acidosis and alkalosis (increased gap is acidic)
There is a Chloremic Acidosis and alkalosis (increased chlorine is acidic)