Achieving Flashcards
The success process
1) “Ask” the Universe
2) Believe
3) Work your fucking ass off
Three components of believing in the goal
1) Prepare
2) Visualize
3) Gratitude
Preparing to actually meet a goal
1) Plan the Celebration
2) Cancel Contradictory Plans
3) Tell People all About it
4) Ask experts for their advice
5) Research the hell out of your concept
6) Buy everything you need to make it happen
7) Create a Schedule
8) Create an Outline
9) Pull Together all the tools you need
Asking the Universe
1) Make a list of what you want
2) Tell people about each one
3) Pray for it to Happen
Setting SMART Goals
1) S=Specific: Avoid making it so vague that you could compromise with falling short
2) M=Measurable: Have a quantitative number to strive for
3) A=Actionable: Within your control
4) R=Realistic: Must be
5) T=Time-Bound: Have a time in which you would like to reach this goal
Visualizing an End Result
1) Vision Board: Cut outs of everything you want represented on one sheet of paper
2) Physical Symbols: Something you can hold in your hand or take with you that will remind you of the goal that you wanted to reach
3) Specific Picture in your mind: Something you can close your eyes and SEE in first person
4) Live a similar experience: Do something you can do already that feels like the thing you want to do
Showing Gratitude for the Future Accomplishment of a Goal
1) Pray to God and Say Thank you
2) Always that the people that are helping you along the way
Finding experts to ask for their advice
1) Contact a company and say you need to speak to the CEO, by name. Ask him/her for his input.
2) Find an expert on LinkedIn then ask for input
3) Go talk to a professor at a local college during their office hours
4) Use a service and then strike up a friendly conversation with a knowledgeable employee
Researching a goal
1) Read about it online
2) Ask questions to the experts
3) Go out and find books
4) Consult the notes you’ve taken in the past
5) Interview people who have done it in the past
Buying the things you need to reach a goal
1) Make a list of all the supplies, be specific
2) Get quotes on the prices
3) List the supplier
4) Contact all the supplier’s competitors to find the lowest rate
5) Ask for a discount
6) Purchase all of it from savings
Scheduling Time for an Achievement
1) Put in the things you absolutely need: Work/Sleep
2) Select a day (time period) that you will devote to that project
3) Confirm that you have a day off/request off
Outlining an Achievement
1) Start from the end goal: what are the characteristics of the finished product
2) Given those characteristics, what things can you say for sure about the design (informed by research)
3) Elaborate on those things, make them more specific
4) Peer Review, bring it to someone and make sure the whole thing is feasible…
5) Final Edit…. Make it Awesome
Creating a Plan for Reaching the Goal
1) Start from the end: Would would be the absolute final step
2) What would you need to do to prepare for that step?
3) And before that, what needs to happen as the final phase of completion
4) What would you need to do to prepare for that step
5) Etc…. all informed by research
Getting all the tools you need to reach your goal
1) Assume you will need more than you will.
2) List each item with a reason why you will need it
3) Contact people who might have those things avaliable
4) Ask if you can rent those things until your goal is reached
5) Buy only the things you need
Thoughts for building passion
1) How will reaching this goal change my life?
2) Do I feel a burning desire to actually make this thing happen?