Accounting Methods and Periods Flashcards
What accounting methods do sole proprietorship use?
Cash, accrual, and hybrid
Individuals: when do they report?
Always on the calendar year-end
What account doesn’t exist under cash method?
Accounts receivable.
Individual Accrual: When does unearned income (prepaid income) recognized? Under GAAP?
In the year received.
GAAP: When earned.
I Accrual: Exception for service income recognition timing?
TP can elect to defer recognition into the next year IF the service is to be provided within the following year.
I Accrual: What must TP do if income is included in FS?
Must include the pmts in gross income in the year of receipt.
I Accrual: when can TP elect to defer recognition of advance pmt for goods?
When the method of accounting for sale is the same for tax and financial reporting purpose.
I Rental income: when is prepaid rent taxed for cash based TP? Accrual based TP?
Cash: Always when received.
Accrual: Above plus when (1) all the events have occurred to attach the taxpayer’s right to receive the income and (2) the amount of income can be determined with reasonable accuracy.
I Rental income: when is lease deposit taxed?
If refundable, not till it is clear the owner will keep it at the end of the lease term. Taxed only when the lessor receives an unrestricted right to it.
I Rental income: when is leasehold improvement taxed? At what value?
If it is made in lieu of rent.
At FV.
Business with inventory: what accounting method must be use in general? 3 Exceptions?
- Accrual.
1. Certain businesses like a small one could be qualified to use cash method, but it must use accrual method for purchases and sales (hybrid method).
2. If TP’s annual gross receipt do not exceed $1 million, he can use cash method for all items.
3. If the TP is delivering service and not a corporation, and annual gross receipts exceed $1 million but are less than $10 million, he can use cash method for all items.
When is income taxed?
When realized - received. Can’t be realized when valuation is not possible.
Inventory: What methods can be used?
Always ok with FIFO.
LIFO is allowed if it is also used for financial reporting.
Inventory: what are 2 major impacts of using LIFO when prices are rising?
- Higher COGS.
2. Lower taxable income.
Inventory: At what value is the inventory determined?
At lower of cost or market (replacement cost or reproduction cost).
Must be at cost if using LIFO.
Inventory: What is the method manufacturers, certain retailers, and wholesalers are required to use?
Uniform capitalization method - capitalize (include) all the direct and indirect costs allocable to property they produce and for property bought for resale. Rather than expensing in the period.
Uniform capitalization method: Which indirect production costs must be capitalized?
Virtually all.
Uniform capitalization method: Anyone is exempt to use it?
Small personal property dealers - those with $10 million or less in gross receipts during the preceding 3 yrs.
Uniform capitalization method: Are costs for storage if off-site included? Marketing selling? Research? Quality control? Advertising? Distributions? Taxes? Utilities, repairs, rent, depreciation? General and administrative expenses?
Storage: yes. Marketing: no. Research: no. QC: yes. Advertising. Distributions: no. Taxes: yes except income tax. Utilities ets: yes. GAE: no.
What must TP do if voluntary changing accounting method? Does this include change from incorrect methods to correct ones? Exception?
Any adjustment to income (increase) should be spread over 4 years starting with the year of change.
If the adjustment is less than $25,000, all income can be included in the year of change.
Accounting method change: what must TP do if the change is involuntary due to IRS examination?
Any positive adjustment to income is included in the earliest tax year under examination.
Accounting method change: Does all method change must be reported? What about the ones designated as “automatic change” by IRS? On which form?
Yes (automatic means IRS will automatically approve the change and there is no fee involved).
Form 3115.
How is income reported when installment sales is used (pmts are received over a period of time)?
The gross profit from the sale is recognized as cash is received;
Recognized gain = cash received x gross profit percentage.
Installment method ex:
In yr 1, TP sold real property for $200,000. Received $100,000 cash and $100,000 plus accrual interest next year. The buyer assumed a $50,000 mortgage. The adjusted basis was $75,000. TP incurred $10,000 expense.
Gross profit and recognized income?
First compute amount realized:
$200,000 + $50,000 - $10,000 = 240,000.
Gross profit = 240,000 - 75,000 = 165,000
Gross profit percentage (gross profit/contract price):
165,000 / 200,000 = 82.5%.
Income: 100,000 x 82.5% = $82,500 in year 1 and 2 each
Installment sales: Does it apply to both gains and losses?
No, only to gains.
Installment sales: Who can’t use it?
Dealers for sales of inventory.
Installment sales: what’s the rule for depreciation recapture?
All depreciation recapture must be recognized in the yr of sale as ordinary income.
Installment sales: what’s the rule re: gain if the installment note is sold?
The entire gain must be recognized immediately.
Installment sales: how will the portion of gain be treated if the installment obligation doesn’t have a market interest rate?
Treated as imputed interest.
Is installment method required?
No, TP can elect to recognize gains currently.
Installment sale, depreciation recapture ex:
An assets is sold for $100 - Sec. 1245 property. Adjusted basis: $40. Depreciation claimed: $35. $100 will be paid in 2 installment of $60 in Year 1 and $40 in Year 2.
Amount realized (100) - Adjusted basis (40) = Realized/recognized gain (60). Year 1 recapture: $35. (if the entire $100 was received, $35 = Sec. 1245 ordinary income and $25 = Sec. 1231 gain).
Year 1 installment income:
Gross profit is reduced by $35: $60-$35=$25. Gross profit %: 25/100=25%. $60x25%=$15 + $35 (recapture) = $50.
Year 2 income: $40x25%=$10.
Prepaid expenses under cash method: when can TP take deduction? If deduction is not allowed, what must TP do? Does this rule apply to prepaid interest?
As long as benefits from the expenditure do not extend beyond the earlier of:
- 12 months after benefits first begin or
- The end of the year after the year in which the pmt was made.
The expense must be amortized over the benefit period.
No. It must be always amortized over the life of the loan.
Accural method: What are items TP can deduct when actually paid?
Refunds, rebates, awards, prizes, provision of warranty work or service contracts, taxes, and insurance premiums.
Capitalization rules: what does the cost of a Unit of Property (UOP) include?
All related expenditures incurred before the date the asset is placed in service, even repairs.
Capitalization rules: what does a single UOP include?
All components that are functionally interdependent.
Capitalization rules: Must TP capitalize employee compensation and overhead costs?
Can elect to do so or expense them.
What are 3 criteria that allow TP to expense lower cost items (safe harbor)?
- has written procedures in place that provide for the expensing of amounts below a specified dollar amount, or that have a useful life of 12 months or less.
- Expenses the items for its accounting/book records.
- Insures that items costing more than $5,000 are capitalized ($2,500 if the company does not have acceptable/audited FS).
Capitalization rules: Should routine maintenance be capitalized or expensed? What is the criteria? Examples?
Maintenance to keep UOP operating efficiency,
Testing, cleaning, inspecting, replacing parts.
Capitalization rules: what’s the rule in order to be “routine”?
The expenditure will be needed more than once during the asset’s life.
Capitalization rules: What are 4 types of expenses that can’t be treated as routine maintenance (must be capitalized)?
- It improves UOP (treated as a betterment).
- A loss has been deducted against the property’s basis, or the basis has been reduced as part of a sale/exchange.
- The asset has deteriorated and the expenditures restore the UOP to operating condition.
- It adapts a UOP to a new or different use.
- It is for maintenance, improvement, or repair of network assets or certain spare parts.
What’s the criteria to be “small taxpayers”?
Those with $10 million or less average annual gross receipts in the 3 preceding tax years.
What can qualifying small taxpayers deduct that other TPs can’t?
Can deduct improvements made to an eligible building property (one with an unadjusted basis of $1 million or less).
IF the total amount paid during the tax yr for repairs, maintenance, improvements, and similar activities performed on the eligible building does not exceed the lesser of $10,000 or 2% of the building’s unadjusted basis.
Which form is installment sale income reported?
Form 6252
Moving expense: when can it be deducted?
When it is related to starting of a new job in a distant location:
- Distance from new job to former residence is at least 50 miles apart than distance from old job to former residence.
- Employed at least 39 wks of 12 months fowling the move.
How can TP calculate the tax of a corporation for a short period?
Annualize income and calculate the tax on annualized income, then multiply the computed tax by the number of months in the short period divided by 12.
If a corporation filed a short-year return for 3 month, the income for that period is first multiplied by 4 (12 months/3 months) to annualize the income for 12 months. The corporate tax liability is then computed on this amount for the full 12 months. That amount is the multiplied by 3/12 to prorate for the short tax year.
Installment sale: depreciation recapture determined?
Lessor of;
realized gain on the sale or depreciation taken.
Installment sale: What is the classification of depreciation recapture? How does this impact the adjusted basis?
Reported as ordinary income.
Added to the original adjusted basis.