Academics Lesson I—Roman History Flashcards
Questions Influenced by Imperium by Julian Morgan and Liber Digitalis by David Jackson
Which Roman emperor received the nickname “Graeculus”?
Fun Fact: Graeculus was the name which his friends gave to the Roman emperor Hadrian. It means “Little Greek”, reflecting the fact that Hadrian had a long fascination with Greece and the Greeks.
On what day was the Roman emperor Hadrian said to have been born?
January 24th, 76 AD
Fun Fact: Publius Aelius Hadrianus was born on January 24th, 76 A.D., in Rome, or perhaps in Spain: we don’t know this for sure. On the death of his father he was adopted by Trajan at an early age and was coached into the role of emperor. He served with Trajan in various campaigns including the Dacian wars and held various positions in his entourage. His official adoption as successor was announced after Trajan’s death in 117 A.D., though Hadrian’s promotion to emperor was made difficult as he was disliked by some leading senators: in the process four ex-consuls were killed, accused of plotting against him. Hadrian had interests in performing arts and architecture, and his villa at Tivoli was his refuge. He spent much of his time visiting far off outposts of the empire and strengthening its boundaries. His wall in northern England is famous, but he also constructed a similar frontier system in Germany. Other visits took him to Spain, Greece, North Africa, Turkey, and Egypt. Exhausted by travels, he returned to Rome where he appointed Aurelius Antoninus as his successor in early 138 AD. He died in the same year and was buried in his mausoleum, later renamed Castel Sant’ Angelo.
Give the full name for the father of the Roman emperor Hadrian.
Publius Aelius Hadrianus Afer

Fun Fact: Aelius Hadrianus Afer was a Roman senator, who owned land in Spain, in the area of Italica, near modern day Seville. He was the cousin of Trajan and the father of the future Emperor Hadrian, though he died while the boy was still young.
In what area of Spain did Afer, the father of the Roman emperor Hadrian, supposedly own land?


Fun Fact: Italica was a wealthy and important town, near modern day Seville in Spain. It was where the future Emperor Hadrian grew up.
Who was the mother of the Roman emperor Hadrian?

Fun Fact: Hadrian’s mother was called Paulina, who came from the coastal town of Cadiz, called Gades in Roman times.
Who was the sister of the Roman emperor Hadrian?
Domitia Paulina

Fun Fact: Domitia Paulina was Hadrian’s sister, who was about one year older than him. She was the daughter of Paulina and became the wife of Servianus.
Give the full name for the cousin of Hadrian who became emperor of Rome in 98 AD.

Marcus Ulpius Trajanus
Fun Fact: Marcus Ulpius Traianus was born in around 53 A.D. in Spain. In his early career he served in Syria, Spain, and Germany. He was adopted by the emperor Nerva in 97 A.D. and succeeded him on his death a year later. Trajan was an extremely successful emperor who brought together the senate and the people behind many of the works he undertook. His wars in Dacia, north of the Danube, led to ceasefire in 102 A.D. and more significant success in 105 A.D.. The leader of the Dacians, Decebalus, was driven to commit suicide and this was upheld as one of Trajan’s finest achievements. Trajan’s column depicts the two Dacian campaigns and served as the emperor’s mausoleum. Trajan undertook campaigns against the Parthians in Mesopotamia in 115 and 116 A.D., though little long term benefit arose from these. Before he could return to Rome, however, he died in 117 A.D. in Cilicia. His reputation stood high with the people as he had strengthened Rome’s borders while ruling firmly and well. He was the guardian of Hadrian and was married to Plotina. He was also the cousin of Afer, Hadrian’s father.
What is family name of the Roman emperor Trajan?

Fun Fact: The Ulpius family was the family of the emperor Trajan.
Who was the wife of the Roman emperor Trajan?
Fun Fact: Plotina was the wife of the emperor Trajan. Her great love for Hadrian probably helped him become emperor more than anything else.
Identify the person blocked out in this family tree.

Marcus Ulpius Traianus

Fun Fact: Here is the full family tree:
Identify the person blocked out in this family tree.


Fun Fact: Here is the full family tree:
Identify the person blocked out in this family tree.


Fun Fact: Here is the full family tree:
Identify the person blocked out in this family tree.


Fun Fact: Here is the full family tree:
Identify the person blocked out in this family tree.


Fun Fact: Here is the full family tree:
Identify the person blocked out in this family tree.


Fun Fact: Here is the full family tree:
Identify the person blocked out in this family tree.


Fun Fact: Here is the full family tree:
Identify the person blocked out in this family tree.


Fun Fact: Here is the full family tree:
Identify the person blocked out in this family tree.


Fun Fact: Here is the full family tree:
Identify the person blocked out in this family tree.


Fun Fact: Here is the full family tree:
Identify the person blocked out in this family tree.

Aelius Hadrianus Afer

Fun Fact: Here is the full family tree:
Identify the person blocked out in this family tree.


Fun Fact: Here is the full family tree:
Identify the person blocked out in this family tree.


Fun Fact: Here is the full family tree:
Identify the person blocked out in this family tree.


Fun Fact: Here is the full family tree:
Identify the person blocked out in this family tree.


Fun Fact: Here is the full family tree:
Identify the person blocked out in this family tree.


Fun Fact: Here is the full family tree:
Identify the person blocked out in this family tree.

Domitia Paulina

Fun Fact: Here is the full family tree: