AC4.2 Explain how social changes affect policy development Flashcards
What is an example of a social change affecting policy making in the UK?
Legality of homosexuality in 1967, in 185 it was the last execution for being gay, however there have never been any laws against a woman being with another woman
What were the old laws on domestic violence?
It used to be generally accepted that husbands and fathers had the right to beat their wives and children
In the 19th century if a woman killed her husband what would she be charged with?
Petty treason (a more serious form of murder)
What happened in 1976 in regards to domestic violence policies?
Violence against wives was classed as criminal assault
What happened in 1991 in regards to domestic violence policies?
R v R made rape within marriage an offence
What happened in 2004 in regards to domestic violence policies?
Domestic Violence and Victims Act gave all genders the same protection
What happened in 2015 in regards to domestic violence policies?
Emotional and financial abuse was classed as domestic abuse
Why was the law on domestic abuse to slow to change?
Attitudes didn’t change
Male dominated authorities
Women had no political power before 1918
Women were to scared to speak out to other men