AC2.1 Biological theories of criminality Flashcards
What did Lombroso think the normal women was?
A good mother, sexually passive and monogamous - GENDER BIAS AS EVALUATION POINT
What did Lombroso use biological data for?
To show that the smaller size of the average female brain and body could demonstrate the intellectual inferiority of women
Why did Lombroso feel a women would commit the crime of prostitution?
Due to an inherited deviant nature rather than poverty - his studies showed limited cranial capacity in prostitutes and also narrow foreheads, prominent cheekbones, left-handedness and short height
What was Sheldons theory called?
Sheldons theory of somatotypes
What did Sheldon believe?
That certain body types (somatotypes) are associated with certain personality characteristics
What were the 3 somatotypes that Sheldon found?
Endomorphic - pear shape, extra fat, relaxed personality
Mesmorphic - attractive and desirable body, muscular with an adventurous personality
Ectomorphic - narrow and thin legs and arms, socially anxious personality
What did Sheldon do to support his theory?
In 1949 assessed the somatotypes of college students and delinquents from photographs and found a highter mean mesomorphy rating in the deliniquents (4.6/7 compared to 3.8/7)
What is further support of Sheldons theory?
Hartl et al 1982 found the most seriously delinquent of Sheldons study had a mean mesomorphy of 5, adding further support
What have a number of other studies confirmed in relation to Sheldons theory?
That there is a small association between bodily build and criminality
What is a weakness of Sheldons theory?
Is this body type necessarily due to differences in physiology? Could be environmental factors or genes so reductionist
What are the 2 genetic theories of criminality?
MAOA gene (warrior gene associated with extreme agression - people with a mutant version of this gene have a deficit in MAOA acitivity resulting in increased aggression) XYY 'supermales' (atypical chromosones result in atypical sexual development e.g. Klinefelter's syndrome is XXY so males have female characteristics - if a man has XYY then could be hyper masculine meaning an increase in aggression is possible)
What is support of the MAOA gene?
Brunner Syndrome (first identified in 1993 in 14 males from one family where they were unable to regulate aggressive impulsive but did not affect females) show that the aggression wasn't a result of nurture Christiansen 1977 - 33% conc rate for MZ twins with twin also criminal compared to 12% for DZ twins
What are 2 weaknesses of the MAOA gene?
Problems with twin studies as raised in same enivronment and also not 100% conc rate
Diathesis stress model!!
What are 2 strengths of the XXY supermales?
Howitt 2009 found these males are rare in general population but more common in offender population (however they tend to commit non-violent crimes - aggression???)
Studies show there is a slightly higher prevalence of mild learning difficulties amoungst offenders
What are 2 weaknesses of the XXY supermales?
Graham et al 2007 found testosterone levels amoungst XXY men and XY men are no different which means they are no more aggressive
May be that XXY men higher in offender population is to do with learning difficulties rather than aggression