AC1.2 Social Construction of Criminality Flashcards
What is meant by the term social construct?
How is crime a social construct?
Social construct - an idea that has been created and accepted by the people in society.
What counts as criminality is simply whichever acts a society defines as criminal. This can differ from one society to another, and over time.
When a person has more than one spouse.
A woman has more than one husband.
A man has more than one wife.
Voluntary sexual activities between a married person and someone other than their spouse.
Capital punishment
The legally authorised killing of someone as punishment for a crime.
Corporal punishment
Physical punishment: the infliction of physical pain upon a person’s body as punishment for a crime.
Death penalty
Punishment by execution.
Differential enforcement
The idea that an individual’s past, present and anticipated future rewards and punishments for actions explain crime.
Activities illegal in the UK but legal elsewhere
Possession of cannabis (USA, Portugal)
FGM (Africa, Middle East, Asia)
Driving at 16 years old (USA)
Activities legal in the UK but illegal elsewhere
Jaywalking (USA)
Chewing gum (Singapore)
Impersonating Hitler (Germany, Austria)
Used to be illegal in the UK
The use of medical marijuana.
Used to be legal in the UK
Drink driving.
Child labour.
Using mobile phone while driving.
How laws change in different CULTURES - POLYGAMY
Legal in - mostly in certain Muslin countries e.g. Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines.
Illegal in - most countries.
Religion - some religions allow for multiple marriages (the Qu’ran permits Muslim men to take up to 4 wives).
Tradition - polygamy has traditionally been practiced in some African countries.
How laws change in different CULTURES - ADULTERY
Legal in - most countries including the UK and India (2018)
Illegal in - many Muslim countries, 21 US states.
Religion - many religions make adultery a ‘sin’, which can influence law making.
Position of women - women often have lower status in countries where adultery is illegal. Punishments are often harsher for women than men who commit adultery.