AC 4.1 Assess the use of criminological theories in informing policy development Flashcards
What is psychoanalysis and treatment for criminal behaviour - linking to psychodynamic theories of criminality?
(Individualistic theories)
Psychoanalysis, founded by Freud, is a treatment where the patient verbalises their thoughts. This method aims to access unconscious or repressed thoughts, which are believed to have led to the criminal activity. The assumptions are that any psychological problems, caused during development or repressed trauma, are embedded in the unconscious mind.
Does psychoanalysis and treatment for criminal behaviour work?
-It is unlikely to provide quick answers
-Criticism comes from Blackburn (1993) who
points out that there are very few positive
evaluations of classic psychoanalysis
-The nature of psychoanalysis creates a
power imbalance between therapist and
client that could raise ethical issues
-A patient could discover very painful
memories that were deliberately repressed
What is behaviour modification- linking to learning theories of criminality?
(Individualistic theories)
Behaviour modification focuses on techniques to extinguish undesirable behaviours and promote desirable ones. The principle is that behaviours that are reinforced are strengthened, whereas the behaviours that are punished are weakened.
Does behaviour modification work?
Fo and O’Donnell (1975) devised a ‘buddy system’ in which adult volunteers were assigned to a young offender to provide consistent reinforcement. This appears to have improved the behaviour of serious offenders, its impact on those who had committed less serious offences was mixed.
What are neurochemicals?
Biological theories
Virkkunen et al (1987) found that violent offenders had a lower than average turnover. This can be treated by a diet with foods that contain serotonin such as salmon and fresh tuna. In 2012 a pilot scheme provided chemical castration for sex offenders in Her Majesty’s Prison (HMP) Whatton, England. Volunteers were given a pill to reduce their sex drive. Such treatment was positively received by the prisoners who were volunteers.
What are Eugenics?
Biological theories
The study of Eugenics claimed that;
-Inheritance of genes could explain simple and complex human behaviour and characteristics
-It reinforces the ideas of biological determination and claims that biology had contributed towards many of the social problems throughout the late 19th century
Such policy has varied over time, for example, the Nazi sterilisation program. In essence it advocates higher rates of sexual reproduction for people with desirable traits and higher rate of sterilisation of people with less desirable traits.
What is the death penalty?
Biological theories
According to Amnestry International (2017) 1,032 people were executed in 2016 (excluding China). In the UK there was a temporary abolition of the death penalty in 1965. It was shown that the murder rate did not soar as a result of the abolition so a permanent abolition took place in 1969.
Does the death penalty work as a crime control method?
Statistics from the USA show that the murder rate is lower in states that do not have the death penalty than those who do. In 2015 the murder rate was 25% higher in death penalty states than non-death penalty states.
What is penal populism?
Sociological theories
Penal populism refers to the government’s attempts at proposing laws to punish offenders that will be popular with the general public. When the public became concerned about violent crime in the community. The media fuelled this concern with headlines about the need not to be soft in crime. As a result, there was a consensus between the political parties that they needed to be tough in crime and that offenders needed to be punished
What is prison?
Sociological theories
Prison sentences can be
Concurrent- Where two or more prison
sentences are ordered to be served at the same time
Consecutively- Served one after the other
Suspended- Served in the community with conditions often relating to unpaid work
Does prison work?
According to the national audit office, there is no consistent correlation between prison numbers and levels of time. Short prison sentences are less effective than community sentences. People in prison, prisoners and and staff are much less safe than they were 5 years ago. More prisoners killed themselves, self-harmed and were victims of assault. The prison system has been overcrowded since 1994. Prison has a poor record for reducing reoffending rates. 46% of adults are reconvicted within one year of release.
What is zero tolerance?
Pioneered by the New York police, this policy demands that all crimes are acted on, no matter how trivial they are. Zero tolerance claims to have been very successful in New York.
Does zero tolerance work?
In New York, since 1993 major crime fell by 39% and murder by 49%. Figures for the three months to February 1997 showed a 22% fall. Zero tolerance works well in heavily populated areas with high policing levels and large amount of petty crime but where the population is dispersed or the crime rate is low it may have little effect.
What is restorative justice?
Restorative justice is a voluntary process involving the person who has suffered harm and the person who has caused harm. Trained facilitators work with victims and offenders to talk about what happened, who was affected and how and what can be done to help repair the harm. It is used by prisoners and police forces and is growing in popularity. Also, government funding has been provided to the police and crime commissioners to make the process available to victims of crime.
What is CCTV?
The use of CCTV in criminal investigation in an invaluable techniques. It is one of the first requests made by the police at the start of their enquiries.
Does CCTV work?
It can make ‘a small, but statistically significant, reduction in crime’. This is more effective when directed at reducing theft of and from vehicles, while it has little to no impact on violent crime. It can be used to show the nature of the crime and identify suspects and witnesses. Many infamous cases have been solved thanks to CCTV.