Ac 3.2 biological Flashcards
Physiological - Lombroso - strengths
- first person to study crime scientifically as it was previously seen as a religious or moral issue
- his later work took into account some social and environmental factors
- his theory helps to prevent future offenders from committing rather than just punishing them when they do so
Physiological theories - Lombroso - weaknesses
- research since has shown that there is no link between facial features and criminality
- he failed to compare his findings to a control group of non criminals which means that he lacks validity
- it can be seen as providing a self fulfilling prophecy as it labels people who may have a particular facial feature as criminal
- suggests that criminality is innate
Physiological theories - Sheldon - strengths
- other studies have replicated Sheldon’s work, Glueck and Glueck found that 60% of criminals were mesomorphs
-most serious delinquents in Sheldon’s sample were mesomorphs
Physiological theories - Sheldon - Weaknesses
- Glueck and Glueck found that criminality is best explained by a combination of factors (biological, psychological and environmental) not just biologically
- criminals may develop a mesomorphic body type as a result of criminality e.g., have to be physically tough to succeed. So, criminality causes somatotype not the other way round.
- social class may have an influence on their body type e.g., working class men may be mesomorphs because of their manual jobs
- mesomorphs are labelled as criminals so may cause a self fulfilling prophecy and police may target and convict these people due to the associations.
- doen’t explain those ectomorphs and endomorphs that commit crimes
- doesn’t explain whether mesomorphs commit crimes other than violent ones
Genetic theories - twin studies - strengths
- because MZ twins are genetically identical we can see whether criminal behaviour is also identical
- Ishikawa and Raine found a higher concordance rate for identical twins that non identical twins
Genetic theories - twin studies - weaknesses
- if genes were the only cause of criminality then the concordance rate of MZ twins should be 100%
- higher concordance rates between MZ twins may be due to a shared environment e.g., home, school etc
- parents may treat identical twins more alike than they do non identical which may produce similarities in behaviour
- identical twins may feel closer than non identical ones do which ay produce similarities in behaviour
- we cant measure the effect of just genetics without any environmental factors
- in early studies there was no DNA testing so we cant say that the twins studied were in fact 100% genetically identical
Genetic theories - adoption studies - strengths
- overcome the problem with twin studies as we can measure the effect of the environment
- allows us to see the impacts of nature and nurture
- they give some support to genetic explanations as it was found that adoptees were more likely to become criminal if their biological parent(s) were
Genetic theories - adoption studies - weaknesses
- Gottfredson and Hirschi argue that adoption studies show that genetics have little effect on criminality
- adopted children are placed in homes that are similar to their birth families. These similar environments may influence behaviour e.g., same class, ethnicity etc
- many children aren’t adopted immediately after birth so spend some time with their biological families which may cause criminality in future life
Genetic theories - XYY syndrome - strengths
- Jacob et al found an association between XYY syndrome and offenders imprisoned for violent behaviour
- Price and Whatmore found some links between the syndrome and property crime
- testosterone is linked to higher levels of aggression and violence so having this extra Y chromosome means that the individual has more testosterone
Genetic theories - XYY syndrome - weaknesses
- even if someone has this syndrome, it cannot be proved that it was the cause of their violence
- XYY males are said to have lower intelligence so they may just be easier to catch and therefore over represented in statistics
- XYY males are tall and well built so fit the violent offender stereotype so may get targeted by police/courts so are more likely to be convicted, over representing the statistics again
- the syndrome is very rare so cannot explain all violent crimes
- this syndrome only affects males so doesn’t explain female criminality
Brain injuries and disorders - strengths
- in some cases brain injury/disorders have led to a change in behaviour and personality leading to criminality e.g., Phineas Gage
- there are some links between abnormal EEG readings and psychopathic criminality
- prisoners are more likely to have a brain injury than non prisoners
Brain injuries and disorders - weaknesses
- crimes caused by injury or disorders are rare so cannot explain all criminals behaviour
- it is not clear that. abnormal EEG readings are linked to psychopathies criminality as some psychopaths have normal EEG readings and some normal people have abnormal EEG readings
- a brain injury may be a result of their criminality not the cause e.g., they got into a fight
Biochemical explanations - strengths
- sex hormones, blood sugar levels and substance abuse can affect mood, judgment and aggression
- testosterone levels and criminality both peak at around the same age suggesting the hormones affect criminal behaviour
- alcohol reduce self control which may lead to criminality, particularly violent behaviour
- crack cocaine has been strings linked to violent crime
- biochemical factors are taken into account by the courts e.g., if a mum kills her baby as a result of post natal depression then it can be used as a partial defence or pre menstrual tension has been accepted as a defence for some shoplifting cases
Biochemical explanations- weaknesses
- biochemical processes may require an environmental trigger so the biochemical may not be a direct cause
- Scarmella and Brown found testosterone levels don’t majorly affect aggression levels
- Schalling found testosterone linked to high levels of verbal abuse, not physical
Overall criticisms
- biological theories ignore environmental factors, it may give them the characteristics to be criminal but they still require a trigger
- studies usually look at convicted criminals so ignore those who got away with the crime so they findings cant be generalised to all criminals
- most biological research focuses on males so doesn’t explain female criminality
- what counts as a crime varies between cultures and over time so its hard to find universal explanations