A.C 2.1 Flashcards
Social Control
What is Social Control?
Social control is where; organisations or bodies of people put into place rules or regulations for people to follow to ensure that society runs smoothly by preventing criminal and deviant behaviour.
What is formal social control?
It is carried out by authorised organisations and bodies such as police officers, courts and work places of employment often implemented through statutory and judicial processes.
What is informal social control?
It is exercised by society without stating any rules or laws. It is expressed through norms and customs. Social control is performed by informal agents on their own in an unofficial capacity.
What is one example of an formal sanction?
~arresting someone
~issuing a sentence for imprisonment
What is one example of an informal sanction?
~demonstrating disapproval for certain actions and behaviours.
What are the two main forms of social control?
Define internal social control?
When we control ourselves, self-control which comes from our own personalities, beliefs and values
Define external social control?
When other people or groups in our society control us.
These people or groups are called agencies of social control.
What is an example of either people or agencies of social control?
~the criminal justice system
~local authorities
Travis Hirschi-Social bond theory (1969)
~Hirschi’s ideas on control theory placed greater emphasis on social influences
~He put forward the idea that we are all subject to ‘animalistic impulses’ and thus claimed that we are all therefore ‘capable of committing criminal acts’
~He suggested that people are more likely to be deviant when their ‘bond to society is weak or broken’ and those with ‘good social bonds’ are less likely to commit crime
~Hirschi came up with the four key elements of the social theory bond based on this idea…..
What are the four elements of the Social Theory Bond
1)Attachment- the attachment of the individual to others.
2)Commitment-If we are committed to someone or something (e.g. job/marriage/good education or other conventions)
3)Involvement- Being involved in conventional activities (e.g sports/clubs/studying etc)
What is social control?
Social control refers to the mechanisms, strategies, and institutions that society uses to regulate individuals’ behavior and ensure conformity to social norms and laws.
What are the two main types of social control?
The two main types of social control are informal social control and formal social control. Informal control relies on social norms and expectations, while formal control is enforced by official institutions such as the police and the legal system.
What is informal social control?
Informal social control involves the unwritten rules and expectations of society that guide behavior, such as family, peer groups, school, and community norms.
How does family contribute to informal social control?
The family instills values, norms, and expectations from a young age. Parents and caregivers guide children’s behavior through discipline, reward systems, and socialization.
What role do peer groups play in informal social control?
Peer groups influence behavior by encouraging conformity to social norms. Peers may apply pressure to fit in and avoid actions that deviate from accepted behavior, such as through peer pressure.
How does school act as a form of informal social control?
Schools play a significant role by teaching students formal and informal rules of behavior. They enforce disciplinary rules, encourage cooperation, and promote societal values through the curriculum and teacher-student interactions.
What is formal social control?
Formal social control refers to the regulation of behavior through institutions and laws, such as the police, courts, and legal sanctions. It involves official actions and rules designed to maintain order.
What role do the police play in formal social control?
The police enforce laws, maintain public order, prevent crime, and investigate criminal activity. They have the authority to make arrests, issue fines, and apply other legal measures to ensure compliance with the law.
How do courts function in formal social control?
Courts interpret and apply the law. They decide whether an individual has violated the law and impose punishments or sentences. Courts act as a formal means of enforcing legal standards.
What are sanctions in the context of formal social control?
Sanctions are penalties or rewards used to encourage conformity or discourage deviance. These can be legal penalties (fines, imprisonment) or positive rewards (recognition, reduced sentences) in response to behavior.
What is law enforcement in terms of social control?
Law enforcement involves the activities of institutions like the police to detect and prevent crime, apprehend criminals, and enforce the law to maintain social order and protect citizens.
What is the criminal justice system (CJS) as a form of social control?
The criminal justice system (CJS) enforces laws and handles crime by processing offenders through police, courts, and prisons, using formal sanctions like fines, imprisonment, or rehabilitation programs to control behavior.
How does government contribute to formal social control?
The government creates and enforces laws, policies, and regulations. It also establishes institutions like the police and judiciary to ensure adherence to these laws and maintain public order.
What is surveillance as a form of social control?
Surveillance involves monitoring and observing individuals or groups to deter criminal behavior and ensure conformity. This can include CCTV, social media tracking, or data monitoring.
What is the role of public opinion in social control?
Public opinion can act as an informal form of social control by shaping societal norms and creating pressure on individuals to conform to expected behaviors. Society may punish deviance through social stigma or exclusion.
What is the concept of deviance in relation to social control?
Deviance refers to behaviors that violate societal norms. Social control mechanisms aim to reduce deviance by encouraging conformity through both formal and informal means, such as punishment and socialization.
How does culture impact social control?
Culture influences the norms, values, and expectations that shape social control. Different societies have varying standards for acceptable behavior, and social control mechanisms reflect these cultural differences.
What is self-regulation in social control?
Self-regulation refers to individuals regulating their own behavior according to societal norms and values without external enforcement. This can be influenced by internalized social norms and a person’s conscience.
How does religion serve as a form of social control?
Religion often provides moral guidance and sets norms about what is acceptable behavior. Religious teachings and institutions can enforce conformity through guilt, shame, or the fear of divine punishment.
What is socialization in the context of social control?
Socialization is the process by which individuals learn the norms, values, and behaviors of their society. It is a key mechanism of informal social control, ensuring people understand and conform to societal expectations.