Abuses and rights Flashcards
Doing harm to a patient defined as any act or failure to act that is non-accidental and causes or could harm or death
Making false statements about someone to a third person and the character of the first person is injured
Intentionally attempting to touch the body of a person or even threatening to do so
Forcing the patient to do something against his or her wishes
Improper, negligent, or unethical conduct which results in harm, injury, or loss to a patient
Taking anything that does not belong to you
Defamation by false verbal statements
Restraining a persons movements or actions without proper authorization
False imprisonment
Failure to exercise the degree of care considered reasonable under the circumstances when that failure results in an unintended injury to a patient
When you see someone steal and you do not report it
Aiding and abetting
Defamation by making false statements in writing
Actually touching a person without that person consent
A resident is told that he cannot have dessert unless he showers and shaves
Mental, physical
A resident was found by the evening shift lying in urine and feces
Physical, mental
Mrs Jones lives with her sons family. She is locked in her room all day while they are at work
Involuntary seclusion
A cna strokes a man penis to see if he’ll get an erection