Type I Error
Reject null hypothesis incorrectly
An alarm without a fire
Villagers believing there is a wolf
Type II Error
Accept null hypothesis in error
A fire without an alarm
Villagers not believing there is a wolf when there is
Type III Error
Conclusions not supported by data
Non random assignment to treatment group
prospective cohort study
of patients having the disease in the population
of newly diagnosed cases in a population in a given time period
ability to detect disease = # with disease and positive test result / # that have disease (true positive)
ability to state no disease is present =
# with no disease and negative test result /# without disease (true negative)
Source of fever in atelectasis
Alveolar Macrophages
Kreb’s cycle
38 ATP from 1 glucose (anaerobic glycolysis = 2 ATP and lactate)
Rate limiting step in cholesterol formation (in liver, steroid precursor):
HMG coA Reductase
1st muscle to recover from paralytics
Chief cells
produce pepsinogen (inhibits proteolysis)
Parietal cells
produce H+ & intrnsic factor which bind B12 (absorbed in TI)
Stimuli for H+ production from stomach
ACh, gastrin, histamine
How does ACh and gastrin increase HCl production
Activate PIP, DAG to increase calcium, activates protein kinase C
How does Histamine increase HCl production
Acts on parietal cells via cAMP (Happy cAMPer)
Contents of bile
80% bile salts, 15% lecithin, 5% cholesterol.
Stones form if incr chol or decr salts or decr lecithin.
Primary bile acids:
Primary bile acids: cholic acid, chenodeoxycholic acid
Secondary bile acids
Secondary (formed by intestinal bacteria): deoxycholic acid and lithocholic acid
primary stimulus of pancreatic bicarb secretion
Secretin: High flow rate = high bicarb, low Cl. Slow flow allows HCO3/Cl exchange so low HCO3, high Cl concentration
Mechanism of PPI
blocks H/K ATPase of parietal cell
Most common symptom post-vagotomy
Early Dumping Syndrome vs Late
early due to hyperosmotic load, fluid shift; late due to increased insulin with decr glucose. Very rare (1%) that dumping is unresponsive to dietary measures
inhibits acid secretion
Peptide YY: released from terminal ileum with mixed meal, inhibits acid secretion “ileal brake”