ABO & H blood group systems Flashcards
On what chromosome is the ABO locus found?
ABO locus is on chromosome 9
On what chromsome are the H (FUT1) and h (absence of H) genes?
On chromosome 19
H (FUT1) glycosyltransferase and immunodominant sugar?
a-2-fucosyltransferase catalyzes transfer of L-fuctoseto type 1 or 2 terminal end of galactose
How many blood group systems are there?
38 distinct blood group types
What type of antibodies are ABO antibodies?
Mostly IgM
Soluble antigens are detected in all body fluids except?
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
H antigen is inherited independently of ABO antigens? True/False
ABO antigens are located on what cells? (6)
- epithelial cells
- endothelial cells
- platelets
- organs
- red cells
- lymphocytes
What is A antigens gene product and what immunodominant sugar does it transfer?
N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase catalyzes transfer of N-acetylgalactosamine
What is B antigens gene product and what immunodominant gene product does it transfer?
D-galactosyltransferase catalyzes the transfer of D-galactose to oligosaccharide chain to create B antigen
What is O alleles gene product and what immunodominant sugar does it tranfer?
O alleles gene product is not enzymatically active - O cells have unconverted H antigens
What reagent binds A1 (subtype) antigen, but not A2?
Dolichos biflorus - extracted from the seeds of the plant
O phenotype % for whites?
O phenotype % for blacks?
O phenotype % for Asians?
AB phenotype % for whites?
AB phenotype % for blacks?
AB phenotype % for Asians?
B phenotype % for whites?
B phenotype % for blacks?
B phenotype % for Asians?
A phenotype % for whites?
A phenotype % for blacks?
A phenotype % for Asians?