only blood group system in which an individuals already have antibodies in their serum to antigens that are absent from their red blood cells without any prior exposure to RBCs (transfusion or pregnancy).
Landsteiner’s Rule
If an individual has an antigen, that individual will not have the antibody.
ABO Forward Grouping Principle
Detection of Antigens on Patient’s RBC with antisera
ABO Reverse Grouping Principle
Detection of Antibodies (Isoagglutinin) Serum of Patients with commercial RBCs
Anti-B Reagent in Forward typing contains
acriflavine dye
For ABO Abs, Infants-generally too low for detection until they are
3-6 months
In ___ individual, the phenotype and genotype are the same.
same precursor material from which A, B, and H
antigens all originate
Paragloboside or glycan
add sugars to a basic
precursor substance.
is present in more than 99.99% of the random population
H gene
Refer to phenotype that lacks normal expression of the ABH antigens because of the inheritance of the hh genotype.
sugars occupying the terminal positions of precursor chain and conferring blood group specificity.
Immunodominant sugars
is the precursor substance on erythrocytes when the terminal galactose on the precursor substance is attached to the N-acetylglucosamine in a beta 1→4 linkage.
Type 2
precursor substance refers to a beta 1→3 linkage between galactose and N-acetylglucosamine.
Type 1
Individuals who are blood group O inherit at least one _____ gene.
is sometimes referred to as an amorph and does not
elicit the production of polypeptide transferase
highest concentration of H gene
O blood group
codes for the production of the transferase
α-2-L-fucosyltransferase- that modifies the type 1 precursor substance in secretions to form the H substance
FUT 2 (Se)
elicits the production of an enzyme called α-2-L-fucosyltransferase that transfers the sugar L-fucose to an oligosaccharide chain on terminal galactose of type 2 chains.
FUT 1 (H)
Can be glycolipids, glycoproteins, or glycosphingolipids
A, B, and H Soluble Substances COMPOSITION
ABH Antigens on RBC is synthesized on precursor chain type __?
type 2
A, B, and H Soluble Substances are synthesized on precursor chain type __?
type 1
seed extracts that agglutinate human cells with some degree of specificity.
Anti-H lectin
agglutinates O cells and other ABO blood group depending on amount of H antigen
Ulex europaeux
source of Anti-A1
agglutinates A1 or A1B
Dolichos biflorus