Abnormal Psychology Flashcards
Psychoanalytic theory was developed by?
Sigmund Freud
That only obeservable behaviour should be studied is the approach suggested by what school of thought in psychology?
What is the meaning of the word diathesis?
A predisposition toward developing a disorder
What is the name of the space between neurons over which impulses travel from one neuron to another?
The synapse
Psychoanalysts view psychological problems as?
Rooted in early childhood experiences and unconscious conflicts
All of the following are examples of disturbances in neurotransmitters systems EXCEPT?
A neurotransmitter may be malformed
Which of the following is NOT a brain imagining technique?*
`What mental disorder is thought to involve too much dopamine activity
The part of the brain that plays a role in sensation and controls basic biological urges such as eating, drinking, and sexual activity is the
Which of the following terms refers to the idea that a psychological disorder may have several different causes?
Another term for the study of the causes of mental disorders is
What is the diagnostic system used by the American Psychiatric Association?
Diagnostic and Satistical Manual- lV
What axis/axes are used to dianose most personality disorders and clinical syndromes?
Axis l and ll
Critics of the DSM system have often claimed that is relies too heavily on the _____________ model of abnormal behaviour?
Axis Vof the DSM measures
Global Functioning
How many axes are employed in the multiaxial system of the DSM-lV-TR?
Which disorder is marked by severe debilitaion in thinking and perception?
The DSM-lV-TR can be characterized as
Descriptive and atheretical, it describes symptoms of abnormal behaviours rather than attemptinng to explain their origins
The co-occurence of two seemingly discrete disorders is known as__________
Which of the following does NOT refer to an arguement against the kind of diagnosis used in the DSM?
The whole process is inheently unreliable
As a new edition of the DSM is being developed there is a position which advocates a new approach known as______
In order for a test to have______ validity it must include a representitive sample of behaviours thought to be related to the construct being measured?
A way of looking at brain structure that uses X-ray is
The Rorschach test is a psychological test that uses inkblots to
Reveal aspects of a persons personality
The first method of looking at brain function was the__________
Some behaviourists ask individuals to keep track of their own behaviours, thoughts, emotions, etc., in a process known as
What is the most widely used personality inventory?
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2
All of the following are scales on the MMPI EXCEPT
In a correlational study the statistic most commonly used is the
r value
In this type of study subjects are not randomly assigned because a scientist is observing the results of naturally occuring behaviour
What cognitive factor, even if it is simply perceived and not real, can dramatically reduce the levels of anxiety reported by patients?
Twin studies and family studies indicate that some people develop panic disorders because of what?
Inherited predispositions
Psychological interventions used in treating certain types of anxiety disorders include which of the following?
Systematic desensitization
relaxation techniques
cognitive therapy including decatastrophisizing
The DSM-lV-TR includes all of the following as subtypes of specific phobia EXCEPT?
All of the following are examples of “culture-bound syndromes” EXCEPT
Currently generalized anxiety disorder is considered to be primarily_______ in nature
In OCD the belief that having a particular thought is the moral equivalent of a particular action is known as
Moral thought-action fusion
In panic disorder the initial panic attacks occur
A model of the cause of anxiety disorders that suggests that evolution has endowed humans with a tendency to respond fearfully to a select group of stimuli is known as the_______ model?
Tricia performs elaborate rituals involved in washing her hands repeatedly throughout the day, but still feels her hands are contaminated with germs. Her hand-washing rituals are best described as__________
At present, dissociative disorders are characterized by
Alterations of identity, memory, and consciousness
Leanne experiences the sudden feeling of being detached from herself. The term best suited to describe her experience is
Which of the following matches is incorrect?
Depersonalization disorder: presence of two or more personalities
A disorder in which people are induced by therapists to remember events that have never occured is referred to as
false memory syndrome
Wendy feels as though she is outside her body, observing her own behaviour. This experience is a symptom of
repressed memory
_______ is the DSM-lV label for the disorder in which certain aspects of a person’s identity become detached or dissociated; it was formerly known as______
Dissociative identity disorder; multiple personality disorder
The different unique personalities in an individual diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder are often referred to as
Which of the following is NOT a somatoform disorder in the DSM-lV-TR?
Heather is deliberately faking symptoms of illness in order to gain attention of doctors. This behaviour is best described by the term
Factitiour disorder
Sandra is experiencing a loss of vision for which her doctor can find no physical cause. The term best suited to describing her condition is
conversion disorder
In somatization disorder, patients usually attributes their symptoms to
medical problems
In conversion disorder
Symptoms are observed in voluntary motor or sensory functions that suggest neurological causes, but these cannot be comfirmed
The term la belle indifference refers to
the lack of worry patients with conversion disorder display about their symptoms
The DSM-lV-TR provides for a diagnosis of pain disorder
regardless of whether the patient also suffers from some medical condition
There is some similaity between hypochondriasis and
Panic disorder
Which of the following represents an overconcern about serious disease?
Joe is excessively preoccupied with the shape of his nose, and through he has had plastic surgery serveral times in order to alter its apperance, reamins dissatisfied. Joe is most likely suffering from which of the following
Body dysmorphic disorder
Enduring states of feeling that color our physchological lives are called
Disturbances in mood that are serious enough to impair daily functionsing are called
Mood disorders
Disorders such as depression and dysthymia are___ in anture
Mood disorders, which involve mood swings from one extreme to another, are considered
Major depression cannot be diagnosed if a person shows a history of_______
To be diagnosed with a major depressive episode, one experiences ethier depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure in all things for a period atleast
Two weeks
A state of unusual elation, energy, and activity is known as
A realively mild state of mania is
Family physicians have a tendency to
refer their depressed patients to mental health professionals
Women are about nearly_____ times as likely as men to experience major depressive disorder during their lifetimes
Each of the following is true of major depressive disorder EXCEPT
Fewer than half of those who suffer an initial major depressive episode will eventually have a recurrence
Which of the follwoing people is LEAST likely to develop major depression
an older, wealthy, married person
Factors that place people at increased risk of developing major depression include all of the following EXCEPT
Compared to women, men are___ likely to report depression and____ likely to seek treatment for it.
Less, Less
Seasonal affective disorder is a subtype of____
major depressive disorder
Postpartum “blues” typically last about
2 or 3 days
During a manic episode, bipolar people almost always show a decreased need for_____
The random assignment of subjects, an experimental group, a control group, and an independent variable would suggest
an experimental study