Abnormal Psych Test 3 Flashcards
Paranoid Personality Disorder
persuasive distrust and suspiciousness of others
thinks everyone is hostile and nasty to them
trying to hurt, unloyal, lie
Schizoid Personality Disorder
Persuasive detachment from social relationships and restricted range of interpersonal emotions
• Will always stay by themselves, no relationship, flat emotion, uninterested in other people
• Prof. PERSONALLY doesn’t think this is a personality disorder (the person is fine with it/no distress)
o But in DSM it’s a disorder
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Sort of like very low-level schizophrenia symptoms
Person may have delusions of odd belief from their culture, illusions, mixed speak, may appear dress/different looking
• Ex: the Professor from Harry Potter who did shit with the glass globe with the thick glasses. Act crazy toward Harry
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Person that has disregard for and violation of the rights of others
Could do a lot of illegal ish, lies to others, cons others, high in uses others for their cause, will talk about illegal ish like it’s a game/fun.
• Fail to plan, fight, reckless, late remorse
Looks at others as a way to get what they want (doesn’t need others)
• THEY ARE NOT DISTRESSED ABOUT THEIR BEHAVIOR but they are experiences risk and getting into jail
Borderline Personality Disorder
Most deadly to the person than others, are more prone to hurt themselves and toxic life
Has a pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships and self-image and marked impulsivity
• Symptoms: person constantly worry about ppl leaving them, switch from loving others to hating, suicidal (pills, cutting, etc), affect instability in mood
• Most distressed disorder
• Uses mental tx more often than any other
Histronic Personality Disorder
Excessive dramatic or emotional, and attention-seeking
Happens at early adulthood
Symptoms: uncomfortable were they aren’t center of attention, alters physical appearance to get more attention, show self-gravitation, suggestible, think relationships are a lot closer than they appear
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Grandiosity, reed for admiration, and lack of empathy (asshole)
Looking for admiration: needs to be valuated
Symptoms: thinks special, needs admiration, take advantage of others, thinks others are envy of them
Not usually distressed about it, but had impaired social relationships
Avoidant Personality Disorder
View of world in that everyone thinks they hate or “boo-ing” at them
• Social inhibition, feelings of inadequately, hypersensitivity to neg. evaluation
Symptoms: Try to avoid other people as much as possible, unwilling to get involved with others, afraid of getting shamed and rejected, inhibited to new situation due to fear of not being liked
Dependent Personality Disorder
Excessive need to be taken care of (petty af), submissive, clingy, fears separation
Symptoms: Helpless alone, must have a relationship (aka a jump sinking ship hoe), would do ridiculous acts to keep a relationship together
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder
Has a pattern of orderliness, perfection, control
Lack of flexibility, openness, and efficiency
Symptoms: has detailed list, devoted to work instead of social demands, cant work with others, bitchy and stubborn
• Live in an ordered world, super productive (in work), work spaces are super neat, make time to fix
a. Persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity/impulsivity that must affect their developmental growth
i. These must be present before the age 12
ii. Symptoms: loses focus, often disengage in activities that require attention
Autism Spectrum Disorder
i. Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction
ii. Restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests or activities
Intellectual Disabilities
i. Deficits in intellectual functions
1. Trouble in school, thinking, judgment, learning from experience
2. Standardized testing helps determine ID
ii. Deficits in adaptive functioning,
1. Trouble in social, independent functioning (ex: house living stuff)
iii. Caused by genetic conditions and environmental
Language Disorders
: trouble w/ language in order
i. Limited vocab, trouble talking, not trouble in hearing, trouble in understanding other languages
Speech Sound Disorder
trouble w/ sound production (lisp, or trouble being understood by others
Childhood Onset Fluency Disorder (stuttering)
i. Has silent locking, stuttering, talk around words that can’t pronounce, repeating
1. Stuttering is not caused by anxiety
Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder
i. Trouble w/ language and other forms of communication
1. Communications in social context, cant change pitch, don’t follow rules in story telling, difficulty in understanding that isn’t direct
Specific Learning Disorder
a. Difficulties in learning, and using an academic skill
b. Used in only one area (intellectual is overall, as this is specific in one area like reading, math)
Tic Disorder
can’t control saying something out loud
Development Coordination Disorder
i. Having a specific learning disorder but with motor skills
1. Ex: doesn’t have coordination that affects daily living
Stereotypical Movement Disorder
Have patterns of a movement
banging head on the wall or cant control feet banging
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
a. When a person (usually a child) has a pattern of angry/irritable mood, argumentative/defiant behavior and/or vindictiveness
i. This includes kids getting angry and resentful
ii. Often blame others for their behavior
iii. Acted lasts for at least 6 months
People can grow out of this
Intermittent Explosive Disorder
a. Person has recurrent behavioral outbursts representing a failure to control aggressive impulses (more likely to happen during adults)
c. Symptoms: repeated aggression to others that doesn’t call for injury for self for 3 months
i. Or person has smaller amounts of aggression to property, person, and injury to self
d. Does not do this for reward, or it is not premeditated
Conduct Disorder
a. Repetitive and persistent pattern of ignoring the rights of others or rules
i. Aggression to people and animals
ii. Deceitfulness or theft
iii. Serious violations of the rules
Usually proud by this
a. Deliberately and purposefully sets fire on more than 1 occasion
i. Has tension or affective arousal before the action
ii. Attraction, fascination with, interest in, curiosity about fire
iii. Pleasure and release by setting fire
b. Not setting fire to get a reward
a. Recurrent failure to resist the urge to steal objects that are not needed for personal use or their monetary value
b. Steals for the thrill of it (increasing sense of tension before theft)
Suicide risk factors
o Feeling like a burden o Hopelessness o Loneliness o Emotional/physical pain o Excessive alcohol/drugs
Suicide Warning Signs
Feeling trapped or in unbearable pain Wanting to die or to kill oneself Being a burden to others o Looking for ways to kill oneself: searching online or guns o Access to self-destructive means
Building skills to respond to Suicidal individuals
o Responding to individuals
Be direct, relational, nonjudgmental, accepting.
You can promise privacy, but not always promise confidentiality
o Emphasize:
Paraphrasing to the other, questioning, active listening