Abnormal Flashcards
Discuss one or more biological treatments of disorders.
Kirsch & Sapirstein (1998
Elkin et al (1989)
Aim of Kirsch and Sapristein
the aim was to prove that antideppresent drug treatment is not effective and only makes participants feel better via the placebo effect
what was the procedure of kirsch and saperstein
the procedure of the experiment was to use a meta analysis of hundrends of different studies involving testing of antideppresent drugs. They split their groups into two ones who would take the experimental drug and a placebo group.
what were the results of krisch and saperstein
the results showed that 75 percent of the improvement medication condition also ocurred in the placebo group meaning no matter what both pills ‘helped”
what was the aim of elkin et al
the aim of elkin at el was to show how krisch and spersteins research was wrong because they didn’t take into account the different sverities of MDD
what was the procedure of elkin et al
the procudure was that elkin took 28 clinitions and sent them all 250 participants all with MDD randomly for a 16 week treatment program, they either went through CBT antideppresent drugs, placebo or interpersonal therapy.
what were the results of Elkin et al
the results showed that all participants showed a decease in symptoms of MDD but the most efferctive were antideppresent drugs followed closly by SBT and interpersonal therapy. PLacebo performed the worst. When the severity of the MDD was taken into account, it was observed that the three treatment groups did not different significantly in their effectiveness for mild or moderate depression, but
there was a clear advantage of medication for patients with severe depression.
Discuss one or more psychological treatments of disorders.
Kirsch & Sapirstein (1998
Elkin et al (1989)
Discuss the role of culture in the treatment of disorders.
Ando et al (2009)
Zhang et al (2002)
what was the aim of ando et al
ando wanted to see if mindful bassed meditation had an effect on the anxiety and deppression of japanese cancer patients
what was the procedure of ando et al
28 paitentes participated in two mindfulness mediation they were also instructed to practise at home and between sessions . the study was completed in a post test pre test design where perticipants were asked to fill out a questionaire before and after the experiment
what were the results of ando et al
the results showed significant decrease in symptoms of anxiety and deppresion which they related to a spiritual well being
what was the aim of zhang et al
Zhang wanted to carry out an experiment that researched into the effectiveness of Chinese Taoist cognitive phycotherapy
what was the procedure of Zhang et al
143 paitents with generalised anxiaty dissorder were assigned randomly to 1 out of 3 conditions CTCP only, benzodiazipans only or a combo and their symtopms were recored after one moth then again 6 months later
what were the results of Zhang et al
after the first month it appeared that the benzodiazipans seemed to be doing better but after the seconed ananlysis 6 months later, it was shown that CTCP had the better efrect out of the two. The combination of the two had the greatest reduction in symptoms as expected. This shows that anti deppresent drugs work faster but not as longotudinally