ABHI_RRHSQB - Sheet4 Flashcards
Office of War Intelligence
Benedict— This organization requested Benecit to write The Chrysanthemum and the Sword
“six degrees of separation.”
Milgram– developed this concept
Inuit migrations
Boas— Boas studied this phenomena in The Central Eskimo
The Division of Labor in Society
Durkehim– Novel by Durkheim
Zuni Mythology
Benedict– Another work by her
Syntactic Structures
Judge Brack
Ibsen– Character in Hedda Gabler
Triffin Dilemma
Keynes—This man proposed a solution to the Triffin Dilemma
department of anthropology at Columbia University
Boas– Give-away clue
Halvard Solness
Ibsen– Main character of The Master Builder
“irreducable uncertainty”
Keynes—This is a term brought up by Keynes in A Treatise on Probability
Ibsen– Antagonist of A Doll’s House
MIT professor
The Chrysanthemum and the Sword.
Ruth Benedict– This was a book written by her about Japanese people
65 percent
Milgram– This percentage were wiling to give maximum electroc shock to a learner
Wye Memorandum
Netanyahu– signed by him
attacked the Treaty of Versailles
Keynes—Keynes did this in a book titled The Economic Consequences of Peace> He argued against high reparation payments for Germany
beauty contest
Keynes—Keynes uses the analogy of a beauty contest to explain the behavior of rational agents in a market
proposed “bancor” currency
Keynes—Keynes proposed this type of currency at the Breton Woods Conference
“pecuniary emulation.”
Tract on Monetary Reform
Keynes–In this work, Keynes argued that countries should avoid deflation and criticized the gold standard.
Treatise on Probability
Keynes—Keynes wrote this book as well
biocultural functionalism
Malinowski— This theory developed by Malinowski states that a culture is an interrelated whole, not merely a sum mation of individual traits.
The Theory of the Leisure Class.