ABHI_RRHSQB - Chemistry_Physics Flashcards
Brewster’s angle
Snell’s Law —– Snell’s Law can be used to find this angle, also known as the polarization angle
heat capacity
temperature —– heat capactiy= heat added/ change in temperature
Gyroscopic precession
torque —– This precession is also known as torque induced precession.
single P-N junction
diode– This is a structural component of a diode
Klein-Nishina formula
scattering —– This formula gives the cross section distribution of particles influenced by scattering
Euler’s equations.
torque —– Torque appears on one side of this equation
isothermal process
temperature —– In this process, temperature remains constant
symbolized Q
charge —– Duh
Second of Maxwell’s equations
magnetic field—–When expressed as a differential equation, magnetic field has a dovergence of zero
a gas’s temperature and its pressure
absolute zero —– Absolute zero occurs when the gas’s pressure is zero
newton metres or joules per radian
torque —– This is the unit of measurement for torque
Sackur-Tetrode equation
Entropy —– This equation is used to find the entropy for ideal gases.
stribeck curve
friction —– ???
torque —– Torque is also known by this name
Student of Tyco Brahe
Johannes Kepler —– This is an attribute of Keper.
Developed three laws of planetary motion
Johannes Kepler —– This is an attribute of Kepler.
Reynolds number
viscosity —– The Reynolds number is tyhe inverse of viscosity
application of an external magnetic field to a current-carrying conductor results in the generation of a voltage gradient.
Hall effect —– This is the definition of the Hall effect
The liquid drop model
Pauli Exclusion Principle —– The liquid drop model explains asymmetry energy, which is associated with the Pauli Exclusion principle
saturation current… thermal voltage minus 1
diode– This is the Shockley equation in words, which solves for the current flowing through a diode
contained in AZT
azide —– An azido group is present in this antiviral drug which is used to treat HIV
ideal gas particle’s kinetic energy
temperature —– equals 3/2* boltzmann’s constant times temperature
measured by a SQUID
magnetic field—–Small magnetic field are measured by this device, short of superconducting quantum interference device
value ΔE over ΔS
temperature —– Deriving temperature from the second law of thermodynamics results in this value