Abdominopelvic Practice Qs Flashcards
During a vaginal delivery, the OBgyn does an episiotomy. Cut is directed posterolaterally. Which of the following muscles is most likely to be damaged?
External anal sphincter, ischiocavernosus, pubococcygeus, iliococcygeus, puborectalis
In which space are the erectile tissues found?
Camper’s fascia, Ischioanal fossa, Deep perineal space, Subcutaneous fat, superficial perineal space
Superficial perineal space
Which of these structures travels through the prostate to the urethra?
Bulbourethral gland, Ductus deferens, ejaculatory duct, ureters, seminal vesicles
Ejaculatory duct
What does sperm from the rete testes and seminiferous tubules drain directly to?:
Ductus deferens, Efferent ductules, Epididymis, Ejaculatory duct, Urethra
Efferent ductules
Seminiferous tubules => rete testes => efferent ductules => epididymis => ductus deferens => seminal vesicles => ejaculatory duct => urethra
What is the uterine artery a branch off of?
Internal iliac
What is the internal pudendal a branch off of?
Internal iliac
It is next to the inferior gluteal artery.
During open abd sx, you want to find and ligate the R ovarian vein. What does it drain to?
External iliac, IVC, internal iliac, left renal, right renal
The L ovarian vein would drain to the L renal vein first.
During a vaginal hysterectomy you are removing the uterus and adnexa in the region of the fornix. The procedure is going smoothly and you take care to find and ligate the uterine arteries within what connective tissue structure?
Cardinal ligament, perineal membrane, pubocervical ligament, sacrocervical ligament, suspensory ligament of ovary
Cardinal ligament
A 21-year-old woman presents to her family physician with a complaint of diffuse abdominal pain. Upon questioning she states that she has had a positive pregnancy test and her periods ceased about 2 months prior. Ultrasound demonstrates an ectopic pregnancy in the most distal portion of the oviduct, the:
Ampulla, Infundibulum, Isthmus, Mesosalpynx, Uretine portion
Name the urinary pathway backwards, starting at the urethra.
Urethra => urinary bladder => ureter => renal pelvis => major calyx => minor calyx
What separates the paranephric fat and perinephric fat?
Peritoneum, renal capsule, renal fascia, thoracolumbar fascia
Renal fascia
A 16-year-old female presents to your clinic with abdominopelvic pain that has been present for the last 4 days. She has an overgrowth of the inside lining of her uterus that has expanded into her abdominopelvic cavity. What is the proper name of the layer that has overgrown?
Endometrium, epimetrium, myometrium, parietal peritoneum, visceral peritoneum
The medulla of the adrenal glands secretes:
Epi, glucocorticoids, gonadocorticoids, mineralcorticoids, serotonin
A uterus that bends posteriorly in the middle of its belly would be referred to as having:
Anteflexion, Anteversion, Retroflexion, Retroversion
Lymphatic fluid from the external iliac lymph nodes is most likely to flow to what set of lymph nodes?
Common iliac, deep inguinal, internal iliac, lumbar, superficial inguinal
Common iliac
A 45-year-old man presents to your office in distress. He discovered a palpable lump on one of his testes and is very concerned about cancer. What set of lymph nodes would you suspect may have caught tumor cells if this is cancer that has metastasized?
Deep inguinal, external iliac, internal iliac, lumbar, superficial inguinal
Visceral pain signals from the prostate will travel along which of the following pathways?
Gray rami communicantes
Sacral splanchnics
Pelvic splanchnics
White rami communicantes
Pelvic splanchnics, as this is below the pelvic pain line. Above would have been sacral.
Where are the post-ganglionic nerve cell bodies that supply sympathetic innervation to the ascending colon?
Aorticorenal, celiac, inferior mesenteric, superior mesenteric, T5-T9 IML, T10-T12 IML
Superior mesenteric (midgut)
Congenital megacolon is due to failure of what nerve cells to migrate properly?
Posterior root ganglia
Postganglionic parasympathetics
Postganglionic sympathetics
Preganglionic parasympathetics
Preganglionic sympathetics
Postganglionic parasympathetics
A 17-year-old male presents to your clinic and embarrassedly states that he experiences pain every time he ejaculates. Imaging studies shows stenosis of his ductus deferens. What embryonic structures formed in an aberrant way, leading to his condition?
Mesonephric ducts
Metanephric ducts
Paramesonephric ducts
Pronephric ducts
Mesonephric ducts
He is male, so no para. Pronephric rescinds. Metanephric is the kidneys.
During preparation for surgery, a 40-year-old woman is discovered to have a kidney only on the right side. Her internal genitalia are normal. What structure failed to form on the left side, leading to the absence of a kidney?
Mesonephric duct
Paramesopheric duct
Pronephric ducts
Ureteric bud
Ureteric bud
A newborn infant is delivered in the hospital and seems normal. However, within two days the parents report that he seems to have discharge from the umbilicus. Examination shows that the discharge is urine. How would you characterize this?
Persistent cloaca
Uracheal fistula
Uracheal sinus
Vitelline fistula
Vitelline sinus
Uracheal fistula
A child born with XY chromosomes but with androgen insensitivity will likely develop in what way?
Normal feminine
Normal masculine
Genetic male, but insensitive to testosterone so puberty and general development affected post DHT-spike.
Failure of the urethral folds to close in a female infant will result in:
Hypoplastic labia majora
Hypoplastic labia minora
Normal genital appearance
Normal genital appearance.
In a male, this would cause hypospadias.