Abdominal Viscera Flashcards
Muscular sphincter that surrounds the terminal part of the esophagus where it enters the stomach
cardiac sphincter
blind region that extends to the left and dorsally to the cardia; positioned farthest left of the midline
the sharp angle formed at the junction of the cardia with the fundus
cardiac notch
the largest region of the stomach
the funnel-shaped terminal portion of the stomach; extends between the body wall and the duodenum
pyloric region
continuous with the gastric body and equals the first two-thirds of the pyloric region; funnels injesta to the pyloric canal
pyloric antrum
part of stomach that tapers to the approximate size of the duodenum
pyloric canal
small elevations present in the initial part of the descending duodenum where ducts of the liver and pancreas open into the duodenum
duodenal papillae
at the level of the tuber coxae where the duodenum makes a sharp bend and continues cranially;
Where is this in relation to the root of the mesentery?
. caudal duodenal flexure
located caudal to the root of the mesentery
Where the duodenum joins the jejunum
duodenojejunal flexure
The jejunum begins at the ______________, and ends at the _______________.
duodenojejunal flexure
jejunoileal junction
the major vessel that supplies the jejunum, the ____________________, along with the mesojejunum that surrounds the vessel is referred to as the _______________
cranial mesenteric artery
root of the mesentery
What can be used to approximate the length of the ileum in the dog?
Antimesenteric ileal artery
The cecum is closely attached to the ileum by the short _____________.
ileocecal fold
shortest part of the colon
ascending colon
the angle where the ascending colon becomes continuous with the transverse colon
right colic flexure
______________ extends from the right colic flexure to the left colic flexure; __________ to the root of the mesentery, just caudal to the ____________________.
transverse colon
greater curvature of the stomach
the longest portion of the colon
descending colon
The _____________ opens into the cranial part of the descending duodenum on the ______________ (along with the _____________ from the liver)
pancreatic duct
major duodenal papilla
common bile duct
opens onto the minor duodenal papilla
accessory pancreatic duct
has a small renal impression for the cranial pole of the right kidney
right lateral lobe of the liver
small lobe on the midline between the right and left medial lobes that touches the gall bladder on its right surface
quadrate lobe of the liver
the gall bladder is located between the __________ and the ____________
quadrate lobe and right medial lobe of the liver
extends from the small central part of the caudate lobe to the angular notch of the lesser curvature of the stomach; enveloped by the lesser omentum
papillary process of the caudate lobe
similar to the hilus of the lung, transmits hepatic vessels, nerves, lymphatics, and the bile duct
porta of the liver
on the diaphragmatic surface of the liver where the peritoneum reflects onto the surface of the diaphragm
coronary ligament of the liver
thin, transparent folds of peritoneum at the right and left terminations of the coronary ligament of the liver
triangular ligaments
a delicate, double layer of peritoneum that extends between the liver and the right kidney
hepatorenal ligament
The _________ arises at the neck of the gallbladder and carries bile to the duodenum; receives __________ from the liver
cystic duct
hepatic ducts
where the vessels enter/leave the spleen
The cranial pole of the right kidney nestles within a __________ of the __________ of the ___________ of the liver
renal fossa
caudate process
caudate lobe
The ______________ of the uterus are the peritoneal folds on each side that attach to the lateral sublumbar region
broad ligaments
arises from the lateral wall of the pelvis and the lateral part of the sublumbar region and attaches to the lateral part of the cranial end of the vagina, uterine cervix, and uterine body, and the corresponding uterine horn
begins at a transverse plane through the cranial end of the uterine horn and attaches the ovary and associated ligaments to the lateral part of the sublumbar region
is the peritoneum that attaches the uterine tube to the mesovarium and forms with the mesovarium the wall of the ovarian bursa
functions to hold the ovary in a relatively fixed position
suspensory ligament of the ovary
a homologue of the embryonic gubernaculum
round ligament of the uterus