Abdominal compartments and visceral ligaments Flashcards
What layer does peritoneum develop from?
Name the two layers of the peritoneum and what they cover.
Parietal- covers abdominopelvic wall
Visceral- covers organs
Name the space between the visceral and parietal layers?
Peritoneal cavity
Difference in pain sensitivity of parietal and visceral peritoneum?
Pain: parietal generally well localised, visceral poorly localised
Difference in sensitivity of parietal and visceral peritoneum?
Parietal- sensitive to pressure, temp and laceration
Visceral- chemical and stretch
Describe blood and nervous supply of parietal and visceral peritoneum.
N/B supply: parietal- same N/B as wall region it lines, visceral- same as organ it lines
What is the exception to the good pain localisation of the parietal peritoneum?
The part covering the inferior diaphragmatic surface
Where is the pain from the exception usually referred? Which nerve is this due to?
as diaphragm is supplied by roots of phrenic nerve (C3-5)
Define intraperitoneal organs
Almost completely covered in visceral peritoneum
Define extraperitoneal organs
Only partially covered by peritoneum
I/E: liver?
I/E: spleen?
I/E: stomach?
I/E: superior duodenum?
I/E: Jejunum?
I/E: ileum?
I/E: transverse/sigmoid colon?
I/E: superior rectum?
I/E: kidneys?
I/E: ureter?
I/E: adrenal glands/pancreas?
I/E: inferior/ascending duodenum?
I/E: Ascending /descending colon?
Define mesenteries.
Double fold of peritoneum formed by an organ covering it
Name two mesenteries.
Mesocolons, mesogastrium
List two functions of mesenteries
Carries nerve, blood and lymphatic supply to and from organ
Connects intraperitoneal organ to body wall
What are omenta?
Double folds of peritoneum
Don’t suspend organs
Describe the greater omentum?
Attaches to stomach and proximal duodenum
Drapes over intestines
Folds back on itself to attach to transverse colon
List the divisions of the greater omentum
Gastrosplenic, gastrophrenic, gastrocolic ligaments
List the divisions of the lesser omentum
Hepatogastric and hepatoduodenal ligaments
Describe the connections of the lesser omentum
Connects stomach and proximal duodenum to liver
Name the contents of the portal triad
Hepatic a, and portal v
Bile duct
Describe positions of the sacs
Lesser sac- posterior to stomach and liver
Greater sac- rest of peritoneal cavity
What divides supra and infracolic compartments?
Transverse mesocolon
What connects the sacs?
Omental foramen
What is the functional of peritoneal ligaments?
To connect organs to abdominal wall
Which ligament connects liver to anterior abdominal wall?
What is appendicits?
Appendix obstructed, bacteria proliferate and invade appendix wall
General vague central abdominal pain T10
Pain spreads to McBurneys point- parital peritoneum is irritated- more localised
Describe McBurneys point
Third way between umbilicus and ASIS