Abdominal aorta (dave's notes) Flashcards
How does the aorta enter the intraabdominal cavity?
The aorta passes behind the median arcuate ligament and the diaphragmatic crura at T12, inclining slightly to the left.
At what level does the aorta bifurcate into the common iliac arteries?
What is found on the left margin of the aorta?
The left sympathetic trunk
What is found between the coeliac trunk and the origin of the SMA?
The splenic vein and the body of the pancreas
What is found between the SMA and the IMA?
The left renal vein, the uncinate process of the pancreas, D3
What eight groups of branches originate from the abdominal aorta?
Median sacral artery Single ventral arteries Paired visceral branches Paired branches to the anterior abdominal wall Common iliac arteries The external iliac artery The internal iliac artery
What are the single ventral arteries arising from the aorta?
Coeliac trunk, SMA, IMA
What are the three groups of paired visceral branches from the aorta?
Where are the suprarenal paired visceral branches found?
Between the inferior phrenic and renal branches. These run laterally across the crus.
What does the right suprarenal artery cross?
The right suprarenal artery crosses the crus, the IVC, and the ??bare area of the liver
Where is the left suprarenal artery found?
The left suprarenal artery is shorter than the right. It is found behind the posterior wall of the lesser sac
Where do the renal arteries arise?
At L2, each artery gives off a small suprarenal branch.
What does the right renal artery cross?
Longer than the left, the right renal artery crosses the right crus, and psoas, BEHIND IVC
What does the left renal artery cross?
The left renal artery is shorter than the right, crossing the crus and psoas
Where do the gonadal arteries arise?
The gonadal arteries arise near the front o the aorta below the renal arteries.
What is the course of the gonadal arteries?
The gonadal arteries sweep steeply downwards over spoas, crossing the ureter and applying the middle 1/3rd of ???
What crosses the gonadal vessels?
The colic vessels and peritoneum
Regarding the gonadal vessels, what occurs at the pelvic brim
The gonadal vessels reach the pelvic brim half way between the SI joint and the inguinal ligament. The male testicular artery passes along the pelvic brim above EIA to enter deep inguinal ring. The female ovarian artery crosses the pelvic brim and enters the suspensory ligament to the ovary and tube.
What are the subcostal arteries branches of?
The thoracic aorta. ?They enter beneath the lateral arcuate ligament
Where are the subcostal arteries found?
Beneath the subcostal vein and nerve, supplying the anterior abdominal wall.
Where does the inferior phrenic nerve leave the aorta?
Gently sloping upwards over the crus to the diaphragm. These give off small suprarenal branches.
Where do the lumbar arteries leave the aorta?
4 lumbar arteries leave the aorta opposite the bodies of L1-L4, passing beneath the lumbar sympathetic trunks.
What do the lumbar arteries give off
The lumbar arteries give off posterior and spinal branches passing laterally through psoas
What is the artery of L5?
The iliolumbar artery, arising from the internal iliac artery and ascending from there
Where are the common iliac arteries formed?
The sympathetic At the bifurcation of the aorta at L4 left of the midline. Each passes to the SI joint. NOTE that the ureter lies in front of the bifurcation (does he mean into iia and e iliac???)
What crosses both common iliac arteries?
Crossed by sympathetic contributions to the SH plexus.
What covers the left IMA?
How is the external iliac artery orientated?
As a continuation of the common iliac artery
What branch is given of the external iliac artery near the inguinal ligament?
The inferior epigastric artery. “Feature”?? of the deep inguinal ring.
What runs above the inguinal ligament?
The deep circumflex iliac artery
Internal iliac arteries
see pelvis.