Abdomen Flashcards
What is this opacity?
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
spleen - head
Identify this structure:
spleen - tail
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
decending colon
Identify this structure:
urinary bladder
When is the head of the spleen best seen?
in the VD view on the left hand side
Identify this structure:
transverse colon
Identify this structure:
decending colon
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
What is the liver length equal to?
the length from the ventral border of the vena cava to the caudal apex of hepatic ventral border
What does the nephrogram phase of the excretory urogram highlight?
renal parenchyma
What does the pyelogram phase of the excretory urogram highlight?
renal collecting system
Identify a:
Identify b:
Identify n:
Identify the star:
What is the normal size of the ureter?
2 mm
Identify a:
prostatic urethra
Identify b:
membranous urethra
Identify c:
penile urethra
Identify the blue structure:
Identify the yellow structure:
urinary bladder
Identify this structure:
uterine horns
Identify this structure:
body and cervix
What are pseudoulcers?
bumps in the descending duodenum that represent areas where the mucosa thins out over submucosal lymph follicles
What is fimbriation?
fine villous appearance on mucosal surface due to barium
What does BIPS stand for?
barium impregnated polyethylene spheres
What are large BIPS used for?
detection of gastrointestinal tract obstructions
What are small BIPS used for?
they mimic the passage of food, and provide accurate estimation of gastric emptying rate
What is cholecystography?
it allows for visualization of the gallblader and biliary channels; can be used to identify gall stones
What is operative mesenteric vein portography?
a water-soluble contrast medium is injected into contributory jejunal vein intraoperativelu which allows for visualization of liver vasculature
What is the normal small intestine diameter?
less than 1.6x the height of L5
What is the normal small intestine diameter in cats?
less than 2x the diameter of the cranial end plate
What is the normal diameter of the colon in the dog?
: less than or equal to 1.5 times the length of L7
What is the normal diameter of the colon in the cat?
less than or equal to 1.28 times the length of L5
In an ultrasound, what does a normal spleen look like?
uniform sandpaper texture
What is the normal renal length in dogs?
2.5-3.5 times the length of L2 on the VD view
What is the normal renal length in cats?
2.4-3.5 times the length of L2 on the VD view
What is the normal renal length of older cats?
1.9-3 times the length of L2 on the VD view
What is pneumocystography?
air introduced into the bladder via the urethral catheter, air serves as a contrasting substance agains radio-opaque borders of the bladder wall
What is a contrast retrograde urethrogram?
contrast is introduced through a baloon tup catheter; image is taken while contrast is introduced
What is double contrast cystography?
a radiograph is taken after insertion of iodine based, water-soluble contrast medium followed by air into the urinary bladder
What is retrograde vaginourethrography?
radiograph is taken after insertion of an iodine-based, water soluble contrast medium via a Foley catheter into the urogenital sinus
When the bladder is distended, what direction does the prostate go?
cranially into the abdomen