Abdomen Flashcards
Layers of anterolateral wall of abdomen
Skin Camper fascia (fatty) Scarpa fascia (membranous) External oblique + investing fascia Internal oblique + investing fascia Transversus abdominis + investing fascia Transversalis fascia Extraperitoneal fat Parietal peritoneum
3 major unpaired branches of the abdominal aorta
Area they supply
Celiac trunk (foregut) Sup mesenteric (midgut) Inf mesenteric (hindgut)
Branches of celiac trunk
Left gastric
Common hepatic
Branches of left gastric a (from celiac trunk from aorta)
Branches of splenic a (from celiac trunk from aorta)
Post gastric Short gastric aa Left gastro-omental artery Splenic branches Dorsal pancreatic
Left gastric from…
Right gastric from…
Left from celiac trunk
Right from Hepatic Artery proper from Common Hepatic from Celiac Trunk
Left gastroomental from…
Right gastroomental from…
Left from splenic from celiac trunk
Right from gastroduodenal from common hepatic from celiac trunk
Branches of Common Hepatic
Hepatic artery proper
Gastroduodenal artery
Branches of hepatic artery proper (from common hepatric from celiac trunk)
Right gastric
Right and left branches to liver
Cystic artery
Branches of gastroduodenal artery (from common hepatic from celiac trunk)
Right gastro-omental
Sup pancreaticoduodenal
Branches of sup mesenteric artery
Ileocolic Right colic Middle colic Inf pancreaticoduodenal aa Jejunal aa Ileal aa
Name of vessel that is anastamosis b/w sup and inf mesenteric aa
Marginal a
Branches of inf mesenteric artery
Left colic
Sup sigmoid aa
Sigmoid aa
Sup rectal
Parasym nerves of abdomen come from…
Sym nerves of abdomen come from…
Parasym: vagus
Sym: splanchnic
Where does vagus end?
left colic flexure
Path of splanchnic nerves from thorax to abdomen
Travel in front of aorta through hole in diaphragm for aorta
Ganglionic plexi of abdomen
Sup mesenteric
Inf mesenteric
Parasympathetic innervation below the left colic flexure come from what nerves?
pelvic splanchnic nerves
Parasym nerves originate…
Sym nerves originate
Parasym: head and pelvis
Sym: thoracolumbar area
Muscles of anterolateral wall
External oblique
Internal oblique
Transversus abdominis
Quadratus lumborum
External oblique
Origin: ribs 5-12 Insertion: --Linea alba --Pubic tubercle --Ant half of iliac crest
Internal oblique
Origin: --Thoracolumbar fascia --Iliac crest --Inguinal ligament Insertion --Ribs 10-12 --Linea alba --Pecten pubis via conjoint tendon
Transversus abdominis
Origin: --Costal cartilages 7-12 --Thoracolumbar fascia --Iliac crest --Inguinal ligament Insertion: --Linea alba w/ aponeurosis of internal oblique --Pubic crest Pecten pubis via conjoint tendon
Rectus abdominus
Origin: pubic symphysis and pubic crest
Insertion: Xiphoid process and 5th-7th costal cartilages
Fascia surrounding oblique muscles originated from
Thoracolumnar fascia
Deep inguinal ring
entrance to inguinal canal
Superficial inguinal ring
exit by which spermatic cord/round ligament emerges from inguinal canal
Subinguinal space
Located below inguinal canal and above the hip bone
Passage for things to move from pelivis –> leg (femoral NAV)
Inguinal canal formed by…
Inguinal ligament
Fascia of obliques and transversus abdominis
Lateral and medial crus come from…
Ext oblique aponeurosis
Inguinal falx (conjoint tendon)
Where aponeuroses of int oblique and transversus abdominus fuse to form back wall of inguinal canal
Ant wall of inguinal canal formed by…
External oblique aponeurosis
Post wall of inguinal canal formed by…
Inguinal falx (conjoint tendon) Transversalis fascia
Floor of inguinal canal formed by…
Inguinal ligament
Muscles near inguinal canal
Iliopsoas made by:
Iliacus and
Psoas major
Iliopsoas allows for what movement
Main flexor hip
Parts of lumbar plexus
Iliohypogastric (sensory)
Ilio-inguinal (sensory)
Common iliac aa from…
Branch into…
From descending aorta
Branch into ext and int iliac
Branches of ext iliac a
Superficial epigastric (in front of rectus abdominus) Inferior epigastric (behind rectus abdominus)
Branches of int thoracic a
Musculophrenic (also supplies diaphragm)
Superior epigastric
Arcuate line
point where rectus sheath goes entirely in front of rectus muscle (lower part of rectus)
Median umbilical fold
Remnant of…
Location: comes off bladder in midline of abdominal wall
Remnant of urachus (outgrowth of gut called allantois)