Abdo 2 Flashcards
GI Secretion Parasympathetic and Sympathetic effects
Parasymp - Increase
Symp - Decrease
GI Peristalsis Parasymp and Symp Effects
Parasymp Increase
Symp Decrease
GI Blood Vessels Vasodilation is related to and Vasoconstriction to
Parasymp Vasodilation
Symp Vasoconstriction
What is the effect of vagotomy on gastric secretion?
Permanent Decreased Gastric
The foregut tends to refer to which region for pain
The midgut tends to refer to which region for pain
The handout tends to refer to which region for pain
The lumbar plexus originates from which ventral rami
The lumbar plexus is formed within which muscle
Psoas Major
Iliohypogastric and Ilioinguinal Nerve Roots
Genitofemoral Nerve Root
Lat Cutaneous Nerve of Thigh Root
Obturator Nerve Root
Femoral Nerve Root
Kidneys lie where
What is the anterior- to- posterior arrangement of the structures entering and leaving the hilum of kidney?
Renal Vein, Artery, Ureter
How are the kidneys peritonised?
How are ureters peritonised
How are the kidneys peritonised?
Pelvis of Ureters
The Ureter is normally constricted at 3 locations during its course from the kidneys to the urinary bladder. Name these constriction points.
- At the junction of the ureters and renal pelvis (pelviureteric junction)
- Where the ureters cross the brim of the pelvic inlet
- During their passage through the wall of the urinary bladder.
What is the anatomical location of the suprarenal gland?
Directly Sup to Kidney
What type of gland is Adrenal Gland
What is the name given to:
The peritoneum lining the body wall?
Parietal Peritoneum
Parietal Peritoneum is derived from
Somatic Mesoderm
What is the name given to peritoneum lining viscera
The Visceral peritoneum is derived from
Splanchic Mesoderm
Which layer of the peritoneum is more sensitive to pressure, pain, heat & cold?
There are no organs within the peritoneal cavity. What is present within the peritoneal cavity?
Peritoneal Fluid
Name the Retroperitoneal Organs
· S: suprarenal (adrenal) gland · A: aorta/IVC · D: duodenum (second and third part) · P: pancreas (except tail) · U: ureters · C: colon (ascending and descending) · K: kidneys · E: (o)esophagus R: rectum
Through which passage do greater and lesser sac communicate
Mental Foramen
Describe the boundaries of the epiploic foramen
Anteriorly: hepatoduodenal ligament containing portal vien, hepatic artery and bile duct
Posteriorly: IVC and right crus of diaphragm covered with parietal peritoneum,
Superior: liver covered with visceral peritoneum
Inferior: superior to first part of duodenum.
The greater momentum attaches from
greater curvature of the stomach to the transverse colon
The lesser momentum attaches from
the liver to the lesser omentum
Pain from parietal peritoneum is innervated by
T6-12 and L1