Abdo Flashcards
Name 2 trauma mechanism of pancreas injury
Crush injury
Handle bar injure (of bike)
- crushed between vertebral body and abd wall
Describe type 1 intestinal failure (4)
• acute, self-limiting, most common
• <28 days duration
• post-op ileus or acute bowel obstruction
Define intestinal failure
Reduction of gut function below minimum necessary for absorption of macronutrients, water and electrolytes such that iv supplementation is required
In what time period should perimortem C section be done and why?
Within 4 minutes of resuscitation to improve maternal ventilation and perfusion. At bedside, only need blade.
Name 3 paediatric anatomical and physiological considerations in abdominal trauma
• Abdominal organs less protected. In close proximity. Bladder not “hidden” in pelvis. Less fat and muscle so internal organs closer to surface.
• solid organs larger - liver not fully covered by ribcage,.
. Children prone to severe gastric distension
Most commonly injured organ in blunt trauma?
What determines need for surgery in abdominal trauma? (7)
. Hemorrhage Shock
• peritonitis
• Impalement
• evisceration organs or omentum
• blood on ngt. or rectal exam
• abdominal free air - blunt trauma
• inability to perform proper physical exam due to abnormal mental status or spinal cord injury and increased risk based on mechanism
Treatment of anterior omental evisceration?
• Clean and reduce omentum
• suture closed
• admit for abdominal serial clinical exams
• laparotomy indicated if develop signs peritonitis or shock
All other eviscerations need surgery!
Name 5 indications urgent laparotomy during non-op management abdominal trauma
. Shock
• peritonitis: severe pain, ileus, vomit, rigidity, tender
.free abdominal air
• impaled foreign object
• signs systemic infection
Name 6 common indications laparotomy following blunt trauma
-shock: signs organ hypoperfusion, metabolic acidosis
-ongoing need blood transfusions
-signs peritonitis : tender, guarding, ileus
-traumatic diaphragmatic hernia
-rectal or vag bleeding, esp in pelvic fractures
Name 7 common indications laparotomy following penetrating abdominal trauma
-ongoing need blood transfusions
-signs peritonitis
-traumatic diaphragmatic hernia
-blood on NGT, rectum, vagina
-impaled object
Name 4 relative contraindications to SNOM
-age more than 65
-high AAST grade organ injury
-uncontrolled comorbidity
Name 5 critical indications for damage control surgery
-severe metabolic acidosis : ph less than 7,2; serum lactate more than 5
-coagulopathy: oozing blood
-abnormal coagulation : raised INR, Abn TEG
-need massive transfusion
Name 5 secondary indications for damage control surgery
-inability to perform definitive surgery
-inaccessible major anatomical injury eg liver, vascular, retroperitoneal
-time consuming procedures required eg multiple bowel anastomosis, sx in 2 or more cavities
-need to re-evaluate abdo contents (ischaemia, packing)
-need for non-surgical control eg angio-embolization
Antibiotic treatment of community acquired intra-abdominal sepsis?
Kefzol, gentamicin and metronidazole (flagyl)
How does retroperitoneal hollow viscus injury present?
Retroperitoneal gas on xray
What type of abdominal surgical incision for children younger than 5?
What type of abdominal surgical incision for children older than 5?
Most common mechanism of injury of pancreas? Which part of pancreas?
Crush or handle bar injury
Neck of pancreas crushed between vertebral body and abdominal wall
Primary presentation of hollow viscous injury?
Which vascular structures may be damaged in zone l injury?
Inferior vena cava
Which vascular structures may be damaged in zone 2 abdominal injury?
Renal arteries
Which vascular structures may be damaged in zone 3 injury?
Internal iliac arteries