Abd/GI/GU/Pedi/Geri/OB Flashcards
Age Related GI Changes
Motility and peristalsis slows
Constipation increases
Fat becomes more pronounced in the abdomen
Weakening abdominal muscles produces a “potbelly”
Symptoms of acute disease may be diminished
↓ pain
Fever less pronounced
Salivation decreases
Dry mouth, decreased taste
Esophageal emptying slowed
Feed in upright position
Liver size decreases with age
Blood flow to the liver is decreased by 55%
Metabolism of drugs is decreased and/or prolonged with age
Eating non-nutritious food substances.
Ex: grass, clay, stones, clothing, starch.
Common in early childhood, pregnancy, psychologically impaired individuals.
Can be due to iron deficiency
Food intolerance
Foods that cause other symptoms.
Ex: lactose intolerance, wheat intolerance
Some intolerance are also allergies.
Blood in the stool. May appear bright red, maroon or black and tarry.
Loose, watery stool
Fecal impaction, decrease in stool freq
Varicose veins in the rectal area.
Due to straining, obesity, pregnancy
Difficulty swallowing foods, liquids, saliva
Partial or complete impairment in the ability to speak
Burning, as in heartburn
Vomiting of blood
When collecting subjective data from your patient re: their PMH, is it important to ask about any recent traveling to a foreign country?
Abdomen sequence when collecting objective data
Why is the abdomen sequency IAPP?
Palpation will alter the sounds when auscultating. Will not be accurate.
Can palpate something that shouldn’t be palpated if you don’t listen first!
Stretch marks (scars)
Pink- newer
silver/white- older
Determine the profile from the rib margin to the pubic bone
Protuberant (indicates distention)
Should be midline and inverted
Aorta is slightly _________ of the midline.
Where do bowel sounds originate from?
Movement of air and fluids through the small intestine
Bowel sounds regular rate
Every 5-15 sec or 5-30/min
Bowel sounds
High pitched, gurgling, cascading
Hypoactive bowel sounds
Less than 5 sounds per minute
Peritonitis, ileus
Hyperactive bowel sounds
Loud, high pitched, rushing, tinkling sounds
Normoactive bowel sounds
No sounds for over 5 minutes
“Growling” stomach
How long should you listen to bowel sounds when you do not hear any sounds?
20 minutes total
5 minutes per quadrant
Use the bell to listen for
Are bruits normal or abnormal?
Percussion of the abdomen
is the prominent sound
Stomach and intestine
Heard over air filled area
What type of sound is heard over organs?
What areas do you percuss last?
the painful areas
Hyperresonance is heard over
gaseous distention
What side of the patient do you stand on when palpating?
the patient’s right side
When palpating, should the patient’s legs be straight or bent? Why?
Bent; to reduce tension
Light palpation of abdomen
Press down 1-2cm in a rotating motion with one hand
Deep palpation of abdomen is used to
evaluate organs and find masses
Rebound tenderness
Pain increases after releasing from deep palpation
Appendicitis pain is felt in which quadrant?
Palpating the liver
Deep palpation using the hooking technique, RUQ
Hooking technique
Stand on client’s right side
Place right hand at the client’s midclavicular line under and parallel to the costal margin
Client inhales and deeply exhales while pressing in and up with the right fingers
Palpating the spleen
Not usually palpable, LUQ
Must be enlarged 3x normal size before palpable
What causes the spleen to be enlarged?
Mono, trauma, lymphoma, leukemia
Do not continue to palpate if enlarged; can rupture easily
When do you percuss using Murphey’s punch?
When evaluating the kidneys
Should feel thud, no pain
Pain present with inflammation of the kidneys
Are kidneys usually palpable?
Palpating the bladder
Deep palpation is used in the hypogastric region, superior to suprapubic bone
Empty bladder- unable to palpate
Full bladder- enlarged
If tender, suspect UTI