ABCD System Flashcards
What are the ABCD disruptions?
A- Aggression
B- Breaking the Rules
C- Confrontation
D- Disengagement
What is Aggression?
Action aimed at hurting others.
What is Breaking the Rules?
Action interfering with the teacher’s ability to teach & the students’ ability to learn.
What is Confrontation?
Any kind of aggression aimed at the teacher.
What is Disengagement?
Attitude of not doing what the teacher asks.
What are the 5 sub-categories of Aggression (disruptions)?
- Direct Physical
- Indirect Physical
- Direct Verbal
- Signs & Gestures
- Indirect
What are 5 examples of Aggression: DIRECT PHYSICAL?
- Hitting
- Kicking
- Slapping
- Biting
- Pushing
What are 4 examples of Aggression: INDIRECT PHYSICAL?
- Destroying things
- Throwing things
- Hiding others’ things
- Stealing others’ things
What are 5 examples of Aggression: DIRECT VERBAL?
- Swearing at others
- Put-downs
- Calling names
- Insulting others
- Making fun of others
What are 4 examples of Aggression: SIGNS & GESTURES?
- Rolling eyes
- Making faces at others
- Disrespectful hand/ finger displays
- Body language of disdain
What are 4 examples of Aggression: INDIRECT?
- Insulting family, friends
- Tattling on (gossiping on)
- Ignoring someone
- Insinuating poor taste or lack of money, etc
What are the 4 sub-categories of Breaking the Rules (disruption)?
- Timeliness
- Materials
- Dress
- Behaviour
What are 4 examples of Breaking the Rules: TIMELINESS?
- Absences
- Not being on time
- Not turning in assignments on time
- Not returning permission slips
What are 4 examples of Breaking the Rules: MATERIALS?
- Writing in texts
- Not bringing material to class
- Not using materials correctly
- Bringing inappropriate things to class
What are 4 examples of Breaking the Rules: DRESS?
- Length of clothes (provocative)
- Drugs and alcohol logos (clothes)
- Gang-related and violent logos (clothes)
- Haircolor that is not allowed
What are 5 examples of Breaking the Rules: BEHAVIOUR?
- Chewing gum
- Passing notes
- Leaning back on chair
- Sharpening pencils
- Cheating
What are the 4 sub-categories of Confrontation (disruption)?
- Aggression Toward the Teacher
- Disrespect
- Refusing
- Instigating
What are 4 examples of Confrontation: AGGRESSION TOWARD THE TEACHER?
- Hitting the teacher
- Profanity
- Arguing with the teacher
- Complaining
What are 5 examples of Confrontation: DISRESPECT?
- Talking back
- Flirting with the teacher
- Contradicting the teacher
- Disdainful facial expressions toward the teacher
- Insulting the teacher
What are 5 examples of Confrontation: REFUSING?
- Refusing to do assignments
- Refusing to sit, move, obey
- Saying “you can’t make me”
- Doing the opposite of what the teacher wants
- Refusing to participate
What are 4 examples of Confrontation: INSTIGATING?
- Repeated complaining
- Taking charge, telling others what to do
- Modeling disobedience
- Initiating rebellion; putting down the task
What are the 4 sub-categories of Disengagement (disruption)?
- Off Task - Behaviour
- Off Task - Verbal
- Tuning Out
- Hyperactivity
What are 4 examples of Disengagement: OFF TASK - BEHAVIOUR?
- Writing notes
- Wandering
- Doing the wrong task or not doing any task
- Grooming
What are 4 examples of Disengagement: OFF TASK - VERBAL?
- Asking off-subject questions
- Blurting out
- Playing dumb
- Socializing when the teacher is talking
What are 4 examples of Disengagement: TUNING OUT?
- Sleeping
- Daydreaming
- Head on desk
- Doodling
What are 4 examples of Disengagement: HYPERACTIVITY?
- Clowning around
- Carelessly rushing through work
- Laughing, giggling
- Fidgeting with materials
What is a disruption?
A student’s behaviour that disrupts the learning process.
What are the 2 rules regarding disruptions and the ABCD system?
- Rule 1: THREE BEFORE B = Because the Breaking the Rules category is too broad and can include too many things, disruptions should be classified in the 3 other categories before using this category. It is only a last resort in case a disruption cannot be put in any other category.
- Rule 2: AGGRESSION TOWARD THE TEACHER = CONFRONTATION = This means that any behaviour that can be classified under Aggression but is aimed at the teacher should be classified under Confrontation.