Abbreviations Flashcards
What does A-RNP stand for
Advanced RNP
What does ADC stand for
Air data computer
What does AMC stand for
Acceptable means of compliance
What does APV stand for
Approach with vertical guidance
What does ARINC stand for
Aeronautical radio incorporated
What does B-RNAV stand for
Basic RNAV
What does CDFA stand for
Continuous descent final approach
What does CDI stand for
Course deviation indicator
What does CDO stand for
Continuous descent operations
What does Cns / ATM stand for
Communication navigation surveillance
Air traffic management
What does CRC stand for
Cyclic redundancy check
What does FAS DB stand for
Final approach segment data block
What does FRT stand for
Fixed radius transition
What does FTE stand for
Flight technical error
What does GNSS stand for
Global navigation satellite system
What does LPV stand for
Localiser performance with vertical guidance
What does LRNS stand for
Long range navigation system
What does NAT HLA stand for
North Atlantic high level airspace
What does NSE stand for
Navigation system error
What does P-RNAV stand for
Precision RNAV
What does PDE stand for
Path definition error
What does PEE stand for
Position estimation error
What does PSE stand for
Path steering error
What does SBAS stand for
Space based augmentation system
What does TSE stand for
Total system error