ABAD MISC. I never make a decision like this on the phone
(You’re going to make a decision either way)
I can appreciate that you believe that you never make a decision like this on the phone, but is that the only thing stopping you from getting unstuck from being robbed by insurance, and finally getting your practice, your FREEDOM, and your life back? Is that it?
(They say “yes, that’s it”)
Ok, I can appreciate that and doc, I’ve been doing this for a long time. And believing you’re not going to make a decision… here’s the truth. You’re going to make a decision either way. It’s unavoidable. It’s bigger than me and it’s bigger than you.
Option “A” is that you keep working way too hard for too little money, you decide not to take my help, in which case you’ve got your problem.
Option “B” is that you realize that this is a big problem, you take my hand, you take advantage of the $10,000 savings, and we go to work, together, solving the problem.
Or, you make the decision not to accept our help and you never come back, or you do, in which case you pay the retail price. Either way you will have made a decision.
The REAL QUESTION is are you sick of the problem, have you had enough pain yet, and are you ready to solve it? That’s the only thing you need to decide.
So you will make a decision either way. So which decision do you want to make? Do you want the problem, or do you want our help, and are you committed to solving it? And if the answer’s yes, then grab your visa, or your mastercard, I don’t really care which card… it’s about helping you get your freedom and your life back.
But if not, then let’s just part friends now, because if you’re not committed to solving this, then I’m really not a fit for you. I can’t help you.
ABAD MISC. I’m a Christian. I need to pray on this. Please respect that I always pray on important decisions
I appreciate that you feel that way. You told me you have been thinking about and praying about this for a while now, as a person of faith too, I believe God put me in your path today for a reason and maybe, just maybe that reason is we ARE the answer you’ve been looking for.
ABAD MISC. I really just need to speak with my wife
I can appreciate that you believe you need to speak with your wife. But with all due respect, you never asked your wife for her permission to join those 8 PPO plans and LOSE $280,000 a year to WRITEOFFS.
You don’t need her permission now to invest a fraction of that in order to finally stop the pain and give your practice and your LIFE back. Don’t overthink it. It’s a simple decision.
It’s not whether or not you need to speak with <spouse>. The REAL QUESTION IS, have you HAD ENOUGH PAIN YET? If the answer is yes, TAKE MY HAND. We've GOT you. Tell me which credit card works best and frankly, I don't care which card it's not about the card it's about getting you out of the pain SO THAT you and your wife can finally live the life and experience the joy that you deserve.</spouse>
ABAD MISC. I Just Need to Speak with Some Doctors Who’ve Been through the Program
I can appreciate that you believe you need to speak with others who’ve been through our program…
in fact, we have a 238-page book of 116 stories… in the doctors’ own words… of their amazing successes in our program.
But speaking with 1 or even 100 of our members would not serve you best…
Here’s the REAL truth. You could speak to others who’ve CRUSHED IT with our program and that’s absolutely NO INDICATION whether or not you’ll do well in our program. All that means is that those doctors were COACHABLE, and they showed up and DID the work.
The TRUTH is, How YOU do will be directly dependent on whether or not YOU ARE 100% COMMITTED to YOUR SUCCESS… and… whether you’re willing to SHOW UP AND DO THE WORK.
Furthermore, we speak with over 500 dentists each year. Our members are busy transforming their practices during the day and ENJOYING the RESULTS of FINANCIAL FREEDOM by night with their families.
I won’t ask them to take time away from practice or family to speak with dentists who’re on the fence about whether or not this is the right decision for them. And WHEN YOU ARE IN MY PROGRAM, we’ll focus on you and you alone… I won’t have you talking with 30 other dentists!
SO the REAL question isn’t whether or not you need to speak with someone else. The REALITY is that THOSE DOCTORS ARE IRRELEVANT to you.
The REAL question is whether or not you’re sick and tired of being OVERWORKED and UNDERPAID are you READY to do something about it?
And if so take my hand. I’m here for you. I made you an offer cuz I understand your problem and I know how to fix it.
(Close the Loop) Tell me which option is better for you in order to and that cycle of exhaustion and create joy and abundance in your life every day?
Dr. <NAME>, I can appreciate that you believe you need to speak with your staff. However, that's exactly why you need to do this and do it right now. You're the CEO, the general of your army. You and you ALONE are responsible for deciding which battles to fight.</NAME>
Imagine if a 5-star general at the Pentagon were to reach out to his lieutenants in the field and ask them whether or not they think he should enter the war.
Sure, AFTER he makes that decision and PUTS THEM ON THE BATTLEFIELD, he’ll welcome their feedback…
But never before!
Otherwise, they’d tell him not to enter the battle! Your decision to get out of <pain> and into <dream> is yours and yours alone.</dream></pain>
I made you an offer for one reason and that’s because I understand your problem and I know I can help.
So tell me which option works best for you so that you can begin to live an amazing life of joy and abundance every day.
Doctor, With all due respect the only pressure you’re feeling is you making a decision to solve the problem because that’s at the edge of your comfort zone. And that’s my job to help get you past that… and help you finally Live Your Dream.
So Doc, tell me which credit card you want to use MasterCard, Visa, I don’t really care… it’s not about your credit card, it’s about finally getting your life back, and giving you and your family the life you deserve
I can appreciate that you’ve just invested in marketing. Over the years we’ve been doing this, we’ve had other doctors in a similar situation.
Is your investment in the marketing company the only thing stopping you from drawing a line in the sand with the PPOs and creating a practice and a life you really LOVE?
Not all of our members have us do the targeted marketing. It’s just one optional component we offer. Many are already doing their own marketing or have sufficient new patient flow.
We’ve been doing this for a long time and here’s what we’ve found… and it’s very interesting… the real question isn’t whether or not you’ve hired a marketing company. The real question is have you had enough pain yet, and are you ready to do something about it?!
To keep it in perspective, the very first strategy we help you implement could EASILY cover the cost of your marketing company for the entire year!
(Close the Loop): So grab your card, Visa, Mastercard, which card doesn’t really matter which card, it’s not ABOUT the card. It’s about helping you break FREE from your PPO PRISON right now.
Understood. You’d love our help to get you OUT of the PPOs, off the hamster wheel, and into a life of abundance for you and your family. But you don’t have $3,250 available on a card right now.
I don’t want you to lose the $10,000 incentive for the committed and CLEARLY, YOU ARE COMMITTED
So let’s do this. Just 1625 today and 1625 in two weeks. We could even do that every month moving forward if you prefer… although after you’ve deployed even the first strategy, I’m confident it won’t be an issue for you.
Which card would you like to put that on so that you’ll never have to worry about money again?
With all due respect, you have no idea what I’m doing. My job isn’t to get my hands into your wallet. We’re here to get to the truth of what’s not working and why. Sure, in 19 out of 20 cases, you’d be right… but this is the one time when that’s absolutely not what’s happening.
We offer a reduction in fee while on the call for two reasons.
First, we accept $10,000 less than our regular fee to reward the committed.
Second, we’ve been doing this for a long time and we understand human behavior. 99% of the time if we end the call without your commitment to getting you out of the pain you’re in and achieving what we know you’re capable of, you will not return.
Not making a decision on the call is making a decision to remain stuck where you are. To be clear… My job isn’t to close you. My only job is to help us get to the truth.
Your job is to decide whether or not you want my help. You and only you can make that decision. My job is just to help you get to the truth.
I made you an offer because I understand your situation and I know I can help.
So if you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, then take my hand.
Tell me which option works best for you so I can help you finally love your practice and your life again.
I can appreciate that you believe that you need to speak with a few others before you can make a decision. Other doctors have told us the same thing. But we’ve been doing this for a really long time and here’s what we’ve found to be true, and it’s really interesting…
You’ve already been thinking about dropping PPOs for a long time. And there’s no shortage of coaches and consultants out there. You could speak with 3 more or 30 more. But the REAL QUESTION isn’t whether or not you have more coaches to speak with. The REAL QUESTION is whether or not you’re SICK AND TIRED of <pain> and want to finally break free and enjoy <dream>.</dream></pain>
And if the answer is yes, then take my hand. That’s exactly why I made you an offer because I understand your problem and I know I can help. We’re better than ANYBODY IN THE WORLD at helping you SAFELY and PREDICTABLY get UNSTUCK from PPOs.
You reached out to Dr. Orent because you want an expert mentor who has ALREADY DONE this successfully for himself in his 2 practices, and, someone who has helped HUNDREDS of other dentists reduce or eliminate PPOs.
So tell me which credit card you’d like to use so I can help you escape your PPO prison and finally just LOVE each and every day.