AAM UI Navigation Flashcards
What is under the Audience Data tab?
- Data Sources
- Traits
- Segments
- Signals
- Destinations
- Profile Merge Rules
- Models
- Audience Lab
What is under the Analytics tab?
- General Reports
- Trend Reports
- Audience Reports
- Onboarding Status Report
- Outbound File History
What is under the Tools tab?
- Tag
- Derived Signals
- Visitor Profile Viewer
What is under Administration?
- Users
- Groups
- Limits
- Integrated Accounts
- Privacy
- Usage
What does the Signals Dashboard show?
Top Unused Signals and New unused Signals
What can you do under Traits?
- Add New: rule-based, algorithmic, or onboarded trait.
- create lookalike model
- create segment
- delete
- add new folder
What can you do under Segments?
- Add new
- create lookalike model
- add to destination
What options do you have under destinations?
- Can look at all destinations and search for one
- can look at adobe experience cloud
- can look at integrated platforms
- custom
- can create a new destination
What information do you need to create a new destination?
- name
- description
- category (custom, integrated)
- environment(android, browser, ios, all)
- type (url or cookie)
- can add data export labels
- configuration of url or cookie
What option do you have under Models?
- look-alike modeling or predictive audiences
What is Audience Lab?
Create a group of mutually exclusive test segments from a single base segments. Can be used to evaluate different advertising elements while controlling for the audience variable (A/B test)
What can you do under General Reports?
- Trait Report
- Segment Report
- Destination Report
- Can run or export report
Under each report type for a General Report, what can you look at?
- Cross device id or device id
- unique trait realizations, total trait realizations, and total trait population
- for segment and destination specifically can look at real time segment population or total segment population
- day range: 1,7,14, 30, 60, 90
What can you do under trend Report?
- Look at a trait or segment report for a specific time range
- can export or graph the traits or segments
What is under Audience Reports?
- overlap reports
- lookalike
- unused signal report