Representation of the idea through unaided and/or aided means
Assistive devices or means to transmit and/or receive messages
AIDS (Devices)
Productivity and efficiency of message transmission
Access and choices of messages
“something” that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention
Symbols that need external tools to produce messages
Aided Symbols
T or F:
Aided Symbols requires an external aid or assistive communication device to display and transmit
What are the 4 perceptual characteristics?
Complexity, Degree of ambiguity, Perceptual distinctness, and Size
Refers to the degree to which an individual perceives the relationship between a symbol and its referent
What are the 3 types of iconicity?
Transparent icons, translucent, and opaque
What are the 4 linguistic capacity?
Nonlinguistic, Prelinguistic (Symbol set), Prelinguistic (Transitionary symbol system), and Linguistic
Symbols that do not possess any inherent linguistic characteristics
Inherent linguistic characteristics (with limitations) in the form of internal logic
Prelinguistic: Symbol Set
More defined but unsophisticated linguistic characteristic in the form of internal logic
Prelinguistic: Transitionary Symbol System
T or F:
In Linguistic, unlimited communication is possible
A physical attribute wherein, symbols produced a synthetic speech through speech- generating devices (SGDs)
A physical attribute wherein, it is Object-based symbols
A physical attribute wherein, Symbols that require movement to assist in conveying meaning
Two-Dimensional symbols can be categorized into 2:
static and kinetic
Three-dimensional symbols are often object-based symbols and include ________, _________, and _________ and __________.
real objects, miniature objects, and tangible and textured symbols
What are the 4 examples under 2 dimensional symbols that posesses the dimensions of height and width but not depth?
Generic Line Drawing
What is the difference between partial and associated objects?
Partial: part of the referent that share the same feature
Associated: related to the referent
What are the 4 examples of animated symbols - 2 dimensional symbols that require movement to assist in conveying meaning?
Animated Graphics (AAG)
Autism Language Program
Library of International Picture Symbols
Are not just a group of pictures or visual symbols but a visual language system organized semantically with strategies for picturing concepts with categories having common shapes and colors
What is the ultimate goal of imagine symbols?
to develop symbols that could easily be learned by people with cognitive and/or other disabilities.
Are flexibly customizable, interactive, and highly stimulating, allowing for a range of human computer user interactions available by design in association with each icon
Lingraphica Concept-Images
These symbols aim was to develop a symbol corpus that was free of cost, and in fact, these symbols are free to use based on the creative commons license terms
Mulberry Symbols
Are symbols (i.e., pictographic images) initially created focusing on helping people with aphasia
Where can pics for picture exchange communication system can be used?
to create printed communication boards, schedules, literacy activities, visual supports, and overlays for SGDs.
What are Makaton Symbols
In appearance, they are black line drawing easy to interpret as they look like that they represent and can be easily drawn on white boards with markers during free-flowing spontaneous communication
What is the most commonly used aided symbol sets in the world?
Picture Communication Symbols
Approach where the user learns the rules that govern the symbols so knowledge can be applied to understanding novel symbols
Widgit Symbols
What does plus and minus in widgit symbols denotes?
morphological symbols of language
Highest in aided symbols
Linguistic Symbols
What are the 4 potential issues with aided symbols?
Intrinsic Factors
These are symbols that does not require aid or assistive communication device to display and transmit message
Unaided Symbols
Thse are also referred to as presymbolic symbols
nonlinguistic symbols
Any behavior that another person interpret as meaningful and may include a range of behaviors such as changes in respiration, body movement, vocalization, eye gaze, facial expression, and/or problem behavior
Potential Communicative Acts
What are gestures?
Actions produced primarily with the fingers, hands, and arms (ex. upper extremities) but can include facial features and full body movements
What are the 5 gesture types by McNeill’s Gesture Development (1992)?
Involves the representational thinking skill—the ability to hold an image of something in mind when the person, place, object, or activity is removed in space and/or time.
Linguistic Symbols (Unaided symbols)
The simultaneous presentation of ______ and ______ was intended to make spoken language structures more visually transparent, and hence, easier for deaf children to understand and acquire.
manual sign and speech
We reserve the term “_________” for gestures that are used in a systematic and consistent way in communication.
manual sign
What is the purpose of Makaton?
to develop a person’s spoken output in combination with other AAC support
What is commonly used for multi-modal communication?
What are 4 issues with unaided symbols?
Motor Ability/Control
Cultural Considerations
Visual Access to Gesture/ Manual Signs
Devices that have synthetic or digitized speech output
Speech Generating Devices
Visual display from which they select symbols. These include simple letter boards, symbols boards, etc.
Communication Boards
What are the 2 physical elements to remember in Nonspeech Generating Devices?
Symbols (the means to represent) and Displays (the means to transmit)
These symbols can be held in the hands, shown to a communication partner, and handed over as a communicative act.
Tactile Symbols
What is the difference between dedicated and integrated devices?
Dedicated devices: designed specifically to operate as a communication aid
Integrated devices: allows for use as a traditional computer complete with internet access and software apps that perform tasks unrelated to the production of speech
Words that carry the main meaning of the utterance (e.g. words for people, actions, objects, places, questions)
Content Words
Words that provide structure to our sentences (e.g. articles, conjunctions, prepositions)
Function Words
Vocabulary words and messages that are specific or unique to the individual
Personalized Vocabulary
What is core vocabulary?
Words that are relatively common and relatively frequently used by a variety of individuals in different situations
What are function words?
There are words that will occur only in relation to specific activities, contexts, places, topics, and demographic groups
Messages that have important timing equipments (time-sensitive messages) are usually stored and retrieved in their entirety
Timing Enhancement
______________ are words or messages that occur so frequently and are so lengthy that the use of an encoding strategy is used for retrieval
Acceleration vocabularies
Informants are simply asked to record potential vocabulary items for the individual
Blank Sheet
Provision of informants with ideas about potential vocabulary words from which to choose
Vocabulary Checklists
Checking the user’s interest, frequency of use to determine vocabularies
Setting Priorites
__________ grid displays organize symbols based on the parts of the speech; Use of Fitzgerald Key
Organization of vocabulary schematic is also referred as ___. This is when the arrangement of symbols on separate pages by events, activities, or routines
activity grid display
Organization of symbols through generic categories is called ____.
Taxonomic arrangement
Vocabulary concepts are organized according to the activities, routines, and events within which these concepts are learned and used
Visual Scene Displays
T or F:
Scanning or indirect selection require less steps for activation
This involves identifying a group of representations and then eliminating options gradually until a final selection is made
Group-Item Scanning
Cursor moves when the user activates the device; selection will happen when the device (i.e. switch) is released
Directed (Inverse) Scanning
One to one correspondence of cursor movement and switch movement and switch activation; selection happens when you stop activating the device
Step Scanning
Cursor moves automatically; selection happens when you press the device (i.e. switch)
Automatic (Regular or Interrupted) Scanning
Under voice output, _____ is a time-sampled replication of actual human speech
What does synthesized do? (under voice output)
Translate the user’s input (choosing letters, words, or symbols) into computer-generated speech generated speech
What is direct selection?
User has direct control over and access to the communication tool that is used
Direct selection has a one-to-one relationship between the _______ and the __________.
motor act and resultant selection
Identification of the item on display and sustain contact with a predetermined time for activation
Timed activation
Identification of an item on display, sustain contact with a predetermined time for activation, and selection happens after you release the symbol
Release activation
What is Filtered or Averaged Activation?
Activation through selection of the general area of the item, instead of the item itself
What are the 3 primary puposes of strategies that are according to Beukulman and Mirenda (1998)?
- To enhance message timing
- To assist grammatical formulation of messages
- To enhance communication rates
A strategy often used to to store complete words, phrases, or sentences in AAC technology and to assign a code of some type to the stored message to retrieve the entire word or message
Prediction involves a _______________ in which options are offered to an individual with complex communication needs according to the portion of a word or message that has already been formulated.
dynamic retrieval process
Abbreviation of words according to the first few letters
Truncation Codes
T or F: In salient letter codes, initial letters of the salient words are used for encoding
What are contraction codes?
Inclusion of the most salient letters
In letter category codes what does the first and second letter refers to?
First letter refers to the Category folder
Second letter refers to the specific messages
A popular encoding technique that utilizes iconic codes, specifically combinations of symbols (line drawings)
Minspeak or semantic compaction
Predicted words can be listed below the cursor, or can be displayed in a window above the keyboards
Word prediction
Message construction can be supported using statistical and syntactic knowledge of written language to predict (anticipate) the next character/word/phrase.
Language Prediction
Storing whole phrases, sentences, and paragraphs in AAC systems, which can be made available to the person using prediction based on context-appropriate prediction and rules of pragmatics or by structuring the content appropriately
Message prediction