How many lines of MEDEVAC coveraged are designated as enduring ISO USARAK an d approved civilian agencies in the Alaksan interior?
2 24/7 lines
How many patients of each kind can be transported with and without the medical interior on an HH-60M?
The HH-60M with medical interior removed, can transport a maximum of 3 litter and 2 ambulatory patients. With
medical interior the HH-60M can transport up to 6 litter patients or 8 ambulatory or a combination of the two. When
feasible, no more than 2 litter patients should be transported in one aircraft
What is the capability of the hoist on the HH-60M?
All MEDEVAC aircraft are equipped with a rescue hoist with 290 feet (HH-60M) of usable cable capable of hoisting
up to 600lbs
Define the MEDEVAC Duty Cycle
MEDEVAC Duty Cycle: The preferred standard duty cycle for MEDEVAC crews is 25 hours to cover crew
change-out or administrative tasks. When on a MEDEVAC Duty Cycle, crews will maintain a constant state of
crew rest unless performing duties required to maintain MEDEVAC coverage. Sufficient accommodations for rest,
meals, and isolation away from other unit activities will be provided to the crews. Unless specifically briefed
otherwise, MEDEVAC duty day will be continuous and commences when the aircrew begins preparations for duty
and concludes when the aircrew is relieved.
When is a MEDEVAC crews duty day and flight ours are reset to zero for their duty cycle when what?
The crew has been afforded more than 8 hours of uninterrupted rest.
After 14 consecutive days, what must happen for a crew?
The crew must receive a 24 hour reset.
How long may a crew on a 1-hour recall work for? When are crews placed on a 1-hour recall?
A No more than 8-hours
B) During after duty hours
What is the expected timeline for a crew on Rapid Response?
20 minutes for aircraft outside the hangar and 30 minutes for aircraft inside the hangar
What is the show and assume time for the 1st and 2nd up MEDEVAC crews?
1st: show @ 0800, assume @ 0900
2nd: Show @ 0900, assume 1 hour after arrival at Ft. Greely
How much fuel is required if hot fuel is/is not available?
Is: 2000lbs
Is not: 3000lbs`
What are the hour and comms equipment requirements for an aircraft on MEDEVAC standby?
- At least 6 hours of blade time
- GPS w/ current DAFIF
- UHF, VHF, and HF operational
- BFT checked during run up
What is the mission approval process for missions requested by the RCC (rescue coordination center)?
- Crew receives request and determines feasibility
- For all RCC mission requests, crew must be re-breifed by MBO and reapproved by appropriate FMAA.
- For high risk missions, approval must come from 11AD CDR with 1CORP awareness
How will flight plans for real world missions be filed?
By the PC either electronically or telephonically and forwarded to Dragon Ops
How should patient status updates/flight updates be passed on to Dragon Ops?
via FSS / BFT / or text
What are the 3 updates to the CDR the PC is required to provide if these changes take place?
1) If the weather is below the briefed and approved minimums for the mission at the time of launch.
2) PC is wihtin 2 hours of exceeding flight or duty day
3) PC will inform RCC and Range control when the status of weather or equipment goes BLACK according to the table in para 3-9.
What are the restrictions for training flights for 1st/2nd up crews?
Before the 10th hour of the day, no more than 3 D or 2 NG with 6 remaining before next MX window. Separate RCOPs will be completed for training flights.
What are the 5 vetted and approved launch requesting authorities?
(1) Fort Wainwright Range Control
(2) Donnelly Range Control
(3) USARAK Command Center
(4) Bassett Army Community Hospital (Patient Transfer Only)
(5) FGA Fire Department