A5 Loss Causation and Incident Investigation Flashcards
An incident is an event that includes all undesirable circumstances and near misses that could cause accidents
Bird triangle
1-serious injury
10- minor injuries
30- property damage accidents
600- non injury/ damage accidents
Any undesired circumstances which gives rise to injury, ill health, damage to property, plant, environment, production losses or increased liability
Use and limitations of accident ratio studies
Used to sense check accident statistics
Manage near misses and learn lessons- prevent major problems
No connection between causes of serious accidents and minor incidents
Cultural difficulties or under reporting
Level of risk
Studies/ information dated
Heinrich’s Accident domino theory
Ancestry and social environment Fault of person Unsafe acts/ conditions Accident Injury
Birds modified accident domino theory
Lack of control by management Basic causes (personal factors and/or job factors) Immediate cause Accident Loss
Accident frequency rate
Number of accidents X100,000/ number of hrs worked
Takes into variations of work done, over time, full, part time and agency workers
Accident incident rate
Number of incidents X 1000/ number of people employed
Legal requirement to investigate
Not explicit but is implied
There is an explicit requirement under the social security (claims and payment) regulations - regulation 25
Employers must take reasonable steps to investigate every accident resulting in personal injury to an employee.
Accident severity rate
Number of days lostX1000/total hrs worked
Gives the mean number of days lost per accident
Mean duration rate
Takes into account severity
Legal requirement to report
RIDDOR reg 2
Work related accidents leading to Fatal injury Major injuries Minor injuries (incapacitation) Occupational diseases Dangerous occurrences (gas, over turning structures)
Reporting deaths
Deaths arising from an accident at work, must be immediately reported (phone), including those deaths that occurred within 1 year of an accident
Reporting non fatal injuries
Regulation 4
- fractures (except finger, thumb, toes) as diagnosed by a medical professional
- Amputation of hand, arm, foot finger or toe
- Loss of sight in one or both eyes (or impairment of vision) as diagnosed by a medical practitioner
- Crush causing internal injuries to head, chest
- Burns covering more than 10% or significant damage to eyes, respiratory system or vital organs
- Scalping requiring hospital treatment
- loss of consciousness caused by head injury or asphyxiation
- 7 days or more off work (Must be reported within 15 days of accident)
- any injuries arising from an enclosed space which leads to hypothermia or heat induced illness or requires resuscitation or admittance to hospital for more than 24hrs
Reporting of occupational diseases
RIDDOR Regulation 8 and 9
- Carpel tunnel syndrome from percussive or vibrating tools
- Cramp in hand, arm where work involves prolonged repetative movements to hands or fingers
- Dermatitis due to exposure-to irritant
- HAVs
- Asthma from exposure to irritant or sensitiser
- Tendonitis in handout forearm
Reportable near misses
- Collapse, failure or overturning of load bearing structures or parts (hoist, crane, lift)
- Major failure of pressure systems
- Contact with overhead power lines
- Release of biological agent likely to cause human infection
- Fire or explosion causing work to be stopped for 24hrs or more
Quickest possible means, follow up in writing within 10 days
List in schedule 2 lists 27 categories
RIDDOR forms
2508IE Major injuries, dangerous occurrences (in death)
2508AE diseases
2508G1E gas incident
Why investigate accidents
- identify root causes
- Prevent reoccurrence
- identify trends
- improve practice
- Establish legal liability
- Calculate costs
- gather statistical data
RIDDOR Regulation 12
Regulation 12 requires the responsible person to keep a written record of
Any accident, occ disease or dangerous occurrence that requires reporting under RIDDOR
Any over 3 day TLAs
List key RIDDOR regulations
R2= interpretation of terms R3= Responsible person R4= non-fatal injuries R5=non-fatal injuries to non workers R6= fatalities R7= dangerous occurrences R8= occupational diseases R9= exposure to carcinogens, mutagens and biological agents R11= gas related injuries R12= record keeping