A5 Autonomics Flashcards
Cell requirements of PNS
somatic: one cell body
Autonomic: two cell bodies
- preganglionic
- post ganglionic
Fight or Flight section of Autonomic (visceral motor)
THREE paths
- body wall
- body cavity above diaphragm
- body cavity below diaphragm
THREE only visceral to body wall
- sweat and sebaceous glans,
- arrector pilli muscles
- vasculature
Lateral Horn
also known as IML cell column houses preganglionic sympathetic cell bodies ONLY from T1-L2 Spinal cord levels
IML presence actually creates lateral horn shape
IMLCC axons travel through anterior root to mixed spinal nerve to white ramus communicans to the paravertebral ganglion
Then head to anterior ramus if hypaxial musculature and skin
posterior ramus if epaxial musculature and overlying skin
post ganglionic axons of the sympathetic NS
synapse in the paravertebral ganglion
-travel directly to the organ via Cardiopulmonary splanchnic nerve.
splanchnic means visceral
Sympathetic axons to body cavity BELOW diaphragm
NO SYNAPSE IN paravertebral ganglion
-through diaphragm, directly to prevertebral/prearotic ganglia (anterior to abdominal aorta) on the abdominal aorta
SYNAPSE- post ganglionic nerves travel to organ
Three prevertebral ganglia
celiac ganglion
superior mesenteric ganglion
inferior mesenteric ganglion
sympathetic chain (trunk)
preganglionic sympathetic axons only enter chain from T1-L2, so white ramus communicans are only t1-L2
Preganglionic axons can synapse in one of several places
- paravertebral ganglion of that level (T1-L2)
- ascend the chain
- descend the chain
- Exit the chain without synapse for synapse in a prevertebral ganglion
Gray Rami Communicans
present at every level, so there are gray rami communicantes at EVERY level
sympathetic chain- cervical
superior cervical ganglion (C1-4)
middle cervical ganglion (C5-6)
inferior cervical ganglion (C7-8)
-stellate ganglion
ganglion impar
bottom of sacrum
Present at EVERY level five things
- somatic motor cell bodies in the anterior horn
- visceral and somatic cell sensory cell bodies in the posterior root ganglion
- post ganglionic sympathetic cell bodies in the paravertebral ganglion
- a gray ramus communicans
- a connection to the paravertebral ganglion above and below
present from T1-L2
- somatic motor cell bodies in the anterior horn
- visceral and somatic sensory cell bodies in the PRG
- post ganglionic sympathetic cell bodies in the paravertebral ganglion
- a gray ramus communicans
- a connection to the paravertebral ganglion above and below
paravertebral ganglia from the superior cervical ganglion ot T5
ALL attached to splanchnic nerves
all paravertebral ganglia from T5-L5
attached to AP splanchnic nerve
-paravertebral ganglia are located at the vertebral level, but are associated with a spinal chord level. Cauda equina stretches out the roots
energy conservation
- NO parasympathetic to body wall
- NOT part of typical spinal nerves, except in pelvis
- head and neck
- body inferior to the neck and proximal to the left colic flexure
- for the large intestine distal to the colic flexure and the pelvis
visceral sensory
poorly localized, only one cell body, located in posterior root ganglion
Pain- induces damage of structure, follows sympathetic pathway from structure, to the spinal nerve, and then to the PRG
Non Pain- fullness, bloating, cramping, follows parasympathetic, to the brain
referred pain: orangs in the body cavity are associated with the same spinal cord levels that body wall structures are associated with. Pain signals can get mixed up.