A4- Health & safety regulations Flashcards
Why is patient safety important?
It helps to maintain patient dignity, trust and the organisations reputation.
What is the Patient Safety Act?
It stresses the importance of confidentiality, reporting safety concerns and maintaining patient rights in an attempt to keep them safe.
What is TILE?
This is a moving and handling tool which promotes safe practice.
•Task- Asses the task at hand and the activity involved.
• Individual- Consider the health and ability to co-operate of the patient and carer.
• Load- What is the weight and how stable is the equipment.
• Environment- Are there any obstructions and is the space adequate.
How do you wash your hands?
• Palm to palm
• Back of hands
• Fingers interlocked x2
• Thumbs
• Nails
• Wrists
• Turn off the tap with your elbow
• Dry your hands with a paper towel.
Why is patient experience important?
• Reduce trauma associated with care environments.
• Maintain a good reputation.
• Improve clinical outcomes.
• Make them satisfied with their care.
How would you promote independence in order to prevent deterioration?
• Involve them in decisions.
• Set achievable goals.
• Educate patients.
• Encourage problem solving.
• Empower.
• Promote well-being.
• Motivate.
• Continuity of care.
What are the infection routes?
• Respiratory- The inhalation of airborne particles or droplets.
• Oral- Contaminated food, water and objects.
• Direct contact- Touching and infected person or surface.
• Breaks in skin- Infection enters a cut or puncture.
• Vector bone- Bites or stings from insects.
• Sexual- Unprotected coitus.
• Vertical- Infection spreading from a pregnant person to their baby.
How can an employer promote infection control?
• Raise employee awareness.
• Provide training.
• Conduct risk assessments.
• Report and record how they are actively preventing infection.
• Ensure the health, safety and well fair of all.
• Assess the needs.
• Provide suitable PPE.
How can an employee promote infection control?
• Work with infection control in mind.
• Whistleblow inadequate infection control.
• Follow policy.
• Co-operate with the employer.
• Stay up to date.
• Get advice.
• Maintain their knowledge.
• Protect everyone from harm.
What is a hazard?
Something with the potential to cause harm.
What is a risk?
The likelihood that harm will be caused.
What is a risk assessment?
The process of identifying what hazards currently exist and what risks may arise and then putting control measures in place.
How would you do a risk assessment?
• Identify the hazards.
• Decide who may be harmed and how.
• Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions.
• Record your findings.
• Review and update.
You should report the issue as soon as possible to the appropriate person (manager) and eliminate the hazard in the moment if possible.
If you have employed 5 or more people you have to say who is at risk.
What is EBP?
‘Evidence Based Practice’ is the act of using the best available evidence from scientific research to inform medical decisions, treatment and interventions.
It also allows you to make informed choices by considering the effectiveness and safety of treatments.
What are the benefits of EBP?
It improves patient outcomes, care quality and helps to implement new forms of treatment.
What are some risk factors of infection?
• Age
• Bad infection control
• Bad hygiene
• Vaccines
Why is a health and safety policy important?
• Reduces infection.
• Reduces harm.
• Improves patient outcomes.
• Less error.
• It is a preventative measure.
What are some workplace policy’s which promote infection control?
• Wear PPE.
• Have a clean and spare uniform.
• Must be clear below your elbows.
• Wear your ID.
• Don’t smoke in your uniform.
What is moving and handling?
The act of transporting or supporting a load by bodily force. Follow best practice to avoid injury when doing so.
What factors should you consider when moving a handling?
• Size
• Weight
• Mobility
• Medical history
• Mental capacity
• Patient and handler strength
• Risks
• Training
• Maintenance of moving and handling aids (equipment)
• The environment
• Ability to co-operate
What is the safety moving principle?
• Prepare the person.
• Ensure the patient and handler are ready.
• Inform them of the process.
• Ensure the equipment is safe.
What are the benefits of moving and handling equipment?
• Provides support as there is less of a load and therefor less strain.
• Prevents harm.
• Promotes independence as they can be used at home.
• Maintains patient dignity and comfort.
• Promotes efficiency, consistency, accessibility and environment control.
What is a profile bed?
The type of bed used in hospitals which is easily fitted to the patient as it turns into a chair, is able to move and break and has height adjustments.
What is a slide sheet?
A sheet which aids the movement of patients as it allows professionals to slide the patients up surfaces without harming them.
What is a hoist?
A device that lifts a patient from one seated position to another.
What is a turning aid?
This is a moving aid designed to help you move a person from one seat to another. This is helpful to people who can stand but not mobilise, as it aid them in turning or facing other directions.
What is a pat slide?
This is used to aid patient transfer from one bed to another.
What is a standing aid?
Also referred to as a sara steady, aids the patient in completing a sit to stand movement.
Why should equipment be stored correctly?
• Prevent infection
• Maintain effectiveness
• Allow for safe use
• Keep an organised work space
What are the benefits of mandatory training?
• Safety
• Compliance
• Confidence
• Consistency
• Accountability
• Teamwork
What are some examples of mandatory training?
• Blood transfusion
• Safeguarding
• Consent
• Equality
• Documenting records
• Risk assessments
• Consultation
• First aid
• Health and safety
• Infection control
• Fire safety
Where can training be accessed?
• Apps
• Online
• Courses
• Degrees
• On the job training
• Simulations
• Mentorship
• Certification
What are some limitations to moving and handling?
• Moving and handling needs
• Preferences
• Equipment quality
• Equipment availability
• Time
• Age
• Size
• Mental state
What could be a result of equipment complications?
• Death
• Injury
• Inaccurate readings
• Legal action taken
• Broken equipment
• Unsafe equipment and environment
• Decrease in efficiency
How should fire incidents be responded to?
They should be met with immediate action, emergency contact, reporting and then reviewed.
How could you ensure safety during a fire?
• Allocate meeting points
• Evacuation plan
• Inform your supervisors
• Do allocated jobs
• Make others aware
• Activate the alarm
• Assist patients
• Close doors
• Extinguish if possible to do so
• Educate others
• Account for everyone
• Stay informed
• Do drills
• Training
What is the manual handling operations regulations 1992?
This sets out the employers duty to assess and minimise the risks associated with manual handling, prove adequate training and ensure diverse workplace ergonomics.
What are the roles and duty’s of staff during fires?
• Comply with fire policy
• Do the fire induction sheet
• Complete training and drills
• Safe oxygen use
• Clean environment
• Familiarise self with evacuation plan and fire arangments
• Daily fire safety inspection report
• Clear exits
• Don’t leave things unattended
What can you use a dry powder fire extinguisher on?
• Class A (Wood, paper and textiles)
• Class B (Flammable liquids)
• Class C (Gaseous fires)
• Electrical fires
What can you use a fire hose reel extinguisher on?
• Class A (Wood, paper and textiles)
What can you use a foam spray extinguisher on?
• Class A (Wood, paper and textiles)
• Class B (Flammable liquids)
What can a water extinguisher be used on?
• Class A (Wood, paper and textiles)
What can a CO2 extinguisher be used on?
• Class B (Flammable liquids)
• Electrical fires
What is the Display Screen Equipment Regulations 1992?
It states the employer’s responsibility to risk assess work stations for the risk of tiredness, eye strain, carpal tunnel and headaches. They also have to provide regular breaks, free eye tests and training on the proper use of screen.
What is Regulatory reform (fire safety) order 2005?
It aims to reduce death, damage and injury’s caused by fires by placing legal responsibility onto employers to risk asses, have procedure in place for evacuations and provide fire safety training.
What is root cause analysis?
The process of identifying the cause of an incident. This is done to prevent future errors and to improve quality and safety.
The process includes: identifying the issue, gathering data and using tools like the 5 why’s to uncover the cause.
What are the 5 why’s?
You ask why something happened 5 times in order to uncover the cause and effect relationship underlying a problem.
What is the Health and Safety at work act 1974?
It sets out the duty’s of employers to provide and maintain equipment, do risk assessment, maintain safe working conditions, provide and maintain and entry and exit route.
It also sets out the duty’s of employees to take care of the health and safety of themselves and others and co-operate with the employer to enable them to fulfil their duty under the act.
This is to ensure the health, safety and well-being of all.
What is the management of health and safety at work regulations 1999?
This aims to reduce the amount and severity of workplace accidents through assessing and managing risks.
Employers have a duty to risk assess, ensure effective planning, prevent and control measures are put in place, appoint one or more “competent person” to assist the employer in carrying out their responsibilities.
Employees have a duty to use equipment, substances and devices in accordance with their training and inform employers and others of any dangers or shortcomings.
What is the Control Of Substances Hazardous To Health Regulations 2002 (amended 2021)?
This aims to protect people against the risks associated with work related exposure to hazardous substances. This enforces a requirement for risk assessments. Anyone in charge of or working in a laboratory must implement this.
Employers give information, monitor use, risk asses and provide training.
What is the Personal Protective Equipment At Work Regulations 1992 (amended 2022)?
This defines the employers duty to provide PPE to reduce harm to all and give staff training on its usage. Employees must comply with this training.
What is the Reporting of injury’s, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations 2013?
This defines the employers duty to report serious workplace incidents, occupational diseases and specific occurrences. Those in control of the workplace (responsible person) must report any reportable injury’s like death or an incident occurring in their inability to work for over 7 days.
What is the Environmental protection act 1990?
It aims to control the pollution to air, water and land by regulating the management and emissions of waste. Certain processes and substances have strict controls and limitations in place regarding their emissions, and therefore need approval to handle them. A failure to abide by this law can result in criminal sanctions. The local authority regulate and licence the disposal of controlled waste and the environmental agency will take action.
What is the Special waste regulations 1996?
This regulates the transit, import and export of waste. It aims to prevent, reduce and eliminate pollution. It assesses the environmental impact of projects.
What is the hazardous waste regulations 2005?
This regulates the storage, transport and disposal of hazardous waste to ensure it is appropriately managed and risks are minimised to protect health and the environment. This also calls for proper labelling.
What is the Waste Electrical And Electronical equipment regulations 2013?
This aims to reduce the amount of electrical waste incinerated in and sent to landfills. It set out the responsibility for businesses to correctly store and transport their electrical waste to reduce its environmental impact.
What is the purpose Ionising Radiation Regulations (2017)?
It sets exposure limits for ionising radiation in the workplace, to protect those in the workplace from its risks. This restriction should be enforced through engineering control and design features. Employers must carry out radiation risk assessments before a new activity takes place.
What is the purpose of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)?
They regulate medicines, medical devices and blood components for transfusion to ensure they are safe and effective. They ensure healthcare products meet the required safety, quality and effectiveness standards, secure safe supply chains, educate the public and healthcare professionals on the risks and benefits of healthcare products and enable innovation and research.
What is the Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations 1995?
Requires care settings to identify food and safety hazards and put procedures in place to ensure the safe storage, perpetration and serving of food.