A4 Describe soil profiles and relate them to soil orders. Flashcards
“Agricultural” soils which developed under grassland vegetation - usually fertile with adequate amounts of organic matter in the topsoil - found in the Brown, Dark Brown, Black and Dark Gray soil zones
Ah, Bm, Ck Ae, Bm, Ck
- develop in low-lying depressional, wet areas
- have dull gray colours and reddish coloured mottles (splotches)
- found in several soil zones
Ah, Bg, Cg Ap, Bg, Cg
these are the “gray wooded” soils which form under forest vegetation
- have an LFH litter layer and eluviated (leached) surface mineral horizon (Ae)
- usually less productive for field crops than Chernozemic soils
- found mostly in gray soil zone
Ae Ap
developed on parent materials containing high levels of sodium (Na) salts - often found together with Chernozemic soils - the B horizon has a columnar structure that is hard when dry and sticky when wet
- called “hardpan soils” and often require special management techniques such as deep plowing or surface drainage
- develop from the accumulation of partly decomposed organic materials mainly water
- loving grasses, woody plants and moss
- occur in poorly drained, depressional areas
Of, Om
Found in depressional areas with high water tables.
Gleysolic soils
- ����� a mineral horizon characterized by an accumulation of organic matter
- ����� a light grey mineral horizon leached of iron, clay or organic matter
- ����� a mineral horizon enriched with clay
- h - enriched with organic matter - usually exhibits a dark colour (brown to black or dark gray) - used with A or B horizons
- e - eluviated or leached of clay, iron or organic matter - platy structure and a grayish white colour when dry - used with A (Ae)
- t enriched with clay - used with B horizon (Bt)
- ����� a mineral horizon containing soluble salts
- ����� a mineral horizon with dull grey colours and or/reddish orange mottles
- ����� a mineral horizon altered by chemical processes to give a moderate change in colour or structure or both
- n - enriched in sodium - may exhibit columnar structure; extremely hard consistence when dry - used with B horizon (Bn)
- ����� a mineral horizon enriched in Na and exhibiting a hard consistency when dry
- ����� a horizon disturbed by cultivation
A soil profile is a
It extends down into the parent material to a maximum depth of two metres. Soils in Canada are classified according to properties that can be observed and measured in a soil profile.
vertical slice of the soil through all its horizons.
Master soil horizons are the primary layers that are designated A, B or C in mineral soil material. Organic soil horizons are designated ??? or 0.