A380 PA Flashcards
Alert Order
“ATTENTION! All Passengers remain seated and await further instructions”
Alert Cancelation
“Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for your cooperation. Remain seated. Cabin Crew resume normal duties”
Brace Order
30 seconds of impact, or unprepared emergency
“Brace, brace, brace” Or flashing SBS
Ditching order
“ATTENTION! This is a ditching. Follow your crew members instruction”
Evacuation Order
Seat Belts (Anticipated turbulance)
“All passengers and Crew be seated and fasten seat belts.”
Seat Belts (Un-anticipated turbulance)
“All passengers and Crew, be seated and fasten seat belts IMMEDIATLY”
After Emergency descent, when cabin alt at or below FL140
“Cabin Crew carry out follow up duties”
Emergency Descent
Attention Cabin Crew! Emergency Descent