A340 Aircraft Sys (Set1) JUL13 Flashcards
What is the wingspan of the aircraft? (Basic familiarization question only.)
63.45 M
What is the minimum pavement width to perform a 180 degree turn?
(-600) 59 M
-500) 52 M (without margin
What information from displayed on the PFD?
the ADR is
Barometric Altitude Speed
Mach Number
What is the normal source for the Vertical Speed display?
The ADIRS. However, if the inertial data is not available, barometric information from the ADRs replaces it automatically.
What is the significance of an amber window box around the numerical value of the vertical speed indicator?
This is an indication that the vertical speed indicator is using ADR barometric values instead of inertial data.
What does the amber equals (“=”) sign on the airspeed tape indicate?
This is the Vfe speed corresponding to the next flap lever position to be selected.
When is the altitude alerting aural warning inhibited?
- When the slats are out and the gear is selected down
- In approach after the aircraft capture the glide slope
- When the landing gear is locked down
How can the altitude alert (C Chord) be cancelled?
- By selecting a new altitude
- By pushing the EMER CANC pb on the ECAM control panel
- By pressing either Master Warning push buttons
What does Vls stand for?
Minimum Selectable Airspeed or Velocity Lowest Selectable Speed
What is the significance of a flashing “ILS” indication on the PFD?
The ILS approach mode is armed and the ILS Scale push button on the FCU panel is not selected.
What does pressing the TO CONFIG push button on the ECAM control panel do?
It generates a simulated input of takeoff power application so that the system can check for:
Slats/Flaps in Takeoff Position Pitch Trim in Takeoff Position Speed Brakes Retracted
Side stick Fault
Hot Brakes Doors not Closed
What items are NOT checked by the TO CONFIG test, but will trigger a warning when takeoff power is applied?
Parking Brake ON
FLEX TEMP not set
What is the significance of a steady white STS message on the lower E/WD screen?
This is a reminder that there is information available on the STATUS page.
What is the significance of a flashing white STS message on the lower E/WD screen?
The STS message flashes after engine shutdown to alert maintenance of applicable messages.
What is the purpose of the EMER CANC key on the ECAM control panel?
To cancel continuous or spurious caution messages that are known and/or incorrect
If a caution message was cancelled using the EMER CANC key, how can the system be returned to normal?
By pressing and holding for 3 seconds the RCL key on the ECAM control panel.
What happens if the upper E/WD screen fails?
The data normally displayed on the upper E/WD is automatically transferred to the lower screen.
If the lower Systems Display (SD) screen fails, how can the crew access the system display information?
By pressing and holding the applicable system key on the ECAM control panel. This will display the information on the upper E/WD screen.
What is the significance of the appearance of a white diagonal line across a display screen?
This is an indication of a Display Management Computer failure.
What is the significance of a magenta LDG INHIBIT memo on the E/WD?
This memo appears to remind the crew that most of the failure titles and the associated ECAM WARNINGS / checklists are suppressed in order to prevent unnecessary distractions during a critical phase of flight.
What does ADIRS stand for?
Air Data Inertial Reference System
What does ADIRU stand for?
Air Data Inertial Reference Unit
What is the source of information to ADR 1?
Captain’s pitot tube, static port, AOA probe and TAT probe
What information do the IRs provide to the PFD?
Attitude, Heading, Side Slip, and Vertical Speed
How long does it take for a full ADIRS alignment?
Approximately 10 minutes
What is the significance of an amber BAT light on the ADIRS control display unit?
This light illuminates when the unit is initially powered as part of an internal test. It also indicates that one or more Inertial Reference units are operating on aircraft battery power.
What is the significance of a flashing ALIGN light on the ADIRS panel/Memo display?
- No present position entered 10 minutes after the IR is turned on
- The position entered differs by more than one degree of latitude or longitude from the position at shutdown
- An IR alignment fault
What is the significance of a steady ALIGN light on the ADIRS panel/Memo display?
The ADIRUs are in the alignment phase
What is the significance of a flashing IR FAULT light?
The IR has lost its position. However, the ADR may still be functional and the IR ATT mode may also be available.
What is the significance of a steady IR FAULT light?
All IR functions on that ADIRU are lost.
Can you tune the navigation aids if both FMGCs are inoperative?
Yes, by using the guarded NAV button on the RMP.
What is the purpose of the ATT position of the ADIRS rotary selector knob?
This is used to provide only heading and attitude information in case of the loss of navigation capability.
If an ILS is tuned using the NAV back-up mode on RMP #1, will the CM #2 PFD display the ILS?
Yes. Manually tuning either RMP to the ILS sends the frequency to both ILS’s.
Where does the Terrain information displayed on the ND come from?
The FMGS Database (Not from Radar Returns)
What is the significance of an amber FAULT light on the TERR push button on the GPWS panel?
The enhanced feature of the EGPWS is inoperative. The basic modes are still available.
What is the significance of the amber FAULT light on the SYS push button on the GPWS panel?
A GPWS basic mode malfunction has occurred.
What is the purpose of the FLAP MODE push button on the GPWS panel?
Pushing this button inhibits the “TOO LOW FLAPS” aural message, when landing with an abnormal flap configuration.
How do you display information on the ND?
the terrain
By pressing the TERR push button on the center console.
If the weather radar is on and the Terrain push button is ON, what has priority?
If the terrain push button is turned OFF, can terrain information be displayed on the ND?
Yes. The ND will automatically display terrain information if a Terrain Ahead caution or warning is generated.
At what altitude does the Radar Altimeter begin to display on the PFD?
2,500 ft.
What does an underlined M next to the VOR data line on the ND represent?
This indicates that the VOR has been manually tuned
What does a CHECK ATT message on the PFD indicate?
There is a discrepancy between the primary ADIs. The crew should check the attitude on the Standby ADI.
What is the purpose of the SHIFT field on the FMGS takeoff PERF page?
When GPS PRIMARY is not available, this is used to set the navigation position reference when the takeoff is initiated from a location other than the full runway length position.
When is the “Fuel Used” value reset?
Each fuel used quantity is automatically reset at engine start for that engine.
What is the significance of the message “OUTER TK FUEL XFRD” (A320), “OUTR TK XFR” (A330), “OUTR TK XFR IN PROGRESS” (A340)?
At least one transfer valve between the outer tank and the inner tank is open.
What is the significance of two amber dashes across the last two digits of the FOB indication?
This indicates that the Fuel Quantity Indicator (FQI) is in degraded mode. The FOB indication may not be accurate.
What is the significance of an amber box around the FOB indication?
The FOB quantity shown is not fully usable.
Is it possible to transfer fuel from one wing tank to the opposite wing tank in flight?
What is the approximate rate of fuel
dispersal during procedure? (340)
a fuel jettison

1,600 kgs per minute
When is a manual start recommended?
- At high elevation airports
- During extremely hot weather conditions
- If low pneumatic supply pressure is expected
- After aborting an engine start
What is the purpose of the MAN START push button?
Pressing this button causes the start valve to open and the pack valves to close.
What happens when the Engine Mode
Selector switch IGN/START?
The FADEC activates
• The ECAM displays the engine system page
• It Arms the engine MASTER switches and the ENG MAN START switches.
Which ignition system is used during an automatic engine start?
Either system A or B
Which ignition system is used during a manual engine start?
Both System A & B
Will the FADEC automatically shutdown an engine during a manual engine start?
During an automatic engine start on the ground, it appears that the engine is about to exceed a temperature limit, what should you do?
Let the FADEC perform an auto shutdown and follow the ECAM instructions.
What happens if you forget to return the Engine Mode selector to NORM after an engine start?
The ECAM displays the WHEEL page 15 seconds after the last ENG start.
What is the significance of a FAULT light on the ENGINE START/IGNITION Panel?
An automatic start abort A start valve fault
A disagreement between the HP fuel valve position and it commanded position
What is the purpose of the CRANK position of the ENG MODE selector rotary knob?
The start valve opens if the ENG MAN START switch is ON and N3 is below 30%. This is used to dry crank the engine for cooling or as part of the tail pipe fire procedures.
During flight in heavy rain, the crew elects to select continuous engine ignition. How is this carried out?
By selecting the ENG MODE selector knob to IGN/START
Do the igniters continue to run after an engine start with the mode selector left in the IGN/START position?
When is the ignition system automatically turned on?
Engine surge or stall
If armed, when will the Auto Thrust engage after takeoff?
When the thrust lever is selected to the CLB detent, or anywhere in the A/THR range
What is the A/THR range?
From just above IDLE to the CLB detent
How do you arm the A/THR system?
By pushing the A/THR button when the thrust levers are out of the engagement range.
When does engage
the A/THR automatically?
When in flight anytime the Alpha Floor Protection is engaged, regardless of the thrust lever position or A/THR arming status.
How do you disconnect the A/THR?
Move the thrust levers to match the TLAs with the current thrust setting, and then pressing the disconnect button on the thrust levers.
What will cause the A/THR to disconnect?
Moving the thrust levers to IDLE
Selecting the A/THR Instinctive cut out button to OFF Selecting the A/THR FCU panel push button to OFF Loss of the arming signal
What happens if you press the instinctive disconnect button for more than 15 seconds?
The A/THR is disconnected for the remainder of the flight. In addition, alpha floor protection is lost.
How long is the FADEC powered after selecting the ENG FADEC GND PWR pb?
5 Minutes. After that, the engine parameters return to ambers X’s.
What visible indication occurs if an EGT limit is exceeded?
If the EGT limit is exceeded, a red mark will be displayed at the max value achieved. This mark will disappear after a new engine start.
What visible indication occurs if an N1 limit is exceeded?
If the N1 limit is exceeded, a red mark will be displayed at the max value achieved. This mark will disappear after a new engine start following a maintenance action.
How long should the engines cool down prior to engine shut down after a flight?
Minutes (Taxi time can be used for this.)
On the TCAS control panel, what is the difference between selecting TA and TA/RA?
In TA position, the crew will be advised of an intruder with an audible “TRAFFIC” warning, with no evasive action instructions.
In the TA/RA position, the crew will be advised of an intruder with an audible “TRAFFIC” warning.
If certain threat parameters are reached, the crew will be advised with audible Resolution Advisory instructions.
What is the symbol for Traffic Advisory traffic?
Traffic Advisory traffic is indicated by a filled amber circle.
What is the symbol for Resolution Advisory traffic?
Resolution Advisory traffic is indicated by a filled red square.
What is the symbol for proximity traffic?
Proximity traffic is indicated by a filled white diamond.
What is the symbol for other traffic?
Other traffic is indicated by an unfilled white diamond.