A320 Memory Limitations Flashcards
350 KIAS/.82M
Pressure Altitude (Maximum)
Maximum landing weight (319)
137.7 K
Maximum landing weight (320)
142.2 K
Crosswind guidelines (dry rwy)
Takeoff 38 kt
Landing 38 kt
Narrow rwy crosswind guidelines (dry rwy)
Takeoff 38 kt
Landing 38 kt
Severe turbulence (recommended)
Above 20,000’ .76M/275 KIAS
Below 20,000’ 250 KIAS
Tailwind component-maximum
Takeoff 10 kt, Landing 10 kt
T/O 15, Land 10
T/O 15, Land 15
Minimum flight deck oxygen
1250 PSI (if below, reference table)
Weather conditions requiring engine anti-ice use
- Ground ops <=10° OAT & vis moisture present
- Climb/cruise <=10° TAT & >=-40° SAT and visible moisture present
- Descent/Approach <=10° TAT and visible moisture present
Autopilot minimum engagement height (after takeoff)
100’ AGL & at least 5 secs
Autopilot minimum engagement height (Non-ILS approaches)
250’ AGL (UAL Limit)
Autopilot minimum engagement height (Non-autoland ILS w/CAT I FMA)
160’ AGL
Autopilot minimum engagement height (Non-autoland w/CAT 2 or 3 FMA)
80’ AGL
Autopilot disengagement: Autoland (1 or 2 autopilots)
Engine EGT - Maximum (Start)
Engine Starter duty cycle (auto or manual) & Continuous engagement (cranking)
Start Attempt / OFF
1st / 15 secs
2nd / 15 secs
3rd / 30 secs
Max crank 5 mins / 30 mins
Engine oil quantity
Minimum before start 14q
Flaps/Slats extended altitude
Maximum 20,000’ MSL
Maximum landing gear retraction speed
220 KIAS
Maximum landing gear extension speed
240 KIAS
Maximum landing weight (NEO)