A320 Limitations Flashcards
Max difference between CA and FO PFDs inflight
200 feet
Crews should not takeoff if the brake temperature exceeds____with the brake fans on or _____with the brake fans off.
150 degrees, 300 degrees
Max landing gear extension altitude
25,000 feet
Max gear extended speed
280 KIAS/ .67 Mach
What is the maximum rate of climb speed for the A319/320? A321?
260 KIAS
280 KIAS
Max taxi speed
30 knots
Max brake temperature for takeoff
300 degrees C
Max window open speed
200 knots
Operate engines for at least____minutes prior to applying takeoff thrust. The warm up can be reduced to____minutes if the engines have been shutdown for____minutes or less.
5 minutes, 3 minutes, 90 minutes
Maximum wind to takeoff and landing
50 knots
Max tire speed
195 knots
Maximum crosswind for automatic approach, landing and rollout (other than CAT II/III)
20 knots
Maximum speed for operating the windshield wipers?
230 knots
.82 Mach
Turbulence penetration speed (A319/320) at or above 20,000 feet.
275 KIAS/ .76 Mach
Max taxi speed for a 90 degree turn
10 knots
During automatic roll-out the autopilot must be disconnected by?
60 knots
Max tailwind component for takeoff (IAE engines)
10 Knts
Turbulence penetration speed (A321) at or above 20,000 feet.
300 KIAS/ .76 Mach
During a ground check the max difference between PFD 1 and 2 is
20 feet
Max operating altitude
39,000 feet
Maximum altitude for APU bleed air?
20,000 feet
Max gear extension speed
250 KIAS
During a ground check of the ISIS it must be within ______ feet of ______?
100 feet of either PFD.
Max gear retraction speed
220 KIAS
During a single engine auto land what are the reverse thrust limitations?
Utilize both thrust levers and not more than Idle reverse thrust
Do not attempt a 180 degree turn on a surface less than____feet wide (A319/320) or____feet wide (A321)
100, 105
350 KIAS
Max 90 degree crosswind component for takeoff and landing
35 knots
Descend at no more than ______ fpm below 2000 ft AGL.
2,000 feet per minute
Max tailwind for takeoff (CFM engines and all 319s)
15 knots
Minimum oil quantity for dispatch
13 quarts
14 quarts for the NX
During a ground check PFD 1 and 2 must be within
75 feet of known airport altitude.
Max tailwind for landing (non-sharklet)
10 knots
When do we use brake fans after landing?
If the brake temperature appears likely to exceed 400 degrees.
Max operating altitude with slats or flaps/slats extended
20,000 feet
Turbulence penetration speed (A319/320) below 20,000 feet.
250 KIAS
Max tailwind for landing (sharklet)
15 knots
Maximum tailwind for automatic approach, landing and roll-out A319 Sharklet?
5 knts
Maximum headwind for automatic approach, landing and rollout
30 knots
If CAT III single or CAT III dual is annunciated on the FMA, the autopilot must be off by?
80 feet
During a Non-ILS approach the autopilot must be off by?
250 feet AGL
Turbulence penetration speed (A321) below 20,000 feet.
270 KIAS
Engine anti-ice on when OAT/TAT is?
10 degrees C and below except when the temperature is below -40 degrees C
Descend at no more than ______ feet per minute below 1,000 feet AGL
1,000 feet per minute.
If CAT I Is annunciated on the FMA, the autopilot must be off by?
160 feet
Minimum height for autopilot engagement
100 feet AGL if SRS is indicated
Max 90 degree crosswind component for landing with vis <4000 RVR or 3/4 sm
15 knots
After landing run the engines at idle for____minutes to allow the engines to stabilize before shutting down the #2 engine.
3 minutes.
Maximum tailwind for automatic approach, landing and rollout (Non-Sharklet 319s and all 320/321)
10 knots
319 - 5 knots Config 3