A3 Flashcards
If the client is an issuer, then the auditor must perform an
integrated audit of the client’s FS and IC over financial reporting. Integrated audits may also be performed for nonissuers
As a part of the pre-acceptance phase of the engagement, the auditor should consider and document compliance with the firm’s quality control policies and procedures related to client acceptance and continuance. Specifically, the auditor should assess the following:
- Firm’s ability to meet reporting deadlines
- Firm’s ability to staff the engagement
- Independence
- Integrity of client management
- Group Audits
The auditor should obtain the agreement of management that it acknowledges and understands its responsibility to:
- For the preparation and fair presentation of the FS
- For the design, implementation, and maintenance of IC
- To provide the auditor with:
- Access to all the information
- Unrestricted access to persons
What are some management imposed scope limitations?
- Audit required by law or regulation - if the entity is required by law or regulation to have an audit and a disclaimer of opinion is acceptable, such as in audit of an employee benefit plan, the auditor is permitted but not required, to accept the engagement.
- Scope Limitations that do not Preclude Engagement Acceptance -If a management imposed scope limitation will result in a qualified opinion, or if the scope limitation is imposed by circumstances beyond management’s control, the auditor may still accept the engagement.
Required Contents of an Engagement Letter:
- Objective and scope of the audit
- Responsibilities of the auditor
- Responsibilities of management
- Statement that because of the inherent limitations of an audit
- Identification of the applicable financial reporting framework
- Reference to the expected form and content of any reports
What are some other things that the engagement letter may also refer to?
- Elaboration of the scope of the audit
- Form of any other communication
- Arrangements regarding planning and audit performance
- Written representations
- Agreement of management to make info available
- Subsequent events
- Fees and billing arrangements
- Arrangements concerning the involvement of other auditors, specialists, internal auditors, or other staff of the entity
- Arrangements with predecessor auditor
- Any restriction on the auditor’s liability
- Additional services
On recurring audits, the auditor should assess whether circumstances require the terms of the engagement to be revised. The following factors may make it appropriate to revise the terms of the engagement:
- Management misunderstands the objective
- Special engagement terms
- Change in senior management
- Significant change in ownership
- Significant change in the nature or size of the entity’s business
- Change in legal or regulatory requirements
- Change in financial reporting framework
What is a requirement of initial audit?
Communication with the predecessor auditor before engagement acceptance - mandatory
Inquiries include:
- management integrity
- disagreements with management
- Reasons for change
- Communication with management regarding fraud
Initial Audits - Opening Balances
- Auditors Responsibilities
- Audit Procedures
- Auditor Should obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence:
- Opening balances contain misstatements
- Accounting policies reflected in opening bal have been consistently applied in the current period - Auditor should;
- Read the most recent FS, if any, and the predecessor auditor’s report
- if a modification was made to the predecessor auditor’s opinion, the auditor should consider the effect of the matter giving rise to the modification on the current period assessment of the risks of material misstatement
- Request management to authorize the predecessor to allow a review of the predecessor auditor’s documentation related to the most recently completed audit
The inability of the auditor to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding opening balances may result -
GAAS issue
A qualified opinion or a disclaimer of opinion
When would a qualified or adverse opinion be expressed regarding opening balances?
- opening balances contain a misstatement
- Acct policies not consistently applied regarding open bal
- A change in accounting policy is not properly accounted for or adequately presented or disclosed.
If, during the audit, the successor auditor becomes aware of the information indicating that the FS reported on by the predecessor auditor may require revision, he or she should…
request the client to arrange a meeting among the three parties to discuss the info and attempt to resolve the matter
Planning and Supervision: The engagement partner is responsible for:
- Planning the audit
- Supervising the work of engagement team members
- Compliance with relevant auditing standards
What does the auditor use to cover the clients records and IC?
Nature, Extent and Timing of Supervision
What is a requirement once the audit engagement is accepted?
the auditor must obtain an understanding of the client’s industry and business
To gain knowledge of the client’s business, the auditor may:
- Tour Client facilities
- Review the Financial History of the Client
- Obtain an understanding of client accounting
- Inquire of client personnel
What is involved in developing the audit strategy-
A. Overall audit strategy - written (Nature, Extent, Timing)
B. Scope of the Audit (Extent)
C. Reporting Objectives, Audit Timing, and Required Communications (Timing)
D. Factors that determine the focus of the audit (Nature)
-Preliminary evaluations of materiality, Audit risk, and IC-to develop an overall audit strategy
PCAOB standards state that when establishing an overall audit strategy:
- Knowledge of the company’s IC
- Matters Affecting the industry
- The extent of recent changes in the company
- The auditor’s preliminary judgments
- Control deficiencies previously communicated
- Legal or regulatory matters
- Relative complexity of the company’s operations
What should the auditor use when assessing materiality?
The auditor should use the smallest level of misstatement that could be material to any one of the FS
Who is the auditor required to communicate the planned scope and timing of the audit?
Those charged with governance
What is required when developing an audit plan
An written audit plan
Audit procedures are performed to obtain evidence on which to base the audit opinion. Audit procedures may be categorized as:
- Risk assessment procedures - req in all FS audits
- Further audit procedures
- Test of Controls - Audit test IS (used to evaluate the operating effectiveness of IC in preventing or detecting material misstatements)
- Substantive procedures - Substantive Testing - (are used to detect material misstatements. They include tests of details (as applied to transaction classes, account bal, and disclosures) and substantive analytical procedures - at end of audit - Timing of Audit procedures
What are the six main FS assertions?
C-Completeness O-cutOff V-Valuation, allocation and accuracy E-Existence and Occurrence R-Rights and obligations U-Understandability and classification
What are relevant assertions?
Transactions and Events
Account Balances
Presentation and Disclosure
PCAOB standards state that the FS assertions are:
A-Allocation P-Presentation R-Rights O-Obligations V-Valuation E D-Disclosure
What is the role of the client’s internal auditors
Does not equal Judgment
The auditor should consider the extent of involvement of the client’s internal auditors in the performance of the audit. While internal auditors must maintain objectivity and integrity, they are not independent of the client, their employer. Thus, the independent external auditor cannot share with the internal auditor any of the responsibility for audit decisions, judgments, or assessments made as part of the audit
What are the external auditor responsibilities?
- Obtain an understanding of the internal audit function
- Assess competence and objectivity-if the auditor decides to make use of the internal auditor’s work, the internal auditor’s competence and objectivity must be assessed
The auditor should have a sufficient understanding of the specialist’s field of expertise to enable the auditor to:
- Determine the nature, scope, and objectives of the work of the auditor’s specialist; and
- Evaluate the adequacy of the specialist’s work for the auditor’s purposes
If info to used as audit evidence is prepared using the work of a management’s specialist, the auditor should:
- Evaluate the competence, capabilities, and objectivity of the specialist
- Obtain understanding of the work of the specialist; and
- Evaluate the appropriateness of the specialist work as audit evidence for the relevant assertions
In assessing the objectivity of internal auditors
The independent CPA who is auditing the entity’s FS considers info obtained from previous experience, from discussions with management, from external quality reviews (if performed), and from professional internal auditing standards (such as those developed by the Institute of Internal Auditors)
What is the AICPA’s Accoutning Trends & Techniques?
is an annual survey of accounting practices followed in 600 stockholders annual reports
The work of an internal auditor may aid the external auditor in obtaining an understanding of….
IC, assessing risk, and performing substantive procedures
Assistants should be informed of their…
Responsibilities and the objectives of the procedures that they are to perform. Part of the assistant’s responsibility is to properly evaluate audit results, and the in charge auditor would likely discuss this with them
The auditor’s preliminary judgment about materiality is
Generally based on either annualized interim FS or annual FS from a prior period
The Internal auditor may provide assistance to an independent CPA in:
- Obtaining an understanding of IC
- Performing tests of controls
- Performing substantive tests
Pre-audit planning meeting are typically held to plan
Technical and personnel aspects of the audit. Assistants should be informed of their responsibilities and the objectives of the procedures that they are to perform
The auditor should consider the methods the entity uses to process accounting information in planning the audit because
Such methods influence the design of IC
Review of assistants’ work is necessary to determine whether it was performed in
A satisfactory manner and to determine whether the work supports the conclusions presented in the auditor’s report
The auditor should obtain knowledge of the client’s business and its industry in order to…
Determine the effect of transactions, events, and practices on the client’s FS
The auditor with final responsibility for an engagement and one of the assistants have a difference of opinion about the results of an auditing procedure. If the assistant believes it is necessary to be disassociated from the matter’s resolution, the CPA firm’s procedures should enable the assistant to:
Document the details of the disagreement with the conclusion reached
Sample to test IC are intended to provide a basis for an auditor to conclude whether:
the control activities are operating effectively
What happens when substantive tests to the details of assets and liability accounts as of an interim date?
Increases risk- as it is possible that errors will occur between the date of interim testing and the BS date
Use of internal auditor’s work - Need to be aware of the competence and objectivity - what should the auditor look for?
Competence is reflected by education, professional certification, experience, performance evaluations, the audit plan, audit procedures, and the quality of internal audit documentation.
Objectivity- is reflected by the organizational level to which the internal auditor reports, as well as by policies prohibiting audits of areas where the internal auditor lacks independence
In designing a written audit plan, an auditor should establish specific audit objectives that relate…
primarily to the FS assertions
The Nature, Extent and Timing of the supervision depend upon:
- the size and complexity of the entity
- Nature of the work assigned
- Assessed risks of material misstatement
- Qualifications of assistants
What is materiality?
The amount of error or omission that would affect the judgment of a reasonable person
What is Audit Risk?
Is the risk that the auditor may unknowingly fail to appropriately modify the opinion on FS that are materially misstated
Misstatements can result from errors, which are unintentional, or fraud, which is intentional. Misstatements Include:
- Inaccuracies
- Departures from GAAP
- Omissions
- Incorrect estimates or judgments
- Inappropriate selection or application of accounting policies
What are Factual misstatements?
Are misstatements about which there is no doubt
What are judgmental misstatements?
Are differences arising from judgments of management concerning accounting estimates that the auditor considers unreasonable or the selection or application of accounting policies that the auditor considers inappropriate
What are projected misstatements?
Are the auditor’s best estimate of misstatements in populations, involving the projection of misstatements identified in audit samples to the entire population from which the samples were drawn
What is the audit risk model?
The risk that the auditor will issue the wrong opinion
What is the formula for audit risk?
Audit Risk (should be low) = Risk of material misstatements (addressed by auditor) X Detection risk (controlled by auditor)
Risk of Material misstatement can be subdivided into?
Inherent Risk (IR) and Control Risk (CR)
What is Inherent Risk?
Is the susceptibility of a relevant assertion to a material misstatement, assuming there are no related controls
What is Control Risk?
Is the risk that a material misstatement that could occur in a relevant assertion will not be prevented or detected (and corrected) on a timely basis by the entity’s IC
What is detection risk?
Is the risk that the auditor will not detect a material misstatement that exists in a relevant assertion
Is a function of the effectiveness of audit procedures and of the manner in which they are applied
What is Inverse Relationship of RMM to DR?
When the auditor determines that the risk of material misstatement is high, DR should be set at a low level. Conversely, when the risk of material misstatement is low and the auditor can justify a higher DR
Considerations of audit risk and materiality are affected by…
The size and complexity of the entity, as well as the auditors experience with and knowledge of the entity, its environment, and its IC
At what levels should audit risk and materiality must be considered?
At both the FS level and the account balance, individual transaction class, or disclose item level
How are considerations of audit risk and materiality at the account balance, individual transaction class, or disclose item level used?
To determine the nature, extent, and timing of audit procedures to be applied to specific account balances, transaction classes, or disclosure item
What are errors?
Are unintentional misstatements or omissions
What is fraud?
Is an intentional act by one or more individuals
What does fraudulent financial reporting involve?
Intentional misstatements or omissions of amounts or disclosures in the FS that are designed to deceive FS users
What is misappropriation of assets?
Or Defalcation, involves theft of an entity’s assets
What is corruption?
What are the fraud risk factors?
- Incentives/Pressures: a reason to commit fraud
- Opportunity: a lack of effective control
- Rationalization/Attitude: an attempt to justify fraudulent behavior - Ethics and Integrity
What kind of assurance does an auditor express that the FS are free from material misstatements resulting from errors or fraud?
Reasonable assurance because due to the concealment aspects of fraud and the need to apply judgment in evaluating fraud risk, even a properly planned and executed audit may fail to detect fraud
What is management’s responsibility with fraud?
To design and implement programs and controls to prevent, deter, and detect fraud
What is auditor’s responsibility with fraud?
To plan and perform (“design”) the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the FS are free of material misstatement, whether caused by error or fraud
Who should the auditor direct inquiries to?
Management, employees involves involved in financial reporting, operating personal, internal auditors, in-house legal counsel, those charged with governance, etc.
PCAOB standards state that the auditor should ask management and audit committee whether?
They have received and responded to tips or complaints regarding company’s financial reporting
In analyzing risk, the following four attributes should be considered?
- Type of risk: Does it involve fraudulent financial reporting or misappropriation of assets? (“or corruption”)
- Significance of Risk
- Likelihood of Risk
- Pervasiveness of the Risk
There is a presumption in every audit that the following two risks exist:
- Improper Revenue recognition : “analytical procedures req”
- Management override of controls