A2 Flashcards
Special considerations apply to following four areas
- Audits of FS prepared in accordance with special purpose frameworks
- Audits of single financial statements and specific elements, accounts, or items of a FS
- Reporting on compliance with aspects of contractual agreements or regulatory requirements
- Engagements to report on summary FS
What are special purpose frameworks?
is a financial reporting framework other than GAAP that is one of the following bases of accounting:
- Cash basis
- Tax basis
- Regulatory Basis
- Contractual basis
What is referred to as OCBOA?
Other Comphrensive bases of accounting - include cash, tax, regulatory
What are the additional requirements for the auditor when they are auditing FS prepared in accordance with a special purpose framework?
- Obtain an understanding of:
- Purpose, intended users, and steps taken by management to determine that the applicable fin reporting framework is acceptable in circumstances - Obtain an agreement of management that it acknowledges and understands its responsibility
- Obtain an understanding of any significant interpretations of the contract that management made in the preparation of the FS
What is different the standard auditor’s report and a report on special purpose FS?
- Describe the purpose of the FS
- Non-GAAP titles
- Management responsibility para - include the responsibility of management in determining the applicable fin reporting framework
- Emphasis of Matter Para- should be included except when prepared in accordance with regulatory basis and are intended for general use. - should include (1) FS are prepared in accordance with the applicable special purpose framework (2) Refers to the note that describes framework (3)States the framework differs from GAAP
- Other Matter Para- restricts the use of fin statements
What happens if the the FS are prepared in accordance with a regulatory basis and intended for general use?
The auditor should express an opin about whether the FS are:
(1) Fairly presented, in all material respects, in accordance with GAAP
(2) Prepared in accordance with the special purpose framework
What should a special framework report include?
- A title
- An addressee
- An introductory para that identifies the special purpose FS audited
- A description of the responsibility of management
- A reference to management’s repsonsibility for determining that the applicable fin reporting framework is acceptable in circumstances
- A description of the purpose for which the FS are prepared
- A description of the auditor’s responsibility
- An opinion para that contains an opinion on the special purpose FS and reference to the special purpose framework used to prepare the FS
- If Applicable, an opin on whether the special purpose FS are presented fairly in all material respects, in accordance with GAAP when the special purpose FS are prepared in accordance with regulatory basis
- An EOM that indicates that the FS are prepared in accordance with a special purpose framework, when req
- An OM para that restricts the use of he auditor’s report when req
When can an audit of a single FS or of specific elements, accounts, or items of the FS?
May be performed as a sep engagement or in conjunction with an audit of an entity’s complete set of FS
What are examples of specific elements, accounts or items of a FS, which would include the related notes:
(1) Accounts receivable, allowance for doubtful accounts receivable, inventory, or the recorded value of intangible assets
(2) A schedule of disbursements regarding a lease property
(3) Schedule of profit participation or employee bonuses
When auditing a single FS or a specific element of the FS the auditor should obtain an understanding of:
- the purpose
- the intended users
- the steps taken by management to determine that the applicable fin reporting framework is acceptable in the circumstances
When auditing a complete set of FS and a single FS or a specific element of a FS, the auditor should:
(1) Issue a separate auditor’s report and express a separate opinion for each engagement
(2) Indicate in the report on a specific element the date of the auditor’s report on the complete set of FS and the nature of the opinion expressed
If the auditor’s modified opin on the complete set of FS is relevant to the audit of a specific element of the FS, the auditor should:
(1) Express an adverse opinion on the specific element when the modified opin on the complete set of FS is due to a material misstatements
(2) Express a disclaimer of opin on the specific element when the modified opin on the complete set of FS is due to a scope limitation
What must happen when an auditor is asked to issue a report on a client’s compliance with contractual agreements or regulatory requirements in connections with a FS audit?
The auditor must have audited the client’s FS and may only issue a negative assurance
What is negative assurance
“We are not lawyers”
-In the form of a statement that nothing came to the auditor’s attention that caused the auditor to believe that the entity failed to comply with the specified aspects of the contractual agreement or regulatory requirement
What happens when the auditor identifies one or more instances of non compliance?
The report on compliance should describe the non compliance.
What are the options with the report on compliance?
It should be in writing and may either be a separate report or provided in one or more paragraphs in the auditor’s report on the FS
What happens when the auditor includes the Report on Compliance with the auditor’s report?
The report on compliance is included in the auditor’s report in an OM para
What are the engagement acceptance requirements to report on summary of FS?
The auditor should not accept this engagement unless the auditor has also been engaged to audit the FS from which the summary FS are derived
What are the main procedures of reporting on the summary of FS?
- Evaluate whether the summary FS adequately disclose their summarized nature and identify the audited FS
- When the summary FS are not accompanied by the audited FS, evaluate:
- Whether the Summary FS describe where the audited fS are available
- Whether the audited FS are readily available to the intended users of the summary FS
What types of opinions can the auditor issue on a summary FS?
The auditor may issue an unmodified opinion or an adverse opinion on the summary of FS. A qualified opinion is not appropriate due to the summarized nature of these FS
When should the auditor withdraw from the engagement to report on the summary FS?
When the auditor’s report on the FS contains an adverse opinion or disclaimer of opinion
If the auditor has disclaimed an opin on the FS taken as a whole, the auditor may express an opinion on an entity’s accts rec balance only if….
if the special report on accts rec is presented separately from the disclaimer of opinion on the FS and the accts rec does not constitute a major portion of the entity’s complete set of FS
An auditor should not sign a preprinted report form that includes statements that are inconsistent with the auditor’s responsibility- what should he do instead?
Instead, the form should be revised or a separate, more accurate report should be attached
What is piecemeal opinions?
Opinions on part of the FS, when those parts constitute a major portion of the FS
When are piecemeal opinions inappropriate?
Piecemeal opinions are not appropriate if the auditor has disclaimed an opinion or issued an adverse opinion, because they may overshadow the auditor’s opinion on the FS taken as a whole. An opinion on specified elements that does not constitute a piecemeal opinion may be expressed, but should not accompany the disclaimer of opinion or the adverse opinion.
What does FS prepared in accordance with a comprehensive basis of accounting other than GAAP that are not sutably titled require?
Require a qualified opinion with a basis for modification parar
A report using the special purpose framework required by a regulatory agency would be issued and include…
An opinion para that contains an opinion on the special framework FS and a reference to the special purpose framework used to prepare the FS
What should a title of the OCBOA report be?
“Independent Auditor’s Report”
What is Compilation?
“No Assurance”
The objective is to present in the form of FS info that is the representation of management without undertaking to express any assurance on the FS
What is a Review?
“Limited Assurance”
Is to express limited assurance that there are no material modifications that should be made to the FS in order for the statements to be in conformity with applicable fin reporting framework
What happens when an accountant performs more than one service (for example, a compilation and an audit)
The accountant generally should issue the report that is appropriate for the highest level of service rendered
What are the professional standards for compliance and reviews?
-Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services (SSARS)
The Accounting and Review Services Committee of the AICPA is the authoritative body designated to issue pronouncements in connection with the unaudited FS of nonissuers
What other engagements does SSARS apply to?
Also apply to engagements in which the accountant is engaged to compile or issue a compilation report on specified elements, accounts, or items of a nonissuer’s FS, or on pro forma fin info of a nonissuer
SSARS does not apply to…
Other Accounting Services- SSARS do not apply to other accounting services provided by accountants, such as preparing one or a few adj or correcting entries, consulting on fin matters, preparing tax returns, rendering manual or automated bookkeeping or data processing services, and processing fin data for clients of other accounting firms
-Not applicable to reviews of interim fin info when Statements on Auditing Standards apply (Public companies/issuer)
Who are the three-party relationship?
- Management
- Accountant in the Practice of Public Accounting
- Intended Users
What are management’s responsibility with Compilation and Reviews?
- Identification of an applicable fin reporting framework
- The preparation and fair presentation
- The design, implementation and maintenance of internal control
What are the compilation and review engagements include the following five elements?
- Three-Party Relationship
- Financial Reporting Framework
- Financial Statements or Financial Info
- Sufficient Appropriate Evidence
- Written Communication or Report
What are the compilation requirements?
- Knowledge of industry accounting principles and practices
- Understanding of Client’s Business
- S: Staff Qualifications
- T: Transaction types and frequency
- A: Accounting basis used to prepare the FS
- F: Form of the accounting records
- F: Financial statements form and content - Reading the Financial Statements - Never associated with false, fraudulent or misleading FS
When should the accountant withdraw from the compilation engagement?
If the accountant discovers information is incorrect, incomplete, or unsatisfactory they should obtain additional or revised info from the client. If the client refuses to provide such info, the accountants should withdraw from the compilation engagement
What would be included in the documentation in a compilation engagement?
- The engagement letter
- Any significant findings or issues
- Oral or written communications with management regarding fraud or illegal acts that came to the accountants attention
Compilation Reports include
Introductory Para
C - Compiled (state that FS have been compiled)
A/R - Audited or Reviewd (state the acct has not done either)
M/R- Management Responsibility Para
A/R - Accountant’s Responsibility Para
S - SSARS -State it is accts respon. is to conduct the compilation accordance with SSARS issued by the AICPA
O/M State that the objective of a compilation is to assist management
Signature of Accountant Date of the Accountant's Report- Date of the completion of the compilation
What is an exception to the reporting requirements on compilation and review
An accountant who submits unaudited FS to the client that are not expected to be sued by a third party may use an engagement letter rather than a compilation report
What should be done when the FS are not expected to used by third parties?
When an engagement letter (and not a report) is issued, the accountant should include a reference on each page of the FS restricting their use
What are the Review Requirements?
U-Understanding with client should be established
L -Learn and/or obtain sufficient knowledge of the entity’s business
I - Inquiries should be addressed to appropriate individuals
A -Analytical procedures should be performed
R -Review - other procedures should be performed
C-Client representation letter should be obtained from management
P-Professional judgement should be used to evaluate results
A-Accountant (CPA) should communicate results
What is not required during a review to learn and/or obtain sufficient knowledge of the entity’s business
- Test internal controls
- Perform audit tests
- Assess Fraud Risk
- Communicate with the predecessor accountant - judgement
How should the analytical procedure in a review be designed?
To detect relationships and individual items that appear to be unusual and may indicate material mistatement
What are included in the management’s representation in the client letter of a review?
- MR for the preparation and fair presentation of the FS and their belief that they are fairly stated
- Management’s acknoledgment of its responsibility for designing, implementing, and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the FS
- Management’s full and truthful responses to all inquires
- Representations about the completeness of info
- Info concerning subsequent events
- Acknowledgement of MR to prevent/detect fraud
- Knowledge of any material fraud or suspected fraud
- Additional representations related to matters specific to the entity’s business and industry
What should happen if the review is incomplete?
Will prevent the issuance of a review report. In such a situation, the accountant should consider whether the circumstances also prevent issuing a compilation report
Documentation of a Review should include…
- The engagement letter
- Significant findings, actions taken, and the basis for conclusions reached
- Matters about which the accountant has made inquiry and responses thereto
- Analytical procedures performed
- Unusual matter and their disposition
- Communications
- The management representation letter
The accountants report in a review engagement should include:
Introductory Para
- AMI - Include a statement that a review includes primarily applying analytical procedures to management’s financial data and making inquiries of company management
-SAD - Include a statement that a review is substantially less in scope that an audit, the objective of which is the expression of an opinion regarding the FS as a whole, and that, accordingly, the accountant does not express such an opinion
MR-Management’s Responsibility PAra
-FI - States-fair presentation of the FS in accordance with the applicable fin reporting framework and for designing implementing and maintaining internal control
R-Auditor’s Responsibility Paragraph
-SA-In accordance with SSARSs issued by AICPA
-LA-Perform procedures to obtain limited assurance
Engagement Results PAra
Signature of Accountant
Date of the Accountants Report
What should each page of the statements include under a review?
Should be marked “See independent accountant’s review report”
What happens if in a review or compilation engagement, if an accountant becomes aware that fraud or an illegal act may have occurred?
Such matters should be communicated to the appropriate level of management