A2- Intellectual development across the life stages Flashcards
What did Noam Chomsky believe about the language acquisition?
The ability to develop a signed or spoken language is genetically programmed into individuals, regardless of other activities
What age did Chomsky believe a child was fluent in their first language by?
5 or 6
According to Chomsky, what does he believe everyone is innate (born) with?
Language development
What tool does Chomsky believes everyone has and what does it do?
LAD- tool found in the brain that enables a child to develop the rules of language.
What did Chomsky believe children need to do?
Experience language- not be trained as language develops due to maturation and grammar and syntax can’t be learnt
A01- explain Chomsky’s focus on the development of grammatical skills
A03- critisms
A01- Once a child has developped skills they simply need new words
A03- Too much emphasis on role of grammar in language development, it fails to consider importance of meaning in sentence structure
A01- explain Chomskys belief about “plural rules”
A03- Critisms
A01- Even if an adult uses correct grammar a child will still use the “plural rules” until maturation has taken place
A03- Bruner- social interaction/ nurture especially in early stages of development with adults/environment has far more influence on a child than Chomsky suggested
Critics- is there alot of scientific evidence to support Chomsky’s theory
No, so this effects the theory’s credability and reliability
In what way can Chomsky’s theory be classed as problematic?
To assume that language skills are acquired by every child by the age of 5/6- he doesnt consider individuals with development delays such as learning disabilities such as downsyndrome- his theory cant explain this
What did Piagets research focus on?
How children acquire the ability to think
In the 4 stages of intellectual development what is the sensorimotor stage?
o-2 yrs, infants think by interacting with the world using their eyes, ears, hands and mouth
What is the preoperational stage?
2-7 yrs, dev of lang and make-believe play takes place. He believed that children at this stage can’t properly understand ideas e.g numbers, mass. Children have egocentric thinking
What is the concrete stage?
Children’s reasoning becomes logical providing that issues are concrete- understand theory of conservation
What is the formal operational stage?
Develops abstract thinking- enables indvs to think through complicated ideas in their hands without having to see concrete images
Including the stages for the 1st point what did piaget say about them and whats the criticism?
Its natural for a child with cognitive ability, criticism: not all children go through all the stages, vygotsky sees stages as a continual progress
2nd point each child has what? criticism? (setting)
innate ability to pass through all the stages for example the ability to conserve in concrete stage- during the stages the indvs schemas are accomodating new ideas. criticism: he fails to consider social setting impacting development, bruner- parental imput can cause a child to think logically
3rd point: he offered what to each stage, criticism?
ages for each stage e.g preoperational is for 2-7 years, criticism: stages arnt fluid enough- children pass through stages at different times- gesell