A1- physical development across the life stages Flashcards
3 examples of fine motor skills (0-2yrs):
Fist grip, 4 finger grip and pincer grip
4 mobility developments:
Sitting when assisted (4 months), Sitting alone (7 months), Cruising (9 months), Walking (12 months)
3 examples of permanent reflexes?
Blinking, Swallowing, breathing reflex
What are postural reflexes?
Automatic movements that control the equilbration we requireonce upright and moving and having to combat the effects of gravity
What are primitive reflexes?
Reflex actions that originating in the central nervous system
Exhibited by normal infants but if a traumatic birth then these reflexes may last longer than normal
3 examples of primitive reflexes?
Sucking, moro and walking reflex
What are gross motor skills?
Larger muscular movements such as crawling, walking and independent sitting
What are fine motor skills?
Small muscular movements such as grasping, holding a rattle and drawing
3 examples of fine motor skills for 2-3 year olds?
Stringing 3-4 large beads, turning a single page in a book, eating without assistance
What age range is it when a child can eat without assistance (fine motor skill)?
2-3 years old
3 examples of fine motor skills for 3-4 year olds?
Stringing a sequence of small beads onto string, opening lunch boxes, holding a pencil with their thumb and finger on opposite sides
3 examples of fine motor skills for 4-5 year olds:
Coordinating hands to brush teeth or hair, holding a pencil with a tripod grasp, writing their name
3 examples of fine motor skills for 5-6 year olds
Dressing and undressing independently (excluding shoe laces), writing numbers 1-10 independtly, holding a pencil with a 3 finger grasp- generating movement
3 examples of fine motor skills for a 6-7 year old
Forming letters and numbers correctly, toileting independently, writing on lines
3 examples of fine motor skills for a 7-8 year old
Writing neatly, using a knife and fork for most foods,